Financial Statement Accounts(SFCPA) Flashcards
Statement of financial position
Balance sheet for not-for-profit organizations
Assets= liabilities + net assets
Net assets without donor restrictions
Assets that the NFP can use how they want
Net assets with donor restrictions
Net assets with either a time restriction, purpose restriction, or a permanent restriction.
Set by donor at time of donation
Program services
Expenses directly related to the programs that perform the mission of the NFP
Supporting services
Management, general expenses, and fund raising (NFP)
Large accelerated filer
Files 10K within 60 days of fiscal YE and 10Q within 40 days end of quarter
Market value of $700 million or more
Accelerated filer
Market value between $75-700 million. 10k within 75days YE and 10Q within 40 days
Non-accelerated filer
Market value less than $75million.
10k within 90days YE and 10Q within 45days QE
Basic earnings per share
(net income - preferred stock dividends) / weighted avg. # of outstanding common shares
Direct write off method
Rarely used- doesn’t conform to GAAP.
DR. bad debt expense
CR. A/Right
Allowance method
To write off uncollectible debt
DR. allowance for doubtful accounts
Factoring receivables without recourse
DR Loss on sale of receivables
(Company assigns their receivables to a factor,usually a bank, for a fee, and receives a cash in return)
without recourse is considered sale of receivables
Factoring receivables WITH recourse
DR. Cash
DR. Loss on sale of receivables
CR. Recourse liability
(Company assigns their receivables to a factor,usually a bank, for a fee, and receives a cash in return)
With recourse treated as sale or borrowing. May be required to buy back receivables or make payments
Secured borrowing
Transferring receivables as collateral or to receive a loan. Transferee doesn’t have right to sell.
Net realizable value (NRV)
Selling price - costs of completion
Inventory costs
Purchase returns.
Freight in. (Shipping costs to get inventory to the warehouse)
Sales tax on acquisition
Insurance on transit
freight out (selling expense)
Interest on purchase (financing)
Carrying amount (PPE)
Historical cost (includes capitalized costs.)
Less accumulate depreciation
Less any impairment losses
Non monetary exchanges
WITH commercial substance
Asset acquired will significantly changes cash flows or item is significantly different
Gains/losses recognized in exchange
Treat as if asset was sold for FV
Non monetary exchanges
WITHOUT commercial substance
(Asset received in exchange doesn’t really change anything.)
- Loss always recognized, asset @ FV
- if gain but no cash received, no gain recognized: asset @ BV + any cash paid
- if gain and cash received, recognize gain in proportion to cash received: asset @ FV less unrecognized portion of gain
- if cash received to total consideration receive more than 25% then recognize full gain @FV
FOB destination
(Free on board) the ownership and risk of loss of the inventory doesn’t change until it reaches its destination (the buyers warehouse)
Seller owns inventory until it reaches buyer