Finding Disease Genes Flashcards
why is it hard to predict the disease base on gene hard?
Low Odds Ratio
Odds Ratio
Risk metric
OR= risk of disease in given gene variant/ risk of disease without given gene variant
two approaches to find gene?
function to gene (old way) gene to function (new, more effective)
how do we map the gene?
DNA markers
3 types of DNA markers
- microsatellites
- single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
- copy number variations (CNVs)
simple sequence repeats
multi allelic
used for foresnsics
1/30000 bp
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
- occurrence/allele frequencies differ in different ethic groups/populations
- occurs in haplotype
- macro patterns of polymorphic genotypes on the same chromosome
- recombination sets it
haplotype block
- linkage disequilibrium:
- marker alleles within blocks tend to be co inherited
- recombination within block is uncommon
Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
common genomic deletions
*most not causal for human disease.
Hypothesis driven approach, 1
- candidate gene DNA sequencing
(hit from GWAS or other mapping method) works for mendalion)
- most hypotheses wrong
Hypothesis driven, 2
- Candidate gene association study
(test gene/causal variant indirectly)
- most common genetic study
- depends on biological(priori biological hypothesis) positional candidate (positional hypothesis)
- most powerful for common risk alleles with small to moderate ORs (complex, polygenic traits)
- most priori biological hypotheses—> wrong
- ***fetal flaws lead to false positives
Candidate Gene Association Study– concepts
- causal disease variation in candidate gene tagged by local hyplotype of polymorphic DNA markers
- depends on linkage disequilibrium
candidate gene association study–approach
case control study design
1. genotype marker in candidate gene (for both experimental groups and controls)
- compare allele frequencies btw the two groups
Facts about genetic assoication studies
- simple
- big size number of cases and controls (hundreds)
- simple stats (p value, chi square, fisher exact test)
- if multiple variants tested, must have multiple testing correction
- no causation
- imply linkage disequlibrium with mutation
case control genetic association study’s false positive’s reasons
- multiple testing correction not including all tests done by others including never published one.
- background genetic variation influence due to imperfect matching of cases and controls.
- even in homogenous population stratification can give false positive.
Hypothesis free approach, 1
Genetic linkage analysis
- search genome for segments co-inherited disproportionately with disease through multiplex families
- affected relatives within family share disease susceptibility genes “identical by descent”
- powerful for mendelian
- less powerful for complex traits
centi Morgan (cM)
the unit of genetic distance/recombination
statistical measure is LOD (log of odds) score
significance level: LOD >_ 3.0 is considred proof of linkage/gene localization
Hypothesis free approach, 2
Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
- same as case control association study except so many SNPs across entire chromosome.
- look for SNPs with significantly different alleles frequencies in cases versus controls
- can do right multiple testing correction
- entire genome representation fixes the population stratification
Genome Wide Association study facts
- very large number of SNPs tested gives huge multiple testing problems (requires a lot of cases and control)
- significant assocaition—>needs confirmation by independent replication (follow up association study of specific SNPs)
- no hypothesis needed
- can discover new genes
- most effective for common alleles with small to moderate ORs (effective size)
Combined hypothesis based and hypothesis free approaches
deep re sequencing
- biological candidate genes
- GWAS signals
- full genome or exome sequencing
- causal variants from non pathological variation
- prioritize for follow up functional analysis
Exom/genome sequencing in mendelian disorder
- lots of genomic noise
- going to be fairly routine clinical test for us?