Fire Communications Flashcards
Who provides an overview of communications and equipment?
Dispatch or fire alarm dispatch
What reference states that all fire 1 should be qualified in fire communications?
NFPA 1001
Standard for fire fighter professional qualifications
What is the role of a telecommunicator
Relays all communications for emergency and relaying appropriate responses within 1 min
Public safety answering point
Forwards emergency calls to the station and in duty officer who takes he role as dispatcher
Telecommunicators stay in contact with who?
Incident commander
Skills needed for a telecommunicator includes
Basic reading skills
Basic writing skills
Ability to speak clearly
Ability to follow written and verbal instructions
What is a CAD?
Computer aided dispatch
System containing sophisticated mapping displays
Communication center
Is the nerve center of emergency response, the point which nearly all information is processed and acted upon
The public telephone system
Is the most wildly used method for transmitting fire alarms
Commercial phone system
Accesses the public network
Direct lines
Don’t not have access to public switch rather a single network with no dial tone
Telecommunications device for deaf
Text phone
What types of radios are with mobile and individuals
Mobile radios
Portable radios
Voice recorders
Document emergency telephone calls radio traffic and dispatch information
How many types of voice recorders are there?
The continuous
The intermittent
Radio log
Is the traditional means of recording emergency transmissions at the Telecommunicators center
As a dispatcher what do you ask if it is safe for the caller too do so?
Location if different than incident
Callback number
Public alerting systems
Systems that may be used by anyone to report an emergency
Called party hold
Is a featured that allows a telecommunicator to maintain access to a callers phone line
Forced disconnect
Reverse of call party for Telecommunicators
Ring back
Allows call back if the caller hangs up
Enhanced 9-11
Combine telephone and CADs to provide a callers location and number and directions to the caller and information about the address
What is the emergency frequency
CB channel 9
Radio alarm box
Call box
Or emergency telephones
National incident management systems
Policy utilizing clear txt instead of 10 codes
Count ability report
United States fire administration
Outlines how to fill out a incident report
PC system to transfers incident reports
Local energy systems
Auxiliary alarm system within an occupancy
Municipal alarm circuit extends to protected property
Parallel telephone
Do not interconnect
Remote station
Codes linked to the dispatcher