Financial Reporting and Analysis Flashcards
What are the characteristics of investments in financial assets? How can they be measured and reported?
1) Investor has no significant influence (usually less than 20% of voting rights)
2) Measured and reported as:
- Fair value through profit and loss
- Fair value through other comprehensive income
- Amortized cost
3) Interest/Dividend income: reported in the income statement
4) IFRS and GAAP treat investments in financial assets in a similar manner
What is the IFRS approach to determine and measure the impairment loss of goodwill?
One-step approach: compare recoverable amount vs carrying amount. If recoverable amount is smaller than carrying amount, the difference is impaired.
What is the US GAAP approach to determine and measure the impairment loss of goodwill?
Two-step approach.
1) Identification by comparing recoverable amount and carrying amount
2) Measurement; Recoverable amount less net assets
What is a defined contribution pension plan?
Only the amount of contribution to the plan is defined. The eventual amount of the pension benefit to the employee will depend on the value of an employee’s plan assets at the time of retirement.
What is a defined benefit pension plan?
The amount of the pension benefit is defined, often determined by a plan formula.
What both IFRS and US GAAP require companies to report on their balance sheet regarding pension plan?`
Pension liability or asset (net)
= Projected Benefit Obligation - Fair Value of Plan Assets
(Also called minimum liability)
Under IFRS, what are the components of periodic pension cost recognised in P&L?
1) Service cost
2) Net interest income/expense
Under IFRS, what are the components of periodic pension cost recognised in OCI?
1) Remeasurement (Actuarial G/L)
2) Difference between actual return & amount included in net interest
Under US GAAP, what are the components of periodic pension cost recognised in P&L?
1) Current service cost
2) Interest expense on the pension obligation
3) Expected returns on plan assets (reduce the cost)
4) Actuarial G/L amortized via corridor
Under US GAAP, what are the components of periodic pension cost recognised in OCI?
1) Past service cost
2) Actuarial G/L (not amortized)
3) Difference between expected and actual returns on plan assets
What is the corridor method?
Corridor = 10% of Defined Benefit Obligation
If balance of unrecognized actuarial losses > Corridor, the difference is amortized
An increase in which variables increase the value of the option, thus the remuneration expense?
1) Risk-free rate
2) Expected life
3) Volatility
What is the effect of dividend-yield on option value?
Decrease value of option
What is the formula for periodic pension costs?
PPC = Ending funded status - Employer Contribution - Beginning funded status
When is a pension plan underfunded?
When Accumulated Benefit Obligation (ABO) > Value of pension plan assets
How can we calculate cash from operations from an economic perspective for pension plans?
Employer Contribution - Total pension expense = Excess payment over expense, which should be reclassified from CFO to CFF
What are the effects of foreign currency appreciation/depreciation for a company with export sale/import purchase?
Export sale (Asset exposure; A/R): Strengthens = Gain ; Weakens = Loss Import purchase (Liability exposure; A/P): Strenghtens = Loss ; Weakens = Gain
How companies must report foreign currency translation gain or loss, even when unrealized?
In net income ; can choose between operating or non-operating
If foreign currency is the functional currency, which method must be used?
Current rate method