Financial Position + Performance of a Business Flashcards
Types of Asset
Non-current (Fixed) Assets
- assets acquired by a business for long-term use
- as a result of capital expenditure
e. g. land and buildings, machinery, office furniture, motor vehicles - valued at historical cost
Current Assets
- assets held for sale or consumption during the businesses’ normal operating cycle i.e. short-term
- held for trading and expected to be sold within next year
e. g. inventories, bank and cash balances
Types of Liability
Non-Current Liabilities
- amounts due for repayment >1 year
n. b. become current when the due date is <1 year
e. g. long-term loans
Current Liabilities
- expected to be settled within the businesses normal operating cycle
- amounts due for repayment in <1 year
e. g. amounts owed to suppliers, bank overdrafts
- amounts invested by the owner
- amounts taken out of the business by the owner i.e. Drawings
n.b. Profit - Increase Capital
Losses- Decrease Capital
Five Main adjustments to Trial Balance
Closing Stock
-asset entered twice 1. T,P&L account 2. CA of Balance sheet
Bad/Doubtful Debts
revenue is recognised (included in SoPL) when the underlying transactions that gives to it occurs
e.g. sale of goods is made, a service is performed
Accruals Concept
Irregular Costs
- items which will be in the business for some time i.e. on assets
- Capital Expenditure
Ongoing Costs
-incurred regularly by a business
deducted from revenue in SoPL to give profit
expenses are matched against revenues earned in a period
-Revenue Expenditure
Matching Concept
Comparison of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account
SoPL prepared from: Trial Balance Main elements: income, expenses, profit period covered: a year main focus: profitability
BS prepared from: Trial Balance main elements: assets, liabilities, capital period covered: a point in time main focus: net assets
4 types of tangible/non-current/fixed assets
Land and Buildings
Plant and Machinery
Fixtures and Fittings
Motor Vehicles
n.b. for listed company collectively called property, plant & equipment
valued at historical cost
Wider roles of accounting
corporate social responsibility
how businesses are run and who runs them matter
includes concerns over corporate governance, ethics, social welfare and environmental practices
all stakeholders have interest
Boundaries of information
is restricted to the business =Business entity
is that which can be measured in monetary terms= Money Measurement
Is reported regularly, usually annually=Periodicity
underlying assumption= going concern
relevant to decision a user takes
faithfully represent the underlying transaction/item
Provision for Doubtful debt
set up for those debts it is dubious about collecting
increase = expense decrease= income
define overhead expenses
expenses deducted from gross profit are regular, ongoing costs of a business
e.g. salaries, rent, heat and light, insurance…
revenue is recognised (included in STP&L) when the underlying transaction that gives to it occurs
e.g. sales fo goods made, a service is performed.
Types of Expenses
- Irregular costs
on items which will be in the business for some time = Capital Expenditure
(recorded as an asset in STFP) - On-going costs
will be incurred regularly buy a business = Revenue Expenditure
(deducted from revenue is STPL to give profit)
expenses are matched against revenues earned in a period = Matching Concept
Matching concept
- income/profit is matched with any associated expenses/ revenue to determine appropriate profit or loss
- the measurement of profit, costs should be set against the revenue that they generate at the time this arises i.e. cause and effect relationship
- however- Not all costs can be directly matched to related revenues, and if this is the case, these costs should be written off as they are incurred
What is it when you purchase goods for resale?
recorded as purchases i.e. an expense
unsold goods are counted and recorded as inventories
Cost of Sales = Opening inventory + Purchases - Closing Inventory
Regulation of Listed Companies
In Europe, follow International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
(under IFRS,
-P&L account called income statement;
-sales called revenue; assets,
-capital and liabilities called equity
-stock called inventories
debtors called trade receivables)
Interpretation of Capital/revenue expenditure
- used for performance comparisons between companies for the same company over time
- used for the basis of investment decisions
- profitability ratios are used to assess a company’s performance over time relative to other companies
Methods of depreciation
Straight-line method
Reducing Balance method
Types of Stock
Raw Material Stocks
-stocks a company purchased and ready for use
- partially completed stocks (in process), neither raw nor finished goods
- partially manufactured goods
Finished goods stock
- end of the manufacturing process
- costs include material and other manufacturing costs e.g. labour and manufacturing overheads
n.b. stock valued at net realisable value/ lower costs
5 most common current assets
- stock
- prepayments
- debtors
- cash
- bank
define debtors
sales which have been made, but for which customers have not yet paid
-adjusted for those believe haven’t paid = B&D debts
in P and L account
Cash and Bank
actual money held by the business
cash comprises:
-petty cash
-unbanked cash
bank comprises:
- money deposited at the bank
- short-term loan
Types of Current Liabilities
- Creditors (Trade Payables)
- the amounts which are owed to suppliers for goods received, but not yet paid - Accruals
- expenses owed at the trial balance or balance sheet due
- an expense incurred but not yet paid (not excluded from PandL account) - Loans
- amounts a third party e.g. bank, loaned the company on short-term basis and due for repayment with 1 year
Define the Accruals Concept
- effects of transactions and other events are recognised when they occur, not as cash or its equivalent is received or paid, and they are recorded in the accounting records and reported in the financial statements in the periods to which they relate
e. g. sale occurs on date of delivery not when paid/ when invoice is received - provides useful information to users as it identifies the pattern of business transactions rather the flow of cash.
- includes definition of accruals and prepayment
Define Prudence
- assumes that the financial statements have been prepared on a prudent basis.
=user has confidence that no profits included are not earned / reasonably certain to be received.
define Materiality
- an item is considered material if its disclosure or non-disclosure could affect a decision taken by a user,
- assumes that only material items should be disclosed in financial statements
- applies to both the amount of an item and the nature of an item
define going concern
an entity will continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.
- any user looking at FS has the right to assume that the company is not going to liquidate
prior activities can indicate future activity
- assets will normally be valued at their historical cost = entity will operate for the remaining useful life of the non-current assets,
define entity concept
- allows the user to look at a reporting entity’s financial statements and to know that these represent the financial performance and position of the business unit and do not include any assets, liabilities, income and expenses that are not related to the business.
define substance over form
- when accounting for transactions and items the preparer should look at the economic or commercial substance of a transaction rather than its legal form.
- balances left e.g. debt/liability to make firm look healthier
define historic cost
- the transactions in an entity’s financial statements reflect the actual cost billed, or revenue charged, for items.
- it allows the user to see the history of management’s investment decisions from the statement of financial position