finals: epi Flashcards
3 major sources of bias
1) confounding
2) selection bias
3) measurement error/misclassification (information bias)
why DAGs useful (2 reasons)
- easy way to distinguish between confounding and selection bias
- Tool to identify which variables should
be controlled for to block spurious
associations between exposure and
4 stappen van DAG
C(onfounder) -> E(xposure) -> D(isease) -> (S)election into case control study
Selection bias in DAG
conditioning on common effect (Aka Collider)
Causes of bias: RCT
Causes of bias: Cohort studies
[c] yes
[s-b] when selection of exposed and unexposed related to disease status. when LTFU different exposed and unexposed
[mc/me]: yes both diff and undiff
4 ways to deal with confoudning in analysis
propensity score matching
IV analysis
Causes of bias: Case-control
[c] yes (un)measured covariates
[s-b] controls not selected independent of disease status
[mc/me]: ja. vooral recall bias.
dealing with confoudning incase control:
design: restriction, matching (on disease status)
analysis: propensity scores, regression, stratifcication
NB: matching prevents you from assessing relation between match factors and outcome, doesnt remove bias
before starting study: 3 ethical prinicples
beneficiency - minimize harm
justice - avoid exploitatins, minimzie risk
respect for persons - protect dignity and autonomy
3 ways selection bias arises
- The source of controls is not representative of the study base with respect to exposure
- Subject selection
- Losses of selected subjects
Berksons bias?
Berkson’sbias may occur when hospital controls are used in a case-control study and hospitalization is related to the exposure under study
Downwards bias if controls are hospitalized due to the exposure under study
3 eisen case crossover design
- crossover
- transcience of effect
- acute cases
strenght case crossover design
potential for bias?
pro:Cost efficient (non cases drop out)
Bias (self matching)
con: confouding by time varying factors, recall bias (het event veroorzaakt anders herinneren