Fiqh Flashcards
what is the 1 point on wudhu?
A person wudhu will only break if the blood actually flows from its place. if the blood does not flow and remains in its place the wudhu will not be broken.
what is 2 point on wudhu?
if the person wearing a tight ring,he must ensure water reaches the skin beneath the ring.this is a wajib requirement.
what is the 3 point on wudhu?
if anything sticks onto the skin which stops water from reaching the skin below . it is compulsory you must remove the substance,for an example paint
what is the 4 point on wudhu?
if the person laughs in salah to exent that another person could hear it the salah and wudhu is broken
what is point 5 point on wudhu?
if a person falls asleep whilst sitting on the ground cross legged his wudhu will not break similarly if a person leans on something whilst his bottom firmly on the ground his wudhu will not break
what is 6 point on wudhu?
if a person has doubt whether they have wudhu or no they should look to certainty with regard to wudhu,if they are sure of performing wudhu earlier are unsure about breaking it the they should consider it is unbroke
what is 7 point on wudhu?
if a person to forgets to wash a limb and remembers afterwards it is not necessary to repeat the wudhu washing the limb alone will be sufficient
what is 8 point on wudhu?
it is not permissible to touch the quran except with wudhu,likewise if an ayah is writt
what is 9 point on wudhu?
wudhu is not broken by cutting one hair or nails
what is 10 point on wudhu?
if a person has a light beard such that the skin under the beard remains visible, then its is necessary that the water used during wudhu reaches his facial hair.
what is 11 point on wudhu?
if from the eye or ear liquid leaks,then one must see whether or not it is from a wound , if it water is from the wound then wudhu will break
what is 12 point on wudhu?
it is desirable and good to perform fresh wudhu for every salah even if one has wudhu already
what is 13 point on wudhu?
if one has long nails it is essential that water reaches under them
what is hayd?
the monthly period in girls
what is maturity called?
what maximum days and numbers for hayd?
the minimum period for hayd is 3 days (72 hours)
the maximum days is 10 days (240 hours )
what actions are forbidden during hayd?
1) touching the quran (with any parts of her body or clothes)
2) reading the quran (quranic duas are allowed to be recited with intention of dua)
3) Performing salah (there will be no qada for salah
4) Fasting ( however make up missed days)
5) Tawaf
6) entering a masjid