Financial accounting Flashcards
Module 9.1, LOS 9a, 9b
A) Investments in marketable debt and equity securities can be categorized as:
B) What is the main distinction between them?
- investments in financial assets
- investments in associates
- joint ventures
- business combinations
B) The degree of influence or control (rather than purely on the percent holding)
Module 9.1, LOS 9a, 9b
Name relative ranges for degrees of influence and their possible accounting treatments
- lack of influence <20% - financial assets - FVPL, FVOCI, Amortized cost
- significant influence 20%<=share<=50% - associates - equity method
- control >50% - business combinations - consolidation method
Module 9.2, LOS 9a, 9b
Name major changes of IFRS9 compared to IAS39 regarding financial assets measurement and classification
- Business model approach, three classifications: FVPL, FVOCI, Amortized cost
- Reclassifications of debt instruments permited between FV to amortized only when the business model changes (and forbiden between FVOCI and FVPL)
- Equity reclassification is not permited
- Provisioning model switch from “incurred loss” to “expected loss” (12month - performing, lifetime - non-performing)
Module 9.2, LOS 9a, 9b
What are the criterias to recognise financial assets at amortized cost?
- The business objective for financial assets is to collect contractual cash flows
- The contractual cash flows are solely for principal and interest on principal
- Financial asstets are not ment to be sold
Module 9.2, LOS 9a, 9b
Can an entity deside to use FVPL for ‘held-to-collect and sell’ instruments and why?
It can (instead of FVOCI) to eliminate accounting mismatch in treatment of assets and liabilities
Module 9.3, LOS 9a, 9b
How initial investments in associates are recognized under equity method?
1) Recorded at cost and reported on the balance sheet as a noncurrent asset (most common)
2) Recorded at FV. Allowed under GAAP for all investments, under IFRS for venture capital firms, mutual funds, and similar entities
Module 9.3, LOS 9a, 9b
How investee’s income/loss and dividends are recognized for investor under equity method?
W/o FV method
Income - proportionately to holding share,, +Investments account, if losses exceed income => stop using equity method
Dividends - -Investments account, +cash, not recognized in PnL
With FV method
All changes (incl. dividend) recognized in PnL
Module 9.3, LOS 9a, 9b
Can you change decision to recognise investment in associate at FV:
1) under GAAP?
2) under IFRS?
No, for IFRS and GAAP this decision cannot be changed
Module 9.3, LOS 9a, 9b
For investments in associates, how the excess of purchase price over proportionate book value of investee is recognised for investor? What is goodwill?
At acquisition - allocated to investee’s identifiable A and L based on their FV vs BV, and ownership share. Remainder is goodwill
Subsquent periods - recognized expense based on the excess amt assigned to A and L of investee (consistent with investee’s recognotion of expense methods).
Module 9.3, LOS 9a, 9b
Which parts does equity income of investee (investment in associate) contain when recognized for investor?
1) Proportionate income of investee
2) Expense from excess of purchase price over BV of investee attributed to identifiable A and L of investee.
Module 9.4, LOS 9a, 9b
Under equity method, how investment in associate will be treated when tested for impairment in:
1) IFRS?
2) GAAP?
1) if impairment recognised, assets (investement) is written down to FV (or in IFRS through allowance account), loss is incurred in PnL
2) Write-ups are forbidden
GAAP impaired if FV < BV and this is considered parmanent
IFRS impaired if FV < BV and several cases of losses incurred happened, which are beleived to impact business
Module 9.4, LOS 9a, 9b
Under equity method, how should investor recognise profit from internal transactions with investee?
Unconfirmed profits from internal deals are not reflected in PnL. Confirmation through deals with external parties
Module 9.4, LOS 9a, 9b
Under investment in associates, how revenues, expenses, NI, margins and leverage is different from full consolidation?
1) Revenue: equity m. < consolidation m.
2) Expense abs.: equity m. < consolidation m.
3) NI: equity m. = consolidation m.
4) Margins: equity m. > consolidation m. (revenue of investee in denominator is ignored)
5) Leverage: equity m. < consolidation m. (investees debt ignored)
Module 9.5, LOS 9a, 9b
Which methods of business combinations exist (IFRS, GAAP)? What is the difference between them?
IFRS - no distinction
1) Merger - acquiring firm absorbs all the A and L of the acquired firm, which ceases to exist (A+B = A)
2) Acquisition - both entities continue to exist in a parent-subsidiary relationship. Parent reports noncontrolling interest (A+B = (A+B))
3) Consolidation - a new entity is formed that absorbs both of the combining companies. (A+B = C)
Module 9.5, LOS 9a, 9b
Which accounting methods were historically used for business combinations? Which ones are left?
1) Purchase method -> now acquisition method
2) Pooling-of-interest method -> removed from IFRS and GAAP
Module 9.5, LOS 9a, 9b
Describe key features of pooling-of-interests method for business combinations?
1) The two firms are combined using historical BV
2) Operating results for prior periods are restated as though the two firms were always combined
3) Ownership interests continue, and former accounting bases are maintained
4) FV played no role (price paid eliminated)
Module 9.7, LOS 9a, 9b
Under acquisition method, what is goodwill?
1) GAAP and IFRS: full goodwill = (fair value of equity of whole subsidiary) − (fair value of net identifiable assets of the subsidiary)
2) IFRS only: partial goodwill = purchase price − (% owned × FV of net identifiable assets of the subsidiary)
or partial goodwill = % owned × full goodwill
Module 9.7, LOS 9a, 9b
Under acquisition method:
1) which method gives higher goodwill: full goodwill or partial?
2) how minority interest is calculated under full and partial method?
3) which method gives higher Assets, Equity, minority interest, ROA, ROE?
1) Partial goodwill = % owned × full goodwill => partial is lower
2) full method - minority % of acquired company FV,
partial method - minority % of acquired company net identifiable assets FV
3) Assets, Equity, minority interest is higher under full goodwill, ROA, ROE - under partial
Module 9.7, LOS 9a, 9b
How in IFRS and GAAP under full consolidation goodwill is tested for impairment
1) IFRS - 1 step - carrying amount of the cash generating unit > recoverable amount => impairment loss
2) GAAP - 2 steps - 1. carrying value of the reporting unit (incl. goodwill) > FV of the reporting unit => impairment exists. 2. loss = carrying value of the goodwill - implied FV of the goodwill
In PnL - impairment loss is a part of continuing operations.
Module 9.7, LOS 9a, 9b
How in IFRS and GAAP under full consolidation ‘negative goodwill’ or ‘bargain purchase’ (when price paid < FV of net assets) should be recognised?
IFRS and GAAP - gain in the income statement
Module 9.8, LOS 9a, 9b
Which accounting methods are used for joint ventures?
1) Equity method (most common)
2) Proportionate consolidation (allowed in rare cases)
Module 9.8, LOS 9a, 9b
How proportionate consolidation is different from full consolidation?
All BS and PnL items are reported in proportion of ownership => minority interest is not required.
Equity of acquired firm is ignored
Module 9.9, LOS 9a, 9b
Name key features of SPE
1) No sufficient amount at risk for the entity to finance its activities without additional subordinated financial support
2) Investors lack controlling financial interest
3) Created to reduce risk and thereby lower the cost of financing
Under GAAP if 1 or 2 present, SPE is VIE
Module 9.9, LOS 9a, 9b
What is the accounting treatment for SPE?
1) Under IFRS consolidation is required
2) Under GAAP 2-part consoliodation is required (VIE):
1 - variable interest component: primary beneficiary consolidates VIE regarless of voting interest
2 - voting interest (control) component
Module 9.9, LOS 9a, 9b
How contingent assets and liabilities are recognized in acquisition in:
1) IFRS?
2) GAAP?
1) IFRS- A - never recognized, L - at FV on acquisiton date, only if FV can be measured reliably
Subsequent periods - L - max( initial FV, best estimate of the future settlement amount)
2) GAAP - contractual + probable non-contractual A, L - at FV on acquisition date
Subsequent periods - L - max( initial FV, best estimate of the future settlement amount), A - min( initial FV, best estimate of the future settlement amount)
Module 9.9, LOS 9a, 9b
How contingent consideration (indemnifications) is recognized in acquisition in:
1) IFRS?
2) GAAP?
At FV as A, L or E.
Subsequent periods: if A or L - changes in PnL, if У - changes in E.
Module 9.9, LOS 9a, 9b
How in-process R&D is recognized in acquisition in:
1) IFRS?
2) GAAP?
Recognised as asset, capitalized as an intangible asset
Subsequent period: successfull - amortized, unsuccessfull - impaired
Module 9.9, LOS 9a, 9b
How restructuring costs are recognized in acquisition in:
1) IFRS?
2) GAAP?
Expensed when incurred and not capitalized as part of the acquisition cost
Module 9.9, LOS 9c
Compare E, A, L, minority interest, NI, revenues and expenses, ROA, ROE and margins under equity method, proportionate consolidation and acquisition
1) A, L, revenues, expenses: equity method < proportionate consolidation < acquisition
2) E: (equity method = proportionate consolidation) < acquisition
3) minority interest: only under acquisition
4) NI: equity method = proportionate consolidation = acquisition
5) margins, ROA: acquisition < proportionate consolidation < equity method
6) ROE: acquisition < (proportionate consolidation = equity method)
Module 10.1, LOS 10a
What are the types of pension plans? What are the key differencies?
1) Defined contribution plan
- expense is equal to the employer’s contribution
- no future obligation to report on the BS
- investment risk is on employee
2) Defined-benefit plan
- firm promises to make periodic payments to the employee after retirement. Total periodic pension cost = firm’s contributions - the change in funded status
- future obligation exists on BS
- investment risk is on employer
Module 10.1, LOS 10a, 10.2, LOS 10b
What is funded status of the pension plan? How is it recognised in:
1) IFRS?
2) GAAP?
Funded status of the plan - Plan Assets - PBO
If funding oblig. > fund assets => underfunded
If funding oblig. < fund assets => overfunded
In both, IFRS and GAAP:
balance sheet liability = negative funded status
balance sheet assets = min (positive finded status; ceiling of PV of future economic benefits (s.a. future refunds or reduced contributions).
Module 10.1, LOS 10a
What is the difference between defined-benefit pension plan and other post-employment benefits?
Difference is in funding:
1) defined-benefit pension plan are usually funded
2) other post-employment benefits are usually unfunded
For other post-employment benefits expence is recognised as benefits are earned, Cfs are uneffected until paid to employee
Module 10.2, LOS 10b
What is annual unit credit?
Annual Unit Credit (benefit) = PV of annuity at retirement ÷ number of years of service
Module 10.2, LOS 10b
What are the main components of PBO changes?
1) + Current service cost - PV of benefits earned for +1 year of working
2) + Interest cost = DR*(BPBO+past service cost)
3) + Past (prior) service costs - retroactive benefits awarded to employees when a plan is initiated or amended
4) + Actuarial losses/gains due to changes in actuarial assumptions (mortality, employee turnover, retirement age, and the discount rate)
5) - Benefits paid
Module 10.2, LOS 10b
What are the main components of plan Assets changes?
BPA 1) + Contributions 2) + Actual returns 3) - Benefits paid EPA
Module 10.3, LOS 10c
What is total periodic pension cost (TPPC)?
TPPC - economical cost of the pension plan to company
TPPC = employers contributions - (ending funded status - beginning funded status)
Cost is either paid (via contributions), either deferred (via funded status worsening)
From accounting perspective:
TTPC = periodic pension cost in P&L + periodic pension cost in OCI