Finals vocab Flashcards
original holiness
the original state of human beings in their relationship with God, sharing in the divine life in full communion with him
original justice
the state of complete harmony of our first parent with themselves, with each other and with all of creation
figurative language
a literary form that uses symbolic images, stories, and names to point to a deeper truth
literary forms
different kinds of writing determined by their literary technique, content, tone and purpose
a story that explains something’s cause or origin
this word (from the Latin, meaning “to hand on”) refers to the process of passing on the Gospel message
attributing human characteristics to something that is not human
primeval history
the time before the intervention of writing and recording of historical data
the fall
also called the Fall from grace, the biblical Revelation about the origins of sin and evil in the world, expressed figuratively in the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis
original sin
from the Latin origo, meaning “beginning” or “birth”
the act, required by Jewish Law, of removing the foreskin of the penis
the second coming of christ at the end of time, fully realizing God’s plan and the glorification of humanity
based on a word meaning “messenger,” a personal and immortal creature with intelligence and free will who constantly glorifies God and serves as a messenger of God to humans to carry out God’s saving plan
a Latin word meaning “first gospel”
to kill one’s own brother or sister
paschal mystery
the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his life, Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension
the belief in many gods
the father or leader of a tribe, clan, or tradition
god’s breaking into the human dimension so an individual’s and community’s understanding of god is deepened or changed
a hebrew word meaning “law” referring to the first five books of the Old Testament
the event in which the archangel gabriel came to mary to announce that she had found favor with god and would become the mother of the Messiah
a greek title for mary meaning “God bearer”
immaculate conception
the dogma that Mary was conceived without Original Sin and remained free from personal sin throughout her entir life
from the Latin, meaning “to become flash,” referring to the biblical Revelation that Jesus is both true God and true man
kingdom of god
the culmination or goal of god’s plan of salvation, the kingdom of god is announced by the Gospel and present in Jesus Christ
the night the Lord passed over the housed of the Israelite marked by the blod of the lamb, and spared the firstborn sons from death
also called the Mass or Lord’s supper, and based on a word for “thanksgiving”
from the Latin redemptio, meaning “a buying back”
the “interior voice” of a person, a God-given sense of the law of god
the church’s official, public, communal prayer
the three-day period of the liturgical year that begins with the Mass of the Lord’s supper on holy thursday and ends with evening prayer on Easter Sunday
stations of the cross
images based on fourteen events in the Passion of Christ found on display in most Catholic churches
an efficious and visible sign of god’s invisible grace, instituted by Christ
litany of the saints
a prayer in the form of a chant or a responsive petition in which the great saints of church are asked to pray for us
the sufferings of jesus during his final days in this life: his agony in the garden at Gethsemane, his trial, and his Crucifixion
the passage of jesus from death to new life “on the third day” after his Crucifixion
the “going up” into Heaven of the Risen Christ forty days after his resurrection
venial sin
a less serious offense against the will of God that diminishes one’s personal character and weakens but does not rupture one’s relationship with god
mortal sin
an action so contrary to the will of God what it results in complete separation from God and his grace