FINALS review questions! (ch. 7-10, 13-18... everything but 11 & 12, which are in separate test #3 deck) Flashcards
Which herb that aromatically transforms dampness also calms the fetus?
Sha Ren
Which two herbs are garlic?
Xie Bai
Da Suan
Which herb that regulates the qi calms the fetus and stops vomiting?
Zi Su Geng
Which herb that stabilizes and binds also quiet the spirit while calming and containing the HT qi?
Wu Wei Zi
Which herbs that stop bleeding are used primarily to restrain leakage?
Xian He Cao Ou Jie Xue Yu Tan Zong Lu Pi Bai Ji
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit warms the LUs and directs qi down?
Zi Shi Ying
Which herb that invigorates the blood is particularly good for LV constraint?
Yu Jin
Which herb that kills parasites is used topically for tinea infections?
Ku Lian Pi
Which herb that regulates the qi is used with tonifying herbs to lessen their side effects (because it strengthens the spleen and prevents stagnation)?
Mu Xiang
Which herb that invigorates the blood is especially good for headaches?
Chuan Xiong
Which herbs from the kill parasites chapter are used more widely than just killing parasites?
Bing Lang
Guan Zhong
Which herb that relieves food stagnation is used primarily to help digest oils or meat?
Shan Zha
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit tonifies the qi and nourishes the blood?
Ling Zhi
Which aromatic herb that opens the orifices promotes blood flow, reduces swellings, transforms turbid dampness, awakens the SP, and promotes movement of qi?
Shi Chang Pu
What is the prepared form of Niu Xi better at doing?
Tonifying the LV & KDs, strengthening sinews, bones, and benefitting joints
What is the unprepared form of Niu Xi better at?
Dispelling stasis
Which herb that stops bleeding and cools the blood should you think of for lin syndrome with blood in the urine?
Bai Mao Gen
Which herb that invigorates the blood also transforms stasis and is also used for childhood nutritional impairment?
Wu Ling Zhi
Which herb from ch. 13 both tonifies the essence and assists the yang, but also stops excessive sweating and stabilizes the menses?
Shan Zhu Yu
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit also expels phlegm, clears the orifices, stops coughs, and reduces abscesses?
Yuan Zhi
Which herb that invigorates the blood is great for any kind of pain, anywhere?
Yan Hu Suo
Which herb is the most widely used herb in the Aromatic Herbs that Open the Orifices chapter?
Shi Chang Pu
Which herb that aromatically transforms dampness also improves the vision?
Cang Zhu
Which herb from the stabilize and bind chapter generates fluids, binds up the intestines, inhibits leakage of LU qi and stops coughing, stops bleeding, and can be used as a plaster for warts and corns?
Wu Mei
Which herb in the topical application chapter tonifies the fire at the gate of vitality and strengthens the yang?
Liu Huang
Which herbs that regulate qi enter the KD channel?
Wu Yao
Chen Xiang
Which herbs that kills parasites also strengthens the SP and dissolves accumulations?
Shi Jun Zi
Which herb that stops bleeding, restrains leakage, and alleviates diarrhea is also used to kill parasites ?
Xian He Cao
Which herb that stops bleeding and cools the blood stops coughing and also promotes the healing of burns?
Ce Bai Ye
Which herb from the stabilize and bind chapter stops diarrhea due to damp-heat ?
Chun Pi
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit is great for tinnitus?
Ci Shi
Which herb that invigorates the blood is considered to be a guiding herb for conditions in the lower body?
Niu Xi
Which herb is a pair with Tian Ma?
Gou Teng
Extinguish wind, stop tremors
Which herb that stops bleeding and cools the blood is especially useful for bleeding in the lower burner due to damp-heat?
Di Yu
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit anchors and preserves floating yang, prevents leakage of fluids, calms the LV, and is used topically for sores?
Long Gu
Which herb invigorates the blood, dispels stasis, clears heat, soothes irritability, nourishes the blood, and calms the spirit?
Dan Shen
Which herb that stops bleeding can be used for heat, cold, excess, or deficiency?
Xian He Cao
Mu Li and Long Gu are often an herb pair. What are they each better at?
Mu Li is better at anchoring yang, Long Gu is better at calming the spirit
What is a difference between Da Ji and Xiao Ji?
Xiao Ji is somewhat weaker and its sore reducing effects are less. But Xiao Ji promotes urination and is especially indicated for damp-heat or heat causing blood in the urine. Both treat hypertension, cool the blood, and stop bleeding.
Which herbs from the stabilize and bind chapter expel/kill parasites?
Shi Liu Pi
Chun Pi
Wu Mei
Which herb is often paired with Tao Ren?
Hong Hua
Which herb that relieves food stagnation also transforms blood stasis and dissipates clumps?
Shan Zha
Which aromatic herb that opens the orifices drains fire, resolves toxicity, clears the eyes, dissipates nodules, and alleviates itching?
Bing Pian
Which herb is often paired with Mo Yao?
Ru Xiang
Which herb that regulates qi is used with qi tonic herbs for prolapse?
Zhi Shi
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors clears damp-heat, improves the vision, relieves fire toxicity, and anchors the yang?
Ling Yang Jiao
Which herb from the tonify the yang chapter is Rou Dou Kou often used with?
Bu Gu Zhi
Which herb is often paired with E Zhu?
San Leng
Which herb that expels parasites is used to induce vomiting and must be decocted with Gan Cao to reduce toxicity?
Chang Shan
Which herb(s) that regulates qi is/are good for food stagnation?
Mu Xiang
Qing Pi
Topical Application: Which herb dries dampness, kills parasites, alleviates itching, generates flesh, stops bleeding, alleviates diarrhea, and expels phlegm?
Bai Fan
Which herb from the stabilize and bind chapter stops coughing, stops diarrhea, inhibits sweating, and calms the spirit?
Wu Wei Zi
Which herb that invigorates the blood breaks up blood stasis, stops cough & wheezing, and moistens the intestines?
Tao Ren
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit is useful in cases of a lack of communication between the HT and KDs?
Yuan Zhi
Which herb that aromatically transforms dampness also calms wheezing?
Hou Po
Which herbs from the stabilize and bind chapter stops diarrhea and contains leaking of LU qi, stops cough, and improves the condition of the throat?
He Zi
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit is great for LV qi constraint?
He Huan Pi
Which herb is the only warming herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit?
Zi Shi Ying
What is a cold herb that stops bleeding but also invigorates the blood?
Qian Cao
Which herb binds up the intestines, stops diarrhea, contains the blood, stops bleeding, and promotes the healing of wounds?
Chi Shi Zhi
Which herb that stops bleeding is used to warm the womb?
Ai Ye
Which is the herb of choice for settling the spirit and calming LV yang?
Long Gu
Which herb that kills parasites is a commonly used food item that warms the ST, strengthens the SP, promotes the movement of qi, and reduces stagnation?
Da Suan
Which herbs that relieve food stagnation can be used to digest anything?
Ji Nei Jin
Lai Fu Zi
Which herb in the topical application chapter is good for itching and recently used for a variety of tumors?
Feng Fang
Which herb tonifies the SP, stops diarrhea, tonifies the KDs, stabilizes the essence, nourishes the HT, and calms the spirit?
Lian Zi
What is a contemporary use for Zhi Ke?
Prolapse (24g)
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors also releases the exterior?
Gou Teng
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit softens hardness and dissipates nodules?
Mu Li
Which herb that regulates qi is great for chest bi?
Xie Bai
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit nourishes HT yin, augments LV blood, and prevents abnormal sweating?
Suan Zao Ren
Which herb stops bleeding, cools the blood, and is great for bleeding hemorrhoids?
Huai Mi
Huai Jiao is one star
Which herbs that stabilize and bind specifically tonify the SP to stop diarrhea?
Lian Zi
Qian Shi
Which herb that kills parasites is also used for insufficient lactation?
Nan Gua Zi
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit is used in manufactured facial creams to whiten the complexion?
Zhen Zhu
Which herb that stabilizes and binds is great for bedwetting in children?
Sang Piao Xiao
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors anchors the yang, dredges the LV qi to smooth its flow while dispersing constraint and clumping, brightens the eyes, and stops itching?
Ci Ji Li
Which herb that regulates qi adjusts & regulates stagnant qi in the intestines?
Mu Xiang
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit promotes urination and unblocks lin?
Hu Po
Which herbs from the stabilize and bind chapter are especially good for excessive sweating?
Nuo Dao Gen
Ma Huang Gen
Fu Xiao Mai
Which herb that regulates the qi is a strong herb for moving the qi in all three burners?
Wu Yao
Which herb kills parasites, reduces accumulations, moistens the intestines, and moistens the lungs?
Fei Zi
Which three herbs that stabilize and bind are especially good for excessive urination?
Fu Pen Zi
Sang Piao Xiao
Jin Ying Zi
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit is processed by aqueous trituration for internal use or for the eyes?
Zhen Zhu
Which herbs that aids food stagnation also calms wheezing (by causing qi to descend)?
Lai Fu Zi
Which herbs that stop bleeding are used primarily to dispel stasis?
San Qi
Pu Huang
Lian Fang
Hua Rui Shi
Which herb from the stabilize and bind chapter preserves the LUs, arrests wheezing, eliminates dampness, stops discharge, and contains the urine?
Bai Guo
Which herb is the only herb in the Aromatic herbs that open the orifices chapter that is not used for a loss of consciousness?
Shi Chang Pu
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit absorbs acid?
Mu Li
Which herb from the stabilize and bind chapter inhibits sweating and augments the HT qi?
Fu Xiao Mai
Wu Wei Zi inhibits sweating and calms/contains the HT qi… probably same thing
Which herb that regulates qi conducts heat out from below?
Chuan Lian Zi
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit both benefits the yin and anchors the floating yang?
Mu Li
Which herb that stops bleeding also disperses cold, eliminates damp, and stops itching?
Ai Ye
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors is used for gastric acidity?
Shi Jue Ming
Which herb that stops bleeding and restrains leakage is a good herb for chapped skin?
Bai Ji
Which herb pair from the invigorate the blood chapter strongly break up blood stasis, promote the movement of qi, and dissolve accumulations (like food stagnation)?
E Zhu and San Leng
Besides killing parasites, which herb also promotes the movement of qi, leads stagnation out by mildly draining down and unblocking the bowels, promotes urination, and is used for malaria?
Bing Lang
Which herb warms the blood to stop bleeding and also stops vomiting and diarrhea?
Zao Xin Tu
Which herb from the stabilize and bind chapter controls acidity?
Hai Piao Xiao
Which herb that invigorates the blood also clears heat, unblocks the menses, facilitates urination, and checks malarial disorders?
Ma Bian Cao
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors also clears heat, unblocks the channels and collaterals, clears heat and calms wheezing, promotes urination, and helps with hypertension?
Di Long
Which herb is also added to pills containing minerals to aid their absorption and digestion?
Shen Qu
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors strongly directs rebellious qi downward, cools the blood, and stops bleeding?
Dai Zhe Shi
Which herb that invigorates the blood also absorbs acid and alleviates pain?
Wa Leng Zi
Which aromatic herb that opens the orifices is used to facilitate the passage of stillborns?
She Xiang
Which 3-star herb that stops bleeding is often applied topically instead of being decocted?
San Qi
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit is a great herb for forgetfulness associated with insufficient HT qi?
Ling Zhi
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit sedates the HT, settles tremors and palpitations, clears LV heat, eliminates superficial visual obstructions, and generates flesh?
Zhen Zhu
Which herb that invigorates the blood is a great herb for numbness?
Ji Xue Teng
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit is useful for night terrors in children?
Bai Zi Ren
Which herb that aromatically transforms dampness is helpful for diarrhea?
Sha Ren
Which herb that invigorates the blood also promotes the movement of qi, stops pain, relaxes the sinews, reduces swellings, and generates flesh?
Ru Xiang
Besides killing parasites, which herb also clears heat, cools the blood, and stops bleeding?
Guan Zhong
Which herb that stops bleeding and restrains leakage has a quality that prevents blood stasis from forming?
Xue Yu Tan
When would you use Long Chi over Long Gu?
When you are primarily trying to settle anxiety and calm the spirit. However, you can also use both together to accentuate this action as well.
Which herb that invigorates the blood also promotes lactation and is used for breast or testicular swelling?
Wang Bu Liu Xing
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors also nourishes the HT and calms the spirit?
Luo Bu Ma Ye
Which herbs that aid food stagnation also help with hypertension?
Shan Zha
Lai Fu Zi
Which herbs are frankincense and myrrh?
Mo Yao and Ru Xiang
Which herb that kills parasites is also used as a folk remedy to induce abortions?
Fei Zi
Which herb is Pu Huang often used together with?
Wu Ling Zhi
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit also invigorates the blood and unblocks the menses?
Hu Po
Which herb that regulates the qi is used with tonifying herbs to prevent stagnation?
Chen Pi
Which herb that regulates qi is effective for killing parasites?
Chuan Lian Zi
Which herb in the topical application chapter dries dampness, kills parasites, warms the KDs and fortifies the yang, disperses cold, dispels wind, and dries dampness?
She Chuang Zi
Which herb that invigorates the blood is especially useful for shoulder pain/frozen shoulder?
Jiang Huang
Which herb that relieves food stagnation is used to stop diarrhea?
Shan Zha
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit also moistens the intestines and is used for nightsweats?
Bai Zi Ren
Which herb from the stabilize and bind chapter is good for vaginal discharge from many different causes?
Hai Piao Xiao
Which herb that stops bleeding and restrains leakage also generates flesh and resolves sores?
Xue Yu Tan
Bai Ji also generates flesh and reduces swelling
Which herb that regulates the qi aids the KDs in grasping qi for asthma for wheezing?
Chen Xiang
Which herb is often paired with Wu Gong?
Quan Xie
extinguish wind, stop tremors
Which herb that regulates the qi is used to stop hiccoughing?
Shi Di
Which herb that invigorates the blood is used in pressballs?
Wang Bu Liu Xing
Which herb that invigorates the blood tonifies the blood, regulates menstruation, invigorates the channels, and relaxes the sinews?
Ji Xue Teng
Which aromatic herb that opens the orifices treats many problems that impair consciousness from heat OR cold?
She Xiang
Which herb that regulates the qi is used for promoting urination, reducing edema, aids incomplete or irregular bowel movements, and belching with acid regurgitation?
Da Fu Pi
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit also nourishes the blood and is helpful for numbness from blood deficiency?
Ye Jiao Teng
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit warms the womb?
Zi Shi Ying
Which herb that invigorates the blood also clears the Heart and opens the orifices?
Yu Jin
Which herb in the topical application chapter also opens the orifices and expels turbidity?
Zhang Nao
Which herb that relieves food stagnation also secures the essence
Ji Nei Jin
Which herb that invigorates the blood regulates the menses, relieves LV qi constraint, and reduces swellings?
Yue Ji Hua
Which herbs that extinguish wind and stops tremors are useful for Bell’s Palsy?
Bai Jiang Can
Wu Gong
Quan Xie
Which herb that invigorates the blood promotes the movement of both qi and blood and expels wind?
Jiang Huang
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors also disperses wind-heat, stops itching and pain, transforms phlegm, softens hardness, and dissipates nodules?
Bai Jiang Can
Which herb that stops bleeding and restrains leakage also promotes urination?
Xue Yu Tan
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit also alleviates itching?
Ye Jiao Teng
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit aids the KDs in grasping qi?
Ci Shi
Which herb is similar to Zhi Shi, but gentler?
Zhi Ke
Which herb in the topical application chapter drain dampness, absorb seepage, stops bleeding, clears the LUs, and stops diarrhea?
Er Cha
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit unblocks the penetrating and conception vessels?
Zi Shi Ying
Which herb that invigorates blood promotes the movement of qi and blood, opens the middle burner, unblocks the channels, and promotes water metabolism?
Lu Lu Tong
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors enriches the KD yin, reduces fever from deficiency, and stops nightsweats?
Lu Dou Yi
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit also harmonizes the blood, stops pain, and reconnects the sinews and bones?
He Huan Pi
Which herb that stops bleeding and dispels stasis is also used to promote urination?
Pu Huang
Which aromatic herb that opens the orifices invigorates the blood, dissipates clumps, reduces swellings, and alleviates pain?
She Xiang
Which herbs restrain lactation?
Mai Ya
Which herb that invigorates the blood also regulates the menses and clears the eyes?
Chong Wei Zi
Which herb that nourishes the heart and calms the spirit is unique in that it is both sweet and sour?
Suan Zao Ren
Which herb that that invigorates the blood is used topically for burns and also reduces food stagnation?
Liu Ji Nu
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors is used as a home remedy for headache or nightsweats?
Lu Dou Yi
Which herb in the topical application chapter resolves toxicity, reduces swellings, and invigorates the blood?
Mu Bie Zi
Which herb that invigorates the blood can be used internally to stop bleeding from the upper digestive tract and dispel stasis or externally to stop bleeding and protect ulcers/prevent decay?
Xue Jie
Which aromatic herb that opens the orifices is used for hot phlegm obstructing the Pericardium?
Niu Huang
Which herb that anchors, settles, and calms the spirit improves hearing and vision?
Ci Shi
Which herb is often used with Yi Mu Cao?
Ze Lan
Which herb that extinguishes wind and stops tremors delays the aging process and lowers cholesterol?
Luo Bu Ma Ye
Which herb in the topical application chapter opens the orifices, awakens the consciousness, expels summerheat, and resists cancer?
Chan Su
Which herbs are part of the lotus plant?
Ou Jie
Lian Fang
Lian Zi Xin
He Ye
Which herbs that regulate the qi are good herbs for gyn issues?
Mei Gui Hua
Xiang Fu
Which herb that relieves food stagnation is also used for KD stones and gallstones?
Ji Nei Jin
Which herbs that extinguish wind and stops tremors are useful for painful obstruction and stubborn headaches?
Wu Gong
Quan Xie
Which herbs promote water metabolism?
Bai Zhu
Lu Lu Tong
What is a good herb to use for sudden turmoil disorder (traveler’s diarrhea)?
Huo Xiang
Which herb is a pair with Huo Xiang?
Pei Lan
Which two herbs are used for bedwetting?
Ji Nei Jin
Sang Piao Xiao