Fingerprints Flashcards
What are dermal papillae? Where can this be found on our body?
This is an extra layer within our skin between our epidermis (top layer) and dermis (bottom). This structure has hills and valleys. It exists on our finger tips, hands, and feet.
What are friction ridges?
The shape of our dermal papillae shows on the epidermis (outer skin layer) as friction ridges. This is why we have fingerprints.
In areas with dermal papillae and friction ridges, we have sweat glands but we don’t have oil glands. Why?
Oil would make it difficult to walk or hold things. Friction ridges exist to improve our grasp.
In utero, we develop finger ridges by _ _ weeks of life?
What are the 3 fingerprint patterns?
Loops, whorls, and arches.
What are type lines?
They are friction ridges that don’t contribute to the pattern (whorl, loop, arch).
What is the core of a fingerprint?
It is the center of the pattern.
What is the delta of a fingerprint?
It is where the type lines become a pattern.
A fingerprint with one core, two deltas, and resembles a bull’s eye is a _?
In this fingerprint, the pattern comes in from one side, loops around, and goes out the same side. It has 1 core and 1 delta. It is a _?
This fingerprint pattern has no delta or core. What is it?
What is minituae?
It is individual characteristics of the ridges making up the fingerprint.
1) In theory, how many individual characteristics are needed for identification?
2) How many does MD require to take the case to court?
3) How many does Europe require to take the case to court?
1) 1
2) 8
3) 16
True or False: Chimps have prints that are easily confused with human prints.
Who is Roscoe Pitts?
He is a repeat offender who kept getting caught because of his fingerprints. He had a physician remove his finger tips and replace them from skin from his torso. His fingerprints were destroyed but his fingers and palms were still identifiable.