Financial instruments Flashcards
Process in accounting for financial instruments
1) Classify the financial instrument in terms of IAS 32.
2) Initial measurement: Recognise at fair value.
3) Classify into the correct category in terms of IFRS 9.
4) Subsequent measurement: in terms of IFRS 9.
Based on the substance of the contractual arrangement.
+ Definitions
*Performed on initial recognition.
Define financial instruments
Any contract that gives rise to a financial asset for one party and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.
Define a Financial asset
Financial Asset (FA):
Any asset that is:
(1) Cash, or
(2) Equity instrument of another entity, or
(3) Contractual right → receive cash or another fin. asset, or
(4) Contractual right → exchange fin. assets/liabilities with other entities under favourable conditions, or
(5) Contract that will be settled in entity’s own equity instruments (the entity will receive its own shares) other than for a fixed number of equity instruments
Define Financial liability
Contractual obligation to:
(1) Deliver cash or another fin. asset to another entity, or
(2) To exchange fin. assets/liabilities with other entities under unfavourable conditions, or
(3) That will be settled in the entity’s own equity instruments (e.g. shares) other than for a fixed number of equity instruments
Define equity
Any contract that provides evidence of entity’s residual interest in another entity’s assets less liabilities.
When can an instrument be equity?
An instrument can only be equity if:
* NO contractual obligation to settle in cash / another FA, and
* If it can be settled, it will be in a fixed number of the entity’s own equity instruments (shares).
Contingent Settlement Provisions
Requires the issuer to deliver cash / another FA in the event of the occurrence / non-occurrence of an uncertain event that is beyond the control of both the issuer and holder (Financial liability)
Where ARE the interest, dividends gains and losses recognised of the financial instrument.
1) Financial asset/ Financial liability
- recognised in P/L
2) Equity
- recognised in equity
3) Dividends on (cumulative redeemable preference shares
- interest/ finance costs for accounting purposes.
When is a financial instrument recognised?
When and only when the entity becomes a PARTY to the CONTRACTUAL PROVISIONS of the instrument.
Initial measurement ?
- Fair value adjusted for transaction costs
- exception:
- trade receivables that does not have a significant financing component is measured at transaction price.
What is an accounting mismatch?
Financial asset bought to offset the risk in a particular financial liability.
Classification of FL on fair value through P/L?
1) Held for trading
2) Designated as FVPL
Exception of FV adjustment recognised in OCI for FL?
FV adjustment:
1) portio that is attributable to changes in credit risk of that liability.
2) Rest of the adjustment to P/L.
What is a compound financial instrument?
A financial instrument that has a financial liability and equity component (convertible is the key word)