Finishing and Polishing Cast Gold & All Ceramic Restorations Flashcards
Steps after waxing up a gold crown
*Send it to the lab for casting it- they use the same technique I have showed
in my investing and casting lecture earlier.
*Lab returns a gold casted crown with sprue.
Patient Try-In (Lab Procedures – Use Typodont)
*(Anesthesia when necessary)
*Remove interim crown; clean with explorer / pumice
Hypersensitivity –
postpone cementation.
*Perfect the interim crown and cement with ZOE (TempBond).
Airway Protection –
Throat Pack
Gauze 4X4 / upright position (not more than 45o recline)
Sequence of Clinical Steps- VVV IMP
- Proximal contacts
- Internal fit
- Marginal integrity
- (Stability & Retention)
- Occlusion
- External contours
- Surface finish
Patient Try-In: Seating Crown
*Seat crown with finger pressure
*Observe relationship to other teeth and tissues
*Marginal ridges and proximal contacts
*Marginal closure
—- most often prevent crown from seating intraorally.
*Proximal contacts
Patient Try-In:
#1. Evaluate and adjust proximal contacts
*Proximal contacts most often prevent crown from seating intraorally.
*Mark with
Accufilm; adjust with abrasive wheel
*(Cuttle fine or blue disc; adjust from below and upward)
*Not with a finishing bur or diamond point
Craytex Wheel or Fine Sandpaper Disc
Grind from inferior border of heavy marking
Burlew Wheel Finish
Proximal Contacts
*Adjust to correct size, shape, and tightness.
*Leave very slightly tight to allow for final polish.
Proximal Contacts
*Evaluate contacts visually, with floss, and with shimstock.
*Place articulating film between casting and adjacent tooth, seat crown.
*Selectively adjust region of binding
Selectively adjust region of binding:
*Inferior portion of mark
*Craytex wheel, Burlew wheel, Shofu Brownie polishing discs
Seating the Crown: Proximal Contacts
*Place the crown and check for appropriate proximal contacts using
shimstock and then Accufilm.
*Check the location and intensity of the proximal contacts:
*Place shimstock interproximally (should drag through with resistance)
Seating the Crown: Proximal Contacts
*Check the location and intensity of each of the proximal contacts:
*Place Accufilm interproximally to evaluate where the crown should be —
*Use the — disc if slight adjustment is necessary; the (2) may be used if more significant reduction is necessary.
adjusted, if necessary.
separating disc or
diamond disc
Seating the Crown: Internal Fit
*Fit crown to tooth using
Blue Fit Checker (any binding areas are more
easily visible than with White Fit Checker).
Internal Surface (intaglio)
binocular microscope or loupes
*Identify and remove “positive” contacts
*Fit Checker, disclosing wax
*Burn through – nodules, internal line and point angles
*Selective grinding – #1 round carbide
*Remove slight excess
*Indiscriminate removal is unacceptable
*Repeat steps
*Sandblast and steam clean as final step
Fit crown to tooth using Blue Fit Checker*Clinically, if adjustment is necessary, adjust the preparation using
a fine grit
diamond; not the intaglio of the all-ceramic crown.
Using Accuflim IV as the fit checker
*Clinically, if adjustment is necessary, adjust the preparation using a fine grit diamond.
Accufilm IV can be used to mark the
intaglio of the crown, which will make a
corresponding mark on the prep.
*Is this normal?
Clean the Restoration
*Clean intaglio surface which has been contaminated with Accufilm IV
*In addition, the surface can also be cleaned with
Q-tips and solvent (rinse thoroughly and dry).
etchant gel and rinsed
Sprue Removal
*Remove the sprue using the
separating disc mounted on the mandrel with the slow-speed handpiece (HP).
*Smooth the roughened surface with the Blue rubber abrasive disc.
Seating the Crown:
Evaluate Complete Seating / Margin Adaptation
*Evaluate the marginal integrity using the
cowhorn or perio explorer for
vertical closure, as well as the horizontal contour and extension.
A small — can be corrected
by carefully adjusting the casting.
Marginal Integrity
*Check for completeness of seating and marginal adaptation.
*Remove any
*Fine grit diamond disc
*Blue course polishing wheel
over-extension of ceramic material.
Adjustment of long, thick margin
*Remove excess with
*Polish with fine rubber disc
*View from inside / outside casting as you go
Burlew wheel