Finals: Quiz2 Flashcards
True or False: “St. Paul in Corinthians, mentions healing as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the community (1Cor 12:9). “
In the ________ tradition, priesthood was reserved to the members of the clan of Aaron and the tribe of Levi.
True or False: Healing the sick and administering to the needy take root in the ministry of Jesus.
True or False: “According to the Council of Trent, the Sacrament of Anointing gives emphasis that the reception of the sacrament is not reserved solely for those who are at the point of death but for anyone who is in danger of death. “
True or False: “When a man and a woman enter into a permanent relationship of love, they reflect not only God s affection for people, but they also share that love in a new and very special way. “
True or False: “During the fifth century, anointing was done by the priests rather than the laity. “
The valid reception of the Sacrament of Anointing must have reached the age of _______
discretion; reason
True or False: “Marriage is a sign of love that Christ has for His Church which means just as the love of Christ is permanent, the love of a husband and wife should also be permanent . This teaching is based upon St. Paul according to St. Augustine. “
True or False: The sacrament of marriage involves the whole family where each member has a responsibilities as well as rights.
True or False: “Children have responsibility to contribute to the growth of their family as a true community of love. However, the primary responsibility rests with the parents. “
True or False: Jesus through the parable of the Lost Coin has revealed the unconditional and merciful love of God to us.
Marriage and Family ________ especially for couples whose marriage is in crisis is another way by which society may support marital life.
True or False: “The power to forgive person s sins belongs solely to God. However, this is granted by God and received by man through the Church in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.”
The ministry of the laity or lay faithful is exercised in the __________ order.
temporal; secular
True or False: “Marriage in the 3rd century was understood they as an agreement, a contract or covenant that was arranged between two families.”
True or False: “In 313 A.D., Emperor Constantine officially recognized Christianity as a religion wherein certain developments had evolved in the Church. “
________ is the sign for the penitent that God grants forgiveness and pardon for his/her sins.
The title of ________ is not one of honor but of function, but as one he should strive to serve rather than to rule.
True or False: “Today, one of the difficulties in recognizing and accepting the Church as channel by which they will be reconciled to God and the community is a clear weakening of one s conscience and one s declining sense of sin. “
True or False: It was the emperor who gave the priest (Greek and Latin episkopos) permission to expand their authority and to act as magistrates in their local communities.
True or False: “In 1960 s, a gradual change evolved in relation to the findings on the ancient use of oil to anoint the sick for healing, the sacrament is also for the seriously ill and not necessarily the dying. “
True or False: Sins freely oppose the will of the Father and violate the principle of goodness and virtue.
True or False: “In the Palestine experience of priesthood, a traditional understanding of priesthood includes the quality of service, authority and leadership. “
The ordination to the _________ takes place within the celebration of the Eucharist, usually on a Saturday or Sunday.
True or False: “Jesus’ many miracles especially to the sick revealed at the same time, the signs of salvation which have been promised to mankind and which Jesus was commissioned to bring to humanity. “
True or False: The healing of a person s affliction or malady come with Jesus forgiveness of that person s sin as well.
When the Holy Eucharist is given at the dying moment and/or considered as the last rite is called the ________ .
True or False: “In the sacrament of marriage, Jesus is present with the family members, helping them in their daily struggle to become a better community of love. “
True or False: It was the witness of Jesus life of service that made the people recognized Jesus as priest.
True or False: Reconciliation of Penitents with General Absolution is done only in cases of grave necessity because of the shortness in the number of people to confess their sins.
True or False: “In the culture found in the 1st century, marriage was understood that a wife should provide a living for the family through trade or work, and to provide a necessary leadership and required to make judgments and decisions.”
The efficacy of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is called ________. It follows here that the sacrament is not cause by the righteousness of either the celebrant or the recipient, but the power of God.
ex opere operato
True or False: “Those who are ordained as deacons, priests and bishops exercise a ministry of leadership which enables the Church to follow Christ. “
True or False: “The ministry of healing the sick was a mission Christ entrusted only to His apostles, so that they may give health to the needy and heal the sick. “
True or False: The ministry of the laity is exercised in close collaboration and cooperation with the ordained ministers of the Gospel.
True or False: “The revised rites for the ordination of deacons, priests and bishops were published by Pope Paul VI in 1968. “
True or False: Marriage is a sign of God s love.
True or False: The regular and frequent reception and celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation is beneficial in the formation of conscience and the development of our sensitivity to sin and its harmful results.
The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick was known in the past as the _______
extrema unctio; extreme unction
True or False: “‘Salutation’ comes from the word salus. “