Finance Flashcards
What does revenue mean?
Income earned from selling a product/service i.e. Revenue = selling price X quantity sold
What is the role of finance department?
- Make sure business makes profit by preparing job costing statement
- Make sure don’t run out of money by preparing cash budget.
- Calculate what point products start making profit by break even chart
- make sure customers pay on time (credit control)
- make sure bills get paid (staff wages, money owed to suppliers
What are fixed costs?
Stay the same even if more or less are produced e.g. Rent
What are variable costs?
Change depending upon the amount produced e.g Raw materials
What does the term total mean?
Total amount of money spent on producing product i.e. Fixed costs and variable costs
What does profit mean?
The amount left over after all costs deducted.
Profit = revenue - total costs
What does a loss mean?
When the revenue is not enough to cover costs.
When can businesses make a profit?
Revenue is greater that costs
When can businesses make a lost?
When revenue is less than costs
Businesses can break-even when?
Revenue equals costs
What is the purpose of Job costing statements?
They are used to calculate the selling price charged to customers for the product/service provided. This should include an element for profit and cover all costs ie fixed and variable.
How is selling price decided?
Total costs + profit = selling price
What is a cash budget?
- A detailed plan for a future period of time eg month
- expressed in monetary terms £’s
- shows the opening/closing balance, cash receipts (money coming in) and cash payments (money going out)
What are benefits of preparing a cash budget?
- to show if the business will have a surplus (more money coming in than out) or a deficit (more money going out than coming in).
- allows business to arrange additional finance in advance if required e.g. Bank overdraft
- it helps management and owners make decisions
What are causes of poor cash flow?
- Buying too much stock which is not selling
- allowing customers too long to pay for goods
- charging to low a selling price
- paying suppliers too much or too quickly