Finished Product Quality Control Flashcards
Shows how well a tablet resists chipping and crumbling when external stresses are applied (Quality control tests)
Friability test
Device that subjects a number of tablets to the combined effects of abrasion and shock; used in friability test
A friabilator revolves at __________ rpm, dropping the tablets at a distance of 6 inches with each revolution
A friabilator revolves at 25 rpm, dropping the tablets a distance of __________ inches with each revolution
6 inches
Process where water is pulled into pores by the disintegrant and reduces the physical bonding forces between particles
Process where particles swell and breakup the matrix from within due to the disintegrant
Disintegrants that are mixed with other ingredients prior to granulation and thus be incorporated within the granules (Types of disintegrants)
Intragranular disintegrant
Disintegrants that are mixed with the dry granules before the complete powder mix is compacted (Types of disintegrants)
Extragranular disintegrant
Apparatus used in disintegration test
Basket-rack assembly
Temperature (Basket-rack assembly setting)
37°C +/- 2°C
Cycles (Basket-rack assembly setting)
29-32 cycles/min
Sample size (Basket-rack assembly setting)
6 tablets
Plain, coated tablet and capsules (Time requirement for disintegration)
Water - 30 mins
Enteric coated tablet (Time requirement for disintegration)
Water - 5 minutes soaking
Simulated gastric juice - 1 hour
Simulated intestinal juice - 1 hour
Buccal tablet (Time requirement for disintegration)
Water - 4 hours
Sublingual tablets (Time requirement for disintegration)
Water - 3 minutes
Used to evaluate as to whether or not a tablet releases its drug contents when placed in the environment of the GI tract (Quality control tests)
Dissolution test
Useful for tablets, capsules, floaters, beads, and modified release (USP apparatus for dissolution test)
Apparatus 1 (Rotating basket)
Useful for tablets, modified release, and transdermal patch (USP apparatus for dissolution test)
Apparatus 2 (Paddle assembly)
First line apparatus in product development of controlled-release preparation (USP apparatus for dissolution test)
Apparatus 3 (Reciprocating cylinder/Bio-dis)
Useful for low solubility drugs, rapid degradation, and media pH change (USP apparatus for dissolution test)
Apparatus 4 (Flow-through cell)