Financial Lecture 9 Flashcards
What are the basic sections of external financial reports for governmental entities using the integrated reporting model established by GASB 34?
Management’s discussion and analysis
What sections of the external financial reporting model represent the basic financial statements?
Government-wide financial statements
Fund financial statements
Notes to the financial statements
What is a CAFR?
What does it include?
CAFR: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
What are the minimum disclosure requirements on the government-wide statement of net position?
Primary government Discretely presented component units.
What are some of the major topis included in Management’s Discussion & Analysis (MD&A)?
Description of the basic financial statements
Identify the three components of net position displayed on government-wide financial statements.
Invested in capital assets, net
Define infrastructure assets, and describe where they are reported.
Infrastructure assets refer to streets, bridges, gutters, water systems, and other assets of the government.
What is the appropriate reporting treatment of donated works of art and historical treasures held by a government organization?
Government may elect not to capitalize donated works of art if works are protected and displayed and proceeds from any future dales are going to be reinvested in other works.
When are eliminated entries made as part of preparing government-wide financial statements?
Interfund activities between funds that are consolidated within governmental or business-type activity reporting categories are eliminated when preparing government-wide financial statements.
List the components of program revenues in the statement of activities. [SOC]
Services charges
State the reporting treatment of internal service funds.
Activities resulting from internal service funds are reporting in proprietary funds and should be reported in the government-wide financial statements, unless the government’s enterprise funds are primary recipient of internal service fund services.
What is the format of the government-wide statements of activities?
The government-wide statements of activities is presented in a net cost format defined as follow:
What is the threshold for identification as a major fund?
Total assets and deferred outflows of revenue, liabilities and deferred inflows of revenue, revenues, or expenditures.expenses of the individual fund are:
Name some significant potential reconciling items between fund balance accounts displayed on the balance sheer of the governmental funds’ financial statements and net position displayed in the government-wide balance sheet.
Reconciling items may result from differences in measurement focus or basis of accounting.
Name some significant potential reconciling items between changes in fund balance displayed on the statement of revenues expenditures and changes in fund balance in the governmental funds’ financial statements and the change in net position displayed in the government-wide statement of activities.
Reconciling items may result from differences in measurement focus or basis of accounting.
The statement of cash flows is prepared for which funds? What are the sections of the statement of cash flows?
A statement of cash flows is prepared for proprietary funds.
List the types of interfund transactions.
Reciprocal interfund activity: Nonreciprocal interfund activity:
Define a primary government. [SELF]
Primary governments are usually represented by a general-purpose government, such as a state, county, city or other jurisdiction that can stand by itSELF:
Define a component unit.
Component units are those governmental or not-for-profit organizations that either do not meet the criteria of a primary government or are so intertwined with the primary government that exclusion from the primary government’s financial statements would cause the primary government’s financial statements to be misleading.
What two methods are available for reporting component units of a primary government in the primary government’s financial statements?
Blended Discrete
Define the criteria for discrete and blended presentations of component units.
Blended: When the component unit is, in substance, the same as the primary government:
Discrete: When the criteria for blended presentation are not met.
Identify the basis of accounting for not-for-profit organizations.
Accrual basis of accounting
Name the primary authoritative source of GAAP for not-for-profit organizations.
Financial Accounting Standards Board
What financial statement are prepared for nongovernmental not-for-profit entities?
Statement of financial position
Name the classification of net assets.
Identify the four required elements in the statement of activities for not-for-profit organizations.
Change in total net assets
Name the classification of the statement of cash flows for not-for-profit organizations.
Cash flows from operating activities
Name the functional classification of expenses commonly used in not-for-profit organizations.
Program expenses
What are the recognition criteria for:
Cash contributions:
How are pledges accounted for?
Unconditional promises to contribute in the future (pledges) are reported as restricted support (time restriction), at the present value of the estimated future cash flows using a discount rate commensurate with the risks involved.
When are donated services displayed as revenue and expense (or capital improvement) on the financial statements of not-for-profit organizations? [SOME]
Donated services are recognized as revenue of the financial statements of not-for-profit organizations SOME of the time. Recognized donated services must meet the following criteria:
How are donated materials accounted for?
Donated materials are recorded as revenue at fair value on date of receipt, if fair value can be objectively determined.
What does the term variance power mean in the context of not-for-profit accounting and reporting?
Variance power defines the extent to which an organization has discretion over the use of the resources it receives. The presence or absence of variance power governs the recognition of the asset received as revenue or a liability.
In considering transferring assets from a recipient organization to a beneficiary organization, when are the assets received recognized as liabilities by the recipient organization?
When assets are transferred without variance power, so that the recipient organization does not have the unilateral authority to redirect assets to another beneficiary, those transfers are recognized as liabilities.
In considering transferring assets from a recipient organization to a beneficiary organization, when are the assets received recognized as revenue by the recipient organization?
When assets are transferred with variance power, which gives the recipient organization the unilateral authority to redirect assets to another beneficiary, the transfer is recognized as revenue.
How are marketable securities reported?
All debt securities and those equity securities that have readily determinable fair values are measured at fair value.
Where are gains and losses on investments reported?
Gains and losses on investments are reported in the statement of activities as increases or decreases in unrestricted net assets, unless the use of the investment is restricted by explicit donor stipulations or by law.
Is depreciation expense recorded in the financial statements of a not-for-profit organization?
Depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation are recorded.
For a university, identify common unrestricted revenues.
Student tuition and fees, at gross
If student tuition and fees are displayed at gross amount, what happens to scholarships and tuition waivers?
Scholarships and tuition waivers may be displayed as expenditures or as a contra revenue line item.
For health care entities, identify the revenue accounts.
Patient service revenue.
Describe how patient service revenue is recorded.
Patient service revenue is recorded on the gross basis using established rates. Note that charity care does not qualify for recognition as revenue.
Describe the treatment of charity care in a health care organization.
Charity care is not recognized as either revenue or expense on the financial statements of a health care organization.
What is the definition of a governmental merger?
Governmental mergers are defined as the combination of legally separate entities without the exchange of significant consideration resulting in the elimination of an entity or entities and either the continuation of a single merged entity or the creation of a new government.
How are merger transactions measured at the merger date? What is the difference in presentation for assets to be used as compared to assets held for disposal?
Transactions are measured at their carrying value at the merger date with possible recognition of impairment and no recognition of intangible assets such as goodwill.
What is the definition of a governmental acquisition?
Governmental acquisitions are defined as the acquisition of one legally separate entity by another legally separate entity in exchange for significant consideration, resulting in the continuation of the acquiring government.
How are acquisition transactions measured?
Transactions are measured at their acquisition value
What is the definition of a transfer of operations?
Transfers of operations are defined as a combination of a government’s activities (less than a legal entity) with either an existing government or with a new government.
How are transfers of operations measured?
Transfer of operations transactions are measured at their carrying value at the transfer date with possible recognition of impairment and no recognition of intangible assets such as goodwill.