Finals part III Flashcards
Hemophilia B
- Fibrin not produced
- Missing factor IX of coagulation pathway
Hemophilia A
- Fibrin not produced
- missing factor VIIIa of coagulation pathway
3 stages of coagulation
1) platelets attach to endothelium
2) platelets start to release fibrin and begin to seal endothelium
3) fibrin network traps RBSs and seals endothelium
Down syndrome
-caused by nondisjunction at chromosome 21 (HSA21q)
Down syndrome symptoms
- slanted eyes
- flattened nose
- short neck
- Alzheimer like symptoms in 75% of DS patients older than 60
Down syndrome treatment
Hedgehog agonist therapy shown to improve cognitive function in mice with DS
Hemophilia symptoms
- x-linked recessive disease characterized by inability to properly form blood clots
- bleeding into soft tissues, muscles, and weight bearing joints
Hemophilia treatment
- liver transplantation
- blood transfusion
- standard treatment; replacement of deficient factor
labeling by incorporating nucleotide with attached fluorophore
GI Anthrax Symptoms
- soar throat
- headache
- nausea
- diarrhea
- vomiting
Cutaneous Anthrax Symptoms
-sore, develops into raised bump and develops into painless ulcer with black center
Inhalation Anthrax Symptoms
- Flu like symptoms
- fever
- cough
- chest discomfort
- vascular leakage
Von WIllebrand Disease
- most common coagulation disorder
- caused by deficiency/defect in VWF
- VWF normally causes adhesion of platelets to subendothelial collagen, primarily through the glycoprotein Ib on platelets
- affects 1-2% of US population
Cause of Anthrax
- Bacteria; Bacillus Anthracis(gram+)
- two plasmids necessary for infectivity; PXO1 and PXO2
PXO1 plasmid codes for..
-Edema and Lethal Toxins