Fire Survival Guidance Flashcards
What is a Fire Survival Guidance call defined as?
A call to control by someone unable to leave their premises due to fire. The Control Officer will remain on the line with that caller.
When would a Fire Survival Guidance call be terminated?
1) When the caller is able to leave by their own means.
2) When the caller is rescued by LFB.
3) When the telephone line is cleared*
* This call can over but still needs to be actions by LFB staff
Who is responsible for determining if a call is an FSG call?
Control Staff
List the 4 principles control offices use to manage FSG calls?
1) escape
2) assess
3) protect
4) rescue
Who can prioritise FSG calls?
Control staff can prioritise calls, however Incident Commanders should direct resources to those most at risk using information from the scene and gained via control.
Once a FSG call is determined who will be informed?
The ICP will be told and the OIC should consider allocating resources to maintain a listening watch
What information will control try and pass onto the OIC?
1) Number of flat or house
2) Number of persons involved
3) location of caller and access point
4) smoke conditions at location
5) proximity to fire if known
6) latest advice given by control
7) Time of FSG call
8) Time FSG call was updated
What considerations should OIC is make when receiving FSG calls?
OIC should prioritise resources to handle FSG making them a ‘high priority’
OIC should consider ordering extra resources to support with FSG
OIC should consider using the first command unit to deal with FSG calls and order a second command unit to support with incident command
OIC should consider early allocation of dedicated handheld radio channel for passing on information
The OIC should send a message to control making this persons reported
The OIC should consider (in exceptional circumstances) overriding controls advice where appropriate
What extra resources will be mobilised toFSG calls?
One command unit One Station Manager F I U Second command unit for FSG Additional Station Manager for FSG Additional Pump Ladder with Watch Manager in charge for FSG
What is the minimum rank of a FSG co-ordinator?
Station Manager