Financial Assistance: Shares Flashcards
what does S44 essentially state with regards to financial assistance ?
A company may assist a person in acquiring shares and securities provided the assistance is not prohibited by the MOI and certain requirements are met.
Who are the 3 main interest groups we have to consider when regulating company finances?
- The board
- Shareholders
- Creditors
How does regulating company finances affect the board?
The board of directors is in charge of authorising and conducting business and affairs of the company
How does regulating company finances affect shareholders?
- Shareholders only have an expectation to receive a return on the funds that they contribute, they only have a right to whatever remains of the assets on dissolution.
- Repayments to shareholders must be regulated to protect all relevant interest groups.
How does regulating company finances affect creditors?
- Creditors risk losing funds if the business becomes insolvent
- Used to be protected by capital maintenance rule
- creditors have no right of recourse against s/h
- Now protected by S & L test
What famous decision emphasised the capital maintenance rule?
Trevor v Whitworth
Why are creditors potentially vulnerable stakeholders
- They have no right of recourse against comp. s/h (sep legal personality + ltd liability)
- They can only rely on company’s assets
What did the capital maintenance rule aim to achieve?
It tried to protect creditor’s vulnerability by creating a reservoir of assets that could not be diminished. The company could not pay its shareholders using funds from this reserve. You could not do anything to distort the funds.
What was the idea behind the capital maintenance rule?
Creditors would be protected regardless of if the company went under because the reservoir of funds would satisfy their claims.
What 2 rules were based on the capital maintenance principle?
- Companies could only pay dividends from profits
2. Company prohibited from giving financial assistance to outsiders to acquire shares in the company
What is the idea behind the principle of solvency and liquidity
A company should be able to enter into any lawful transaction that its MOI allows provided it will remain solvent and liquid after completion of the transaction.
What could capital be used for under the capital maintenance rule
Legitimate business needs and expenses –> in the ordinary course of business i.e investing in infrastructure . If used for this purpose there is no obligation for the company to replenish it.
What were the main drawbacks of the capital drawbacks
- It did not effectively protect creditors
- you could not pay shareholders from the reserve but you could use it for ordinary course of bus. and deplete it anyway
- The reserve would not keep up with potential exposure i.e in 1980’s shares were R2 but now R200 , reserve would not be enough
Do we have a minimum capital requirement in SA
What section of the company’s act contains the solvency and liquidity test
What does the solvency and liquidity test achieve in place of the capital maintenance rule to protect creditors
As long as the company is solvent and liquid, creditors cannot be prejudiced even if capital of the company is used for reasons other than ordinary business expenses
What artificial distinction does the solvency and liquidity test do away with?
The distinction between types of capital or funds and where the funds come from
According to Helena what does the solvency and liquidity test really focus on?
The commercial reality and the ability of the company to meet its obligations
What 2 perspectives do we look at the solvency and liquidity test from?
The factual and commercial perspective
What is the factual perspective on the solvency and liquidity test
Looks at solvency - a pure balance sheet exercise. Based on all reasonably foreseeable financial circumstances are the assets in excess of the liabilities.
What is the commercial perspective of the solvency and liquidity test
Liquidity - does it appear based on all reasonably foreseeable financial circumstances that the company will be able to pay its debts as they fall due in the ordinary course of business for a period of 12 months after the S & L test is applied.
Why does the S& L test have 2 perspectives
It is possible for a company to be solvent but not liquid. This can lead to cash flow problems. Need to check both elements are satisfied.
What does a cash flow projection determine
will the company be able to pay its debts in the ordinary course of business over a period of 12 months
What is a cash flow projection
Indicates the likely inflow and outflow of cash over the next 12 months. It is a strategy and risk management tool.
What are cash flow projections usually based on?
based on information available at the time while trying to reasonably foresee future circumstances
What is a contingent asset
S4 = possible assets that arise from past events and their existence will be confirmed by the occurrence of some or other uncertain future event.
What is a contingent liability
S4 = It is a possible obligation specifically linked to a vinculum juris.
What other NB component does the s & L test take into account
a fair valuation of the company’s assets
What 3 elements can the definition of financial assistance be broken down into
- financial assistance
- for the purpose of / in connection with
- purchase or subscription of securities
Does the act contain a definition of financial assistance
What is not considered financial assistance under S44
- Lending money in the ordinary course of business by a company whose business is the lending of money i.e ABSA, FNB, Standard Bank
- Giving money to a person who has a legal right to receive it i.e a dividend
- giving info and documents relating to the transaction
What kinds of transactions can we gather from S44 are financial assistance
- loan
- guarantee
- provision of security
- otherwise
What did the court in Charterhouse Investment Trust conclude on the definition off financial assistance
- no technical meaning to the definition
- use language of ordinary commerce
- examine the commercial realities of the transaction and decide whether it is financial assistance
Is the test for financial assistance wide or narrow
What did the court in Gradwell say
Established the impoverishment test which looked at whether a company was rendered poorer. If the transaction did not impoverish the company it was not considered financial assistance.
What new holistic approach have the courts settled on
- In a practical business sense was financial assistance given for the purpose of or in connection with the acquisition of shares.
- Where an agreement is not genuine but is disguised to hide the true agreement , the court will give effect to the true position
Why is the definition of financial assistance so significant
In the past financial assistance given to an outsider to acquire securities was completely prohibited and so generally these transactions were disguised as something else.
Now we allow financial assistance but subject to strict requirements.
What did Lewis v Oneate hold
we must look to see whether 1. there was assistance given 2. the purpose for which it was given, drawing a causal connection from the facts. Criticised the impoverishment test.
What did the court say about financial assistance in Lipschitz
The court said that merely putting assets at risk could be considered financial assistance.
What did the Novair case state about financial assistance
Payment of a dividend to a s/h who then used that to pay for acquisition of shares in the company was not financial assistance
What is NB about “purchase or subscription of securities”
- securities are broader than shares (S1)
- Applies in cases where securities are acquired directly from the company or from a person other than the company who holds securities
- applies to shares that are still going to be issued (issued or to be issued)
What did the court conclude in Johnson v Johnson
Shares of minority converted to redeemable shares - not financial assistance because conversion did not amount to purchase or subscription
What can we take “for the purpose of or in connection with “ to mean?
The assistance has to do with acquiring shares otherwise S44 is not applicable. So we have to look at the reason why assistance was given.
The phrase “in connection with” is aimed at closing loopholes.
what are the statutory requirements for financial assistance for the purchase of securities under S44 (2)
The board must authorise assistance subject to any provision in the MOI concerning the matter
Is S44 (2) alterable or unalterable
alterable, the company can add the requirement to prohibit this form of financial assistance completely
What are the statutory requirements in S 44 (3) and (4) in order to authorise financial assistance
- s/H Special resolution in previous 2 years OR employee share scheme
- Board satisfied S & L test will be met immediately after the transaction
- Board satisfied terms of assistance is fair and reasonable
- Any additional restrictions in the MOI have been complied with
Is S 44 (3) alterable
No it is unalterable. The requirements are a minimum standard and can only be made more onerous.
What does fair and reasonable mean?
1973 Act = were not fair to the company or failed to provide reasonable protection for business interests
NZ companies Act = “best interests of the company”
Fair and reasonable = emphasises creditor’s interests
When does financial assistance for the purchase of securities usually occur
BEE transactions
What are the consequences of non - compliance with S44
- S 44 applies to related or inter related persons
- Void to the extent that the provision is inconsistent with the act or MOI
- No criminal sanction but directors may face liability under S 77 (3)