Financial Aid Terms Flashcards
Federal methodology equals FAFSA application used to determine federal and state eligibility
Institutional methodology uses the CSS profile determines how much institutional funds the student is eligible for
CSS Profile
Used by some private schools to determine how much institutional funds student is eligible for
Expected family contribution equals how much money the family is expected to pay for college education
Information used to calculate both the iamb and FM expected family contribution
- Parent and student income – taxes paid – interest income – untaxed income – child support paid or received – parent and student assets - number in family - # in college
Assets not included in the FAFSA determination of EFC
- Parents home equity in residence
- retirement funds such as 401ks and Roth retirement funds
- Family owned business with less than 100 employees
- Family owned farmed that family lives on.
Assets included in the CSS determination of EFC
Equity if the resident home, family owned business, family on the farm, value of retirement fund as requested but generally not used in the formula
Adjusted gross income (?)
Federal methodology calculates available income at about what percent of income?
22 -48% depending on allowances made for # of children, taxes paid, etc
Assets include the following:
Cash, investments such as stocks bonds and mutual funds, real estate, land, trust funds, prepaid tuition plans, 529 savings plans, UTMAs and UGMA’s.
How much can students earn before their income affects the EFC in the federal methodology?
How much is a student expected to contribute of their own income after the allowance in the federal methodology?
50% of the students income after an allowance.
How much of a student’s income does the IM formula expect the student to contribute to the EFC?
22 - 46% depending on parent income.
Do student assets have an allowance and what is the percentage rate they are assessed at?
There is no allowance for student assets the I am formula expects students to contribute 20 to 25% of personal assets to the EFC and the FM formula expect students to contribute 20% of assets to the EFC.
How does the number of children attending college affect the EFC calculation for the FM and the IM respectively?
The FM divides the EFC by the number of children.
THe IM divides the EFC by 60% for each child attending college.
How should parents with shared custody complete the FM to determine EFC?
- Parent w/ whom child lives the majority of the time.
2. If equal custody, choose parent who is primary financial support (check on this)
Student Aid Report - report sent to student with federal and state financial aid information ?
Acknowledgment form
similar to the student aid report sent by the FAFSA the acknowledgment form is sent to the student after submitting the CSS profile and contains the students financial information
Cost of attendance includes tuition, fees, room, bored, books and supplies, transportation, and living expenses note cost of attendance is based on a pretty spartan living style.
Expected family contribution is the calculation that comes from the FAFSA or the CSS profile and is considered the amount of the family will be expected to contribute toward their child’s education for one year
Need based financial aid
COA - EFC = eligibility