Fire Administration Flashcards
Professional qualifications for fire and EMS Administration
3 areas of Competency 1 training 2 experience 3 education
Four main responsibilities of management
One planning 2 organizing 3 directing 4 controlling
Planning- includes creating and defining goals and making important decisions and establishing strategic plans to achieve these goals
Organizing -is the process of determining what tasks need to be done and who is to perform these tasks
Directing -the organization involves many tasks such as motivating staff supervising staff communicating with members spotting non-compliance administering appropriate disciplinary actions resolving conflicts
Controlling refers to monitoring performance measuring outcomes and progress towards goals making making any adjustments necessary
Decision making
One of the qualities of an effective manager is the ability to make the right decision in the face of unfamiliar circumstances
Many experts believe that a person’s subconscious mind goes all the acquired knowledge ethical values past experiences training and skills that are used for complex problem solving sleep on it if possible
Group decision making
Optimal size 5 to 15 members
NFPA might have 30 members
Group decisions
Reasons for bad decisions is lack of information
Change facts
Only through questioning the status quo culture, tradition does real change occur in the organization
Forward thinking
This technique is used to ensure That the decision takes into consideration what may happen in the future
Question on test 51
Directing can occur through direct supervision or voluntary compliance and varies with the objective to be accomplished
Its process of a manager instructing the members under his or her authority to accomplish in organisational objective
Motivating staff
Studies show that recognition and Status have a more lasting impact on output then raises or bonuses
Controlling is the management function that ensures completion of all steps to accomplish the organization’s goals and provide feedback on any unintended consequences
Taking corrective action
When a manager finds it is necessary to take corrective action First Step maybe a feedback session with employee feedback is an important part of the manager’s responsibilities because it can help correct the performance of an individual or identify problems with a policy
Test 51
Leading by example
Leading or rather managing by examples one of the most powerful methods of encouragement it manager can offer
Key traits of leadership
Can be gained through higher education continued learning increases a person’s confidence and intuition and selling new ideas to others confidence is extremely important
Another trait is the ability to listen an important skill for all leaders listening helps managers gain vital knowledge about the support or opposition to their proposals
Managing by walking around
Is the management strategy in which managers physically visit all areas of the organization this can be extreme for extremely helpful
Allows for direct Supervision in increased communication because managers can spend up to 60% of their time out in the field managers can speak with personnel and a first-hand observations at emergency incident
Assessing managerial performance
The manager’s performance should be measured by the two key criteria of efficiency and effectiveness
Steps to help a leader create change
Identify the need for Change and create a sense of urgency
Create a guiding coalition test question 51
Develop a vision
Communicate the vision
Overcome barriers and resistance
Create short-term wins
Institutionalize change
Step 1 identify the need for Change and create a sense of urgency
With this Vision the leader must be able to convince 10 to 15% of the members that this is a good idea before formally starting the change process
Step 3 Develop a vision
A vision is a goal a good leader has a Clear Vision of where they want to take the organization in the future position is a result of the leaders formal education intuition common sense and Professional Training couple years of experience the leader is the source of the change proposal
Step for communicate the vision
Explaining your vision Vision should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes by using analogies you have simple request in clear justification for your vision that others can understand
Also leadership by example
Step 5 overcoming barriers
The most important step of overcoming barriers is identify them The Guiding Coalition may prove to be an excellent resource for identifying problems and developing possible solutions
Identifying the problem is always the hardest part of any change process citing the experience of another department can be very helpful in selling a proposed solution
Method to communicate a vision
Creating Sops another effective method to communicate a vision
Test question 51, 53
Leaders can help reduce members resistance by?
Consistently and vigorously enforcing the rules and regulations that Define the change
Facilitating meetings where members can voice their opinions and concerns
What did members efforts to overcome resistance and embrace change
InCorporateding members into the decision making process encouraging members to deal appropriately with apprehension and stress associated with the change
Step 6 create short-term goals
Short-term wins are also very effective at keeping the urgency at high-level they can be incentive such as recognition money or both
Short-term goals should have the following three characteristics 1.visibility to the entire organization 2 clear inan ambiguous outcomes 3 outcomes that are a direct consequence of the change
Step 7 institutionalize to change
Pertain to become permanent the underlying culture with organization must change
Culture change is the final step in institutionalizing a change
Fire suppression
A department might want to Benchmark their response times
Built-up areas the insurance Service office generally equates 3 minute response time to a response distance of 1.5 road
Nfpa notes Department should operate on the assumption that prevention of flashover requires a response in less than 10 minutes
Training fact
One of the best training drills that results in higher levels of Competency and morale is the live fire drill it can also be one of the most dangerous and should not be done without extensive planning and research
Are the basis for consistent and reliable levels of service they should be followed up with few exceptions
NFPA 1500
Is the standard on fire department occupational safety and health program NFPA 1500 requirements ensure that members of the FES organizations will be competent professionals
Safety fact
Vehicle accident prevention next to heart attacks vehicle crashes are the most common cause of Duty related firefighter deaths
Exam 51 personal protective equipment
Some cancers such as colon cancer and brain cancer are being reported in a higher percentage of firefighters than in the General Public
Initial fire attack goals
Three areas training frequency, SOPs, and staffing should be considered individually in an in combination when analyzing a department’s problems with meeting competencies
Critical incident questions
Test question
Can the incident be mitigated by normal coping mechanisms ?
Does the person have a good social support network?
Does the company or agency have good critical incident stress management?
OSHA’s general duty clause
Test question
Does clause require each employer to furnish your place of employment that is safe from hazards that are likely to cause injury sickness or death
Response time requirements
NFPA 1710 response time requirements for structural fire state that the first do engine must arrive within 4 minutes 80 seconds are allowed for turnout or the full first alarm assignment must be made within 8 minutes 80 seconds are again allowed for turnout
4 person companies
The preferred method of complying with NFPA 1710 is to provide on duty in station Staffing of three firefighters and one officer per company
Damage to professional reputation
Even though a lie often does bring at least a short-term gain and power over those deceived some studies indicate that it may take up 2 YEARS for others to acknowledge any positive changes in Behavior made by a person or an organization
The future
Measure future performance valid outcomes directly resulted from imput are needed the combination of valid data from a number of external sources broad Communications and that information inside an organization in a willingness to do honestly with the feedback will go a long way towards squashing complacency
Technology and research
Competency at the emergency scene is the result of three separate functions number1 confident personel number 2 equipment number 3 command standard operating procedures
Exam 55
Though consolidation usually results in savings for the city and its residents in addition these larger fire departments tend to be more efficient and effective because of their greater resources and funding levels
Higher education
The key to leadership in change management is higher education without change their connect cannot be progress
Advice for the future
Be optimistic and place yourself in a positive environment with positive people
Decide on your dreams and goals and develop a plan to reach them
Act on your goals now is a good time to start
Continue to learn and acquire new skills
Work hard and do not give up on your goals perseverance can overcome most obstacles
Be analytical get the facts and learn from mistakes
Stay focused do not let others distract you
Do not be afraid to be different and innovative