Finish the quote... Flashcards
It was too-
It was more like a-
I want to do-
something that matters.
Extravagantly, guiltily-
He’d wondered all his life-
what his profession should be, and now he was certain.
[Laura had] left him onstage-
performing CPR on a dead actor and gone home.
divorces…can you imagine?
the divide between _______ and ________.
before and after
he added a bouquet-
of daffodils.
the era when it was possible to press a series of buttons on a telephone-
and speak with someone on the far side of the earth.
An incomplete ________.
in a life-
she mostly couldn’t remember
The first _________ years.
four or five families-
living together in a former truck shop.
Kirsten and August broke into-
abandoned houses.
a wash of-
electric blue light.
Elizabeth, a _________-looking blonde.
petty jealousies, neuroses-
…undiagnosed PTSD cases and simmering resentments
what made it bearable-
were…the moments of transcendent beauty and joy.
Civilization in Year Twenty-
weas an archipelago of small towns.
that ludicrously ______ world.
the truth was that-
the Symphony was their only home
Queen Anne’s lace-
whispering against Kirsten’s outstretched hand.
The late-afternoon light, the wildflowers,-
the dragonflies gliding on currents of air.
What was lost in the collapse:-
almost everything, almost everyone, but there is still such beauty.
1594: the year-
London’s theatres reopened after two seasons of plague.
Plague closed-
the theatres again and again, death flickering over the landscape.
Twilight once more lit-
by candles, the age of electricity having come and gone
Because survival-
is insufficient.
this beautiful respite-
from our daily cares.
everything that has ever happened on this earth-
has happened for a reason.
divine _________
We are the ________. We are the ________.
light, pure
everyone here, of course,-
is free to go as they please.
There’s more than-
one way to die.
There’s death of the body,-
and there’s the death of the soul.
when people leave without permission,-
we have funerals for them.
He suggested that-
we consider leaving Alexandra.
he’s looking-
for another bride.
Being alive-
is a risk.
no practical use-
whatsoever…but she found it beautiful.
[Delano island] was _________ and __________.
gorgeous and claustrophobic
[Arthur] loved it and-
[he] always wanted to escape.
this _______ city
Arthur lives in a-
permanent state of disorientation
The revelation of privacy: she can walk down the street and-
absolutely no one knows who she is.
he’s stepped into a world where-
people know him when he doesn’t know them…
photographers got used to taking his picture when he was holding hands with-
more famous people.
I wasn’t-
being strategic
he is becoming-
extremely, unpleasantly famous.
Thea, who is impeccable in a-
smooth, corporate way
My poor corporate baby-
…lost in the machine.
how calm she always is…how __________.
It is sometimes necessary-
to break everything.
She is paying the entire rent on their apartment,-
and he’s verifying that she’s actually at her job.
You’re always half-
on Station Eleven.
You don’t have to-
understand it…It’s mine.
the beautiful wreckage of-
Station Eleven.
Station Eleven will be-
my constant.
I repent-
Miranda is a person with very few certainties,-
but one of them is that only the dishonorable leave when things get difficult.
Can you call the pursuit of-
happiness dishonorable?
She is marooned-
one a strange planet.
It’s the work itself-
that’s important to me.
What’s the point of doing all that work-
…if no one sees it?
everything happens-
for a reason
I prefer you-
with a crown.
The dinner party looks-
like a diorama.
How could they be so _______?
The two moons float side by side on the surface. The fake moon-
which has the advantage of being closer and not obscured by fog, is almost always brighter than the real one.
This life was never ours-
…We were only ever borrowing it.
[Miranda] splashes her feet in the water-
to watch the moon reflection ripple and break.
I live on that kind of gossip-
…what I live for is something different.
What do you live for?
Truth and beauty.
In the next version of her life-
…she will be entirely independent.
The sensation of being in a dream…only she isn’t sure-
if she’s fighting to wake up or to stay asleep.
The feeling that-
one’s life resembles a movie.
We were not meant for this world.-
Lat us go home.
I stood looking over my damaged home-
and tried to forget the sweetness of life on earth.
No one ever thinks they’re awful,-
even people who really actually are.
I’d prefer not to think-
that I’m following a script
clothes are _______
[Miranda] lives mostly-
out of a carry-on suitcase
She lives a life-
that feels like freedom
________ ________ is all around them.
Station Eleven
you don’t know where you’re going unless-
you know where you’re going
I’ve been-
indecently lucky
He was-
[Kirsten has] some problems with memory.-
[She] can’t remember very much from before the collapse.
Not uncommon among-
people who were children when it happened.
It’s much less dangerous-
than it used to be.
Some places, you pass through once-
and never return
Other towns, discussion-
of the past is discouraged.
You can’t argue with them-
because they live by an entirely different logic.
Sometimes the travelling symphony thought-
that what they were doing was noble.
it seemed a difficult-
and dangerous way to survive and hardly worth it.
is insufficient.
Two ______ ________ … inked to mark specific events.
black knives
if she could only-
remember [her parents] faces
The wildflowers growing by the roadside were-
abstract…paint dots of pink and purple ad blue in the grass.
[Eleanor] is promised-
to the prophet.
Why would he-
marry a twelve-year-old?
God told him he was to-
repopulate the earth.
their leader was known only as-
the prophet and had three wives.
the prophet added the mayor’s wife-
to his collection
Within a week it became obvious-
that the town was his.
A sea of-
pink flowers
Someone always got-
executed in the bathroom.
Because we are looking for the former world-
before all traces of the former world are gone.
There was a fair chance, Kirsten thought,-
that Alexandra would live out her life without killing anyone.
I dreamt last night-
I saw an airplane.
If I ever saw an airplane, that meant that-
somewhere planes still took off.
For a whole decade after the pandemic,-
I kept looking at the sky.
She remembered the drink-
but not her mother’s face.
clusters and pinpoints of light in the darkness,-
scattered constellations linked by roads or alone.
The beauty of it,-
the loneliness
in what other life would I-
get to perform Shakespeare?