Finite State Automata - 02 Flashcards
What is an abstraction of an FSA? Why do abstraction?
An FSA A_B is an abstraction of an FSA A_A, if SIOS_B is a superset of SIOS_A. Abstracting FSA has fewer states than the original FSA and thus is much easier to analyze. Furthermore, there is lliveness (if all IOS in SIOS_B fulfill a property, all sequences in SIOS_A fulfill this property) and safety (if no IOS in SIOS_B fulfills a property, then no IOS in SIOS_A fulfills this property).
What is a simulation of an FSA?
For a simulation, not only do the outputs have to be equal, but the states also have to be within a simulation relation,
which is a set of state pairs S_AB ⊂ Z_A × Z_B. If an FSA simulates another FSA, it is also an abstraction of that FSA.
What is bisimulation?
One speaks of a bisimulation if an FSA A_B simulates an FSA A_A and vice-versa. Prove that a FSA does
not simulate the other by counterexample.
Name a difference between Mealy and Moore machines.
Mealy output function depends on state and input, whereas Moore depends only on state. This means Moore is conceptually simpler but may require many more states than Mealy machines.