Finals Review Flashcards
Document and view in Windows program
doc is a collection of data in applicationthat user interacts with; may not be text
view is obj that provides mechanism for displaying some or all of app data in doc object; how data is displayed in window and how u can interact with it
SDI application
single doc interface requires only one doc to be open at a time
MDI application
multiple doc interface: able to open multiple docs of one type, can handle docs of dif types simultaneously with ea doc in own window(child of app window)
message map
table of member functions that handle messages (OnAppAbout) bounded by a couple of macros; ea entry in map associates member fx with particular message; when given message occurs, corresponding fx is called
adding new menu items, go to what view? stored in what kind of files
stored in resource files; go to resource view
IPO vs event driven programming
Input process output: receives inputs from a user or other source, does some computations, returns computations
event driven: when menu item clicked or key pressed, message map id’s causes handler called and appropriate member function called to change
late-binding and virtual functions and polymorphism
virtual functions with normal fx will set compile time (early binding);
prob when methods in classes in cases where inherited classes redefined fx(polymorphism)
what’s a virtual function ex
fx that may run differently for different inherited classes; ex virtual volume(): box1 gets volume while box2 from inherited class may get vol*2;
protected vs private
Private members only accessible within the class defining them. Protected members accessible in class that defines them and in classes that inherit from that class. Both are accessible by friends of their class, and in the case of protected members, by friends of their derived classe
derive from class syntax
class one{ }; class 2: public one{ };