finals reviewer Flashcards
refers to the reproductive activities and and interactions between animals of the same or different species.
animal sexual behavior
These rituals can involve can involves displays and physical prowess, vocalizations or intercate dances.
courtship ritual
involvels the actual act of sexual intercourse between animals
Some animals for long term monogamous relationship where male and female mate exclusively with each other.
monogamy and polygamy
In somes species male and female exhibit distinct physical characteristics known
Sexual demorphism
where one or both parents provide care for their off spring.
parental care
where a male and female mate exclusively with each other.
animals practice where one individual mates with multiple.
It is an animal eating behavior of an animal that eats only plants and plants materials
A type of animal teeth that needs to chew a lot in order to break plant material into pieces
hervibores teeth
Animals that can eat both plant materials and meat
It has an only sharp teeth in their mouths
carnivore teeth
Animals that eat only meat
Repetitive, invariant behaviors with no obvious function.
Stereotypic Behaviors
Excessive or unprovoked aggression towards conspecifics (same species).
Animals harming or injuring themselves.
Lack of interest in normal activities, lethargy, withdrawal.
Apathy and Depression-Like States
Repetitive, ritualized behaviors with no obvious purpose.
Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors
Can indicate underlying health or psychological issues.
Abnormal Feeding Behaviors
Excessive or inappropriate sexual behaviors.
Abnormal Sexual Behavior
Excessive fear responses to harmless stimuli.
Anxiety and Phobias
can often be viewed as a response to stress or a particular combination of motivational factors and stimuli that an individual is experiencing.
Abnormal behavior
The study of the natural history of animal behavior is
This is a fundamental behavior exhibited by animals, involving the active choice and use of specific habitats to meet their ecological needs.
habitat selection
It is an organism’s natural home or environment.
This is important because it drives evolution by determining which individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to future generations.
The primary mechanism of evolution in which individuals with traits that confer higher fitness in a given environment have a greater chance of survival and reproduction.
natural selection
Animals may select habitats based on environmental factors like temperature, humidity, precipitation, light levels, and substrate characteristics.
environmental condition
Animals often choose habitats that meet their specific reproductive needs, such as nesting sites, suitable mates, or specific environmental cues for breeding.
reproductive requirements
competition with other species or conspecifics can influence habitat selection. Animals may select habitats with fewer competitors or those that provide access to less crowded resources.
Animals may opt for habitats that offer protection from predators or minimize their exposure to predation.
predation risk
Animals choose habitats that provide the necessary resources for their survival, such as food, water, shelter, and breeding sites.
Resource availability
It is a particular form of selection that occurs when individuals have differential reproductive success based on their ability to attract mates.
sexual selection
The other term for selective breeding
Artificial selection
Larger areas that animals utilize for their daily activities, including foraging, resting, and social interactions. They may overlap with the territories of other individuals.
Home ranges
Territories can serve as display areas for courtship rituals and attract potential mates. They allow individuals to advertise their fitness and quality to potential partners.
Courtship and Mating
Establishing territories helps to reduce direct competition with conspecifics by maintaining a certain distance between individuals, minimizing conflicts over resources.
Reduction of Competition
Some animals use elaborate displays, such as vocal songs, visual dances, or territorial calls, to advertise their presence and ownership of a territory.
Advertisement and Display
any action of an animal intended to injure an opponent or prey animal
Aggressive behavior
Aggression sometimes occurs when parents defend their young from attack by members of their own species.
Nature of animal aggression
The immediate cause or motivation.
Physiological aggression
Sometimes reduce the size of their defended area.
Territorial behavior
Self grooming, as the action.
Cleaning behavior
The interaction between hormones and the expression.
Aggression during growth and development
As is stated in the section.
Functions and evolution of Aggression
Lack of socialization as a puppy
Social aggression
Treatment of abuses
Pain or fear
Hungry, fatigue, sick and old animal.
Irritable aggression