Financial Reporting Analysis Flashcards
Soft pricing
the P&C insurance business is price-sensitive and cyclical where competitors are unafraid to cut prices to win business
Soft pricing: Price cutting drives out profitability creating a ‘soft’ market. Insurers reach a depleted level of capital.
Hard pricing
the P&C insurance business is price-sensitive and cyclical where competitors are unafraid to cut prices to win business
Hard pricing: Lessening of competition, underwriting standards tighten, creating a ‘hard’ pricing market. Premiums rise and profitability restored.
Equity Method
- Stakes of between 20% and 50% and joint ventures are generally reported using the equity method
- To avoid the opportunity for the company to trade with its associate just to boost profits, profit cannot be recognized on the income statement until sale of the goods to a third party has been confirmed
- Board representation, an interchange of personnel or technological dependency could all signify significant influence, making the use of the equity method more likely.
Noncontrolling (minority) interest that will be reflected under US GAAP.
Under US GAAP, the full goodwill method has to be used:
Currency translation methods
Presentation currency
The currency in which the financial statements are presented
Functional currency
The currency of the primary economic environment in which an entity operates. This is normally where an entity primarily spends and receives cash.
Local currency
The currency of the country in which the company operates.
Current rate method (‘translation’ or ‘all current’)
- Functional currency is the foreign currency
- Gains and losses direct to balance sheet through equity account (cumulative translation adjustment)
Temporal method (‘remeasurement’)
- Functional currency is the presentation currency
- Remeasurement gains and losses reported on income statement
Currency translation: Choosing the appropriate method
- Foreign currency is the functional currency (current rate method)
- For a self-contained, independent foreign subsidiary operating in local markets, functional currency = Foreign currency
- Presentation currency is the functional currency (temporal method)
- For a foreign subsidiary highly integrated into the parent, functional currency = Presentation currency
- For a foreign subsidiary in h_igh inflation environment_, functional currency = Presentation currency
What will help an analyst to understand the drivers of tax
A reconciliation between the effective tax rate and statutory tax rates will help an analyst to understand the drivers of tax.
Reclassification of investments
Under IFRS 9 reclassification is allowed for debt, but not for equities (irrevocable)
Debt may be reclassified ONLY if the business model has changed to significantly change operations. When deemed appropriate, tWhen financial assets are reclassified there is no restatement of prior periods at the reclassification date.
Variable interest/ special purpose entities (VIE/SPE)
Separate legal business entities established with the specific purpose of benefiting the sponsoring company. The sponsoring company might not own an equity interest in the VIE/SPE, but might hold other contractual interests (leases, loan guarantees, purchase options, etc.) that give it effective control
Application of VIE/SPEs: Receivables securitization
Classified as a VIE if:
- Equity interest is not sufficient to allow the entity to finance itself without support from the sponsoring company (in most cases, if equity at risk is less than 10% of total assets) or
- Equity investors lack any one of the following:
- Ability to make decisions, or
- Obligation to absorb losses, or
- Right to receive residual returns
- A sponsoring company must consolidate the VIE if it is the primary beneficiary of the entity i.e. it absorbs the majority of the risks and rewards of the VIE
Comparing temporal and current rate methods
Currency translation: Impact on financial ratios
Assuming the foreign currency is appreciating
Currency Translation: Effect of methods on financial ratios
- For the current rate method, if the ratio is a pure balance sheet ratio or a pure income statement ratio, the ratio will remain the same after translation
- The temporal method produces ratios that differ greatly from the foreign currency statements of the foreign subsidiary due to the mixing of current and historical exchange rates in income statement and balance sheet accounts
Penbsions: Net interest expense
Interest Cost = Discount rate x Opening obligation
Option valuation approach
Neither IFRS nor US GAAP specify the option valuation approach that must be used
Account for intercorporate investments
- The asset is recorded as a non-current asset
- recorded asset includes a proportionate share of the investee’s net assets and earnings.