Finals Coverage Flashcards
What are de minimis benefits?
De minimis benefits are facilities and privileges of relatively small value and provided by an employer to employees merely as a means to promote their health, good will, contentment, or efficiency. They are fringe benefits, but not taxable.
These de minimis benefits are exempt from income tax only to the extent of the amount of the threshold provided by the BIR regulations, which is Php 90,000.
What are fringe benefits? How is it computed?
Under the Tax Code, fringe benefit means any good, service or other benefit furnished or granted in cash or in kind by an employer to an individual employee (except rank-and-file) such as but not limited to:
(a) Housing
(b) Expense account
(c) Vehicle of any kind
(d) Holiday and vacation expenses
A final tax of 35% is imposed on the grossed-up monetary value (actual monetary value divided by 65%) of fringe benefit furnished or granted to the employee by the employer.
Being another capital asset transactions, what is the difference between a long term capital gain v. short term capital gain?
Long term capital gain is where capital asset is held more than 12 months before it is sold. Only 50% of the gain is recognized.
In short term capital gain, capital asset is held for 12 months or less, 100% of the gain is subject to tax.
Being another capital asset transactions, what is the difference between net capital gain v. net capital loss?
Net capital gain is the excess of the gains over the losses on sales or exchange of capital assets during the taxable year.
Net capital loss on the other hand, is the excess of the losses over the gains on sales or exchanges of capital assets during the taxable year.
With regards to the capital loss limitation rule, what does it say?
General rule, losses from sales or exchanges of capital assets shall be allowed only to the extent of the gains from such sales or exchanges.
This rule applies to both corporations and individuals except banks and trust companies.
What is the rule regarding net capital loss carry over?
If any taxpayer, other than a corporation, sustains in any taxable year a net capital loss, such loss (in an amount not in excess of the net income for such year) shall be treated in the succeeding taxable year as a loss from the sale or exchange of a capital asset held for not more than twelve (12) months.
What is the difference between Net Capital Loss Carry Over (NCLCO) and Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO)?
With regards to applicability, the former applies only to individual taxpayers while the latter applies to both individual and corporate taxpayers.
As to the amount, the former is limited to the amount of the taxable income in the year the loss was sustained, while there is no limit as to the latter.
As to the period of carry-over, the loss in the former can be carried over to the succeeding year, while in the latter, the loss can be carried over to the next 3 consecutive years immediately following the year of such loss.
What are the three types of deductions from gross income? Explain each briefly.
There are two types of deductions from gross income:
(1) Itemized deductions which are available to all kinds of taxpayers engaged in trade or business or practice of profession in the Philippines.
(2) Optional standard deduction which is available to individual and corporate tax payers deriving business, professional capital gains, passive income or other income not subject to final tax.
(3) Special Additional Deductions
Enumerate the itemized deductions.
The following are itemized deductions:
(1) Ordinary and necessary business expenses
(2) Interest expense
(3) Taxes
(4) Losses
(5) Bad Debts
(6) Depreciation
(7) Depletion
(8) Charitable and other contributions
(9) Research and development
(10) Pension trust
As an itemized deduction, what are the requisites with regards to ordinary and necessary business expenses?
In order for a taxpayer to claim deductions of ordinary and necessary business expenses, the following requisites must be present:
(1) The expense must be ordinary
(2) It must have been paid or incurred during the taxable year
(3) It must have been paid or incurred in carrying on the trade or business of the taxpayer
(4) It must be supported by receipts, records, or other pertinent papers
(5) Expenses must not be contrary to law, morals, or public policy
(6) Must be reasonable
What is the rule regarding the all-events test?
The all-events test requires the right to income or liability be fixed, and the amount of such income or liability be determined with reasonable accuracy.
However, the test does not demand that the amount of income or liability be known absolutely, only that a taxpayer has at his disposal the information necessary to compute the amount with reasonable accuracy.
One of the requirements of the itemized deduction of ordinary and necessary business expenses is that the expenses must be reasonable and necessary. What is the rule regarding this?
There is yet to be a clear-cut criteria or
fixed test for determining the reasonableness of an advertising expense. There being no hard and fast rule on the matter, the right to a deduction depends on a number of factors such as but not limited to: the type and size of business in which the taxpayer is engaged; the volume and amount of its net earnings; the nature of the expenditure itself; the intention of the taxpayer and the general economic conditions. It is the interplay of these,
among other factors and properly weighed, that will yield a proper evaluation.
In the case of Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. General Foods, what is the ruling of the Court with regards to the reasonableness and necessity of advertising expenses?
As mentioned by the Supreme Court, we should distinguish between the advertising expenses that can stimulate current sales and those for future sales.
If the expenditures are for the advertising
of the first kind, then, except as to the question of the reasonableness of the amount, there is no doubt such expenditures are deductible as business expenses. If, however, the expenditures are for advertising of the second kind, then normally they should be spread out over a reasonable period of time.
As an itemized deduction, what is the rule regarding interest expense?
In general, the amount of interest expense paid or incurred within a taxable year on the indebtedness in connection with the taxpayer’s trade, business or exercise of profession shall be allowed as a deduction from the taxpayer’s gross income.
What are the conditions for the deductibility of interest expense?
(1) There must be a valid and existing indebtedness;
(2) The indebtedness must be that of the taxpayer;
(3) The interest must be legally due and stipulated in writing;
(4) The interest expense must be paid or incurred during the taxable year;
(5) The indebtedness must be connected with the taxpayer’s trade, business, or exercise of profession;
(6) The interest payment arrangement must not be between related taxpayers
(7) The interest is not expressly disallowed by law to be deducted from the taxpayer’s gross income
8. The amount of interest deducted from gross income does not exceed the limit set forth in the law. In other words, the taxpayer’s otherwise allowable deduction for interest expense shall be reduced by 20%.
With regards to taxes as an itemized deduction, what is the rule?
All taxes, national or local, paid or accrued during the taxable year in connection with the trade or business profession of the taxpayer are deductible from gross income. Except:
(1) Philippine Income Tax
(2) Foreign Income Tax
(3) Estate and Donor’s Taxes
(4) Special assessments on real property
(5) Electric energy consumption tax
(6) Value Added Tax
What are the conditions for taxes as an itemized deduction?
(1) Payments must be for taxes;
(2) Taxes are imposed by law upon the taxpayer;
(3) Taxes must be paid or accrued during the taxable year in connection with the taxpayer’s trade, business or profession;
(4) Taxes are not specifically excluded by law from being deducted from the taxpayer’s gross income.
What are the different classification of losses as an itemized deduction?
(1) Those incurred in trade or business for profit
(2) Those incurred in any transaction entered into for profit, although not connected with the trade or business
(3) Casualty losses that arise from fire, storm, shipwreck or other casualty or from theft or robbery, even though not connected with the trade or business of the taxpayer.
When do you have a net operating loss?
You will only have taxable income if your gross income is higher than the allowable deductions. On the other hand, if the gross income is less than the allowable deductions, you have no taxable income. Instead, you have a net operating loss.
What are the conditions for the deductibility of losses as an itemized deduction?
(1) The loss must be that of the taxpayer;
(2) The loss is actually sustained and charged off within the taxable year;
(3) The loss is evidenced by a closed and completed transaction;
4() The loss is not claimed as a deduction for estate tax purposes;
(5) The loss is not compensate for by insurance or otherwise;
(6) In the case of an individual, the loss must be connected with his trade, business, or
profession or incurred in any transaction entered into for profit though not connected with his trade, business or profession; and
(7) In the case of casualty loss, it has been reported to the BIR within 45 days from the date of occurrence of the loss.
What is a bad debt as an itemized deduction?
Bad debts refers to debt resulting from the
worthlessness or uncollectibility, in whole or in part, of amount due the taxpayers by others, arising from money lent from uncollectible amounts of income from goods or services rendered. A bad debt arises when a loan or debt for services or sale or rental of property becomes worthless or uncollected.
What is the Tax Benefit Rule?
Under the Tax benefit Rule or the equitable doctrine of tax benefit, the recovery of amounts deducted in previous years from gross income become taxable income unless to the extent thereof, the deduction did not result in any tax benefit to the taxpayer.
As an itemized deduction of gross income, what is depreciation?
Depreciation is the gradual diminution in the useful value of tangible property resulting from wear and tear and normal obsolescence.
What are the conditions for depreciation to be deductible?
(1) The allowance for depreciation must be
(2) It must be for property arising out of its use in the trade or business, or out of its not being used temporarily during the year; and
(3) It must be charged off during the taxable year from the taxpayer’s book of accounts
What is charitable contribution as one of the itemized deductions for gross income?
Charitable contributions are in effect like
donations. If you have donations, they are
deductible items.
What are the conditions for deductibility of charitable contributions?
(1) The charitable contribution must actually be paid or made to the Philippine Government or any political subdivision thereof exclusively for public purposes, or any of the accredited domestic corporation or association specified in the Tax Code
(2) It must be within the taxable year
(3) It must not exceed 10% (individual) or 5%
(corporation of the taxpayer’s taxable income before charitable contributions (whether deductible in full or subject to limitation)
(4) It must be evidence by adequate receipts or records
(5) The amount of charitable contribution of property other than money shall be based on the acquisition cost of said property.
What are the two types of charitable contributions? Discuss each briefly.
When you say full deductibility of the charitable and other contributions, it pertains to donations to the:
(1) Government of the Philippines
(2) Certain foreign institutions or international organizations
(3) Certain accredited non-government organizations
When you say partial deductibility, in a sense, there is a limitation on the amount to be claimed as deduction.
With regards to research and development as an itemized deduction, what is the rule?
The research and development expenses must also be connected with the trade, business or profession as ordinary and necessary expenses which are not chargeable to capital account.
With regards to pension trust as an itemized deduction, what is it all about?
This is a deductible item on the part of the employer issuing a retirement benefit to the employee. However, it is allowed as a deduction only if it is shown that the tax
required to be deducted and withheld therefrom has been paid to the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
What is the optional standard deduction?
The optional standard deduction, which is in lieu of the itemized deductions, is merely a privilege that may be enjoyed by certain individual taxpayers.
What are the requirements of the optional standard deduction?
(1) OSD is available only to citizens or resident aliens and to domestic corporations; thus, non-resident aliens and non-resident foreign corporations are not entitled to claim the optional standard deduction
(2) The standard deduction is optional
(3) Such election, when made by the qualified taxpayer, is irrevocable for the year in which made; however, he can change to or select the itemized deductions in succeeding years
(4) The amount of standard deduction is limited to 40% of the taxpayer’s gross sales or gross receipts
(5) Proof of actual deduction is not required
Who may be allowed and not allowed to claim optional standard deduction?
Allowed are:
(1) Resident Citizen, Non-Resident Citizen, Resident Alien, Domestic Corporations, and Resident Foreign Corporations.
Not allowed are:
(2) Non-Resident Alien and Non-Resident Foreign Corporation
Enumerate the non-deductible items of the gross income.
In computing net income, no deduction shall in any case be allowed in respect to:
(1) Personal, living, or family expenses.
(2) Any amount paid out for for new buildings, permanent improvements, or betterments to increase the value of property or estate
(3) Any amount expended in restoring property
(4) Premiums paid on any life insurance policy
(5) Losses from related taxpayers in sales or exchanges of property
What is the Tax Arbitrage Rule? Also, what is an arbitrage transaction?
The taxpayer’s allowable deduction for interest expense shall be reduced by an amount equal to 33% of the interest income
subjected to final tax. This rule equalizes the
taxpayer’s liability interest income and the tax benefit on interest expense.
Arbitrage transaction is one where the taxpayer obtained a loan from the bank which is deductible from gross-income, and is deposited in the bank and will earn interest income which is lower than the tax.
With regards to the availment of the optional 8% income tax, what is the rule?
The 8% optional income tax is a payment in lieu of the graduated income tax rates, ordinary or regular income tax, and also in lieu of the 3% percentage tax.
What are the requirements in order to avail of the optional 8% income tax?
(1) Individual taxpayer
(2) Income from business or exercise of profession
(3) Taxpayers must be non-VAT registered.
(4) Taxpayer’s gross sales/revenues and other non-operating income during the year must not exceed Php 3M
Who are not qualified to avail of the optional 8% flat income rate?
(1) Purely Compensation income earners
(2) A VAT - registered taxpayer
(3) Non - VAT taxpayers whose gross
sales/receipts and other non - operating
income exceeded the 3,000,000.00 VAT
(4) Taxpayers who are subject to other
percentage taxes
(5) Partners of a General Professional
What is the Tax Sparing Rule?
Dividends received from a domestic corporation by a non-resident foreign corporation (NRFC) which is 30% of the amount of cash and/or property dividend; provided that it may be reduced to 15% of the amount of cash and/or property dividend, if the country in which the NRFC is domiciled shall allow a credit against the tax due from the NRFC deemed to have been paid in the Philippines equivalent to 15%, which represents the difference between the regular income tax of 30% and the 15% tax sparing rate.
What is the Tax Benefit Rule?
The bad debt previously written off is recognized only up to the extent that the taxpayer has benefited from it. Otherwise known as the equitable doctrine of tax benefit.
What is the rule with regards to the taxation of resident citizen, non-resident citizen, resident alien, and non-resident alien engaged in trade or business?
The schedular tax rate ranging from 0% to 35% as provided under the National Internal Revenue Code applies.
What is the rule with regards to the taxation of non-resident aliens (including regional headquarters and regional operating headquarters)?
The 15% preferential tax treatment provided in Section 25 (C), (D), and (E) shall NOT BE APPLICABLE to RHQs and ROHQs, offshore banking units, or petroleum service contractors and subcontractors registering with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Hence, employees of the said firms shall follow the regular tax rates applicable to other individual taxpayers.
What is the rule with regards to the taxation of minimum wage earners?
Exempt from the payment of income tax on their taxable income: provided, that the holiday pay, overtime pay, night shift differential pay and hazard pay received by such minimum wage earners shall likewise be exempt from income tax.
However, if they are receiving other income, such as income from the conduct of trade, business, or practice of profession, except income subject to final tax, in addition to compensation income are not exempted from income tax on their entire income earned during the taxable year.
What is the rule on the taxation of domestic corporations, resident foreign corporations, and non-resident foreign corporations?
The income tax rate is 30% on taxable income. However, the tax base for domestic corporation and resident foreign corporation is their taxable income, so they are allowed to claim deduction. While the tax base for non-resident foreign corporation is their gross income, so they are not allowed to claim deduction.
What is the rule on the taxation of domestic corporations with net taxable income not exceeding Php 5M and with total assets not exceeding Php 100M?
What are its requirements?
The applicable regular corporate income tax rate shall be 20% based on the taxable income.
(1) Net taxable income not exceeding 5M.
(2) Total assets not exceeding 100M.
(3) The asset excludes the land on which the
property, plant or equipment of the
corporation is situated.
What is the rule on taxation of proprietary educational institutions and proprietary non-profit hospitals?
Under the CREATE Law, the tax rate of 10% based on its net taxable income for proprietary educational institutions and proprietary non-profit hospitals.
What is the rule on taxation of government-owned or controlled corporations, agencies, and instrumentalities?
There are five government owned or controlled corporations, government agencies and instrumentalities which are exempt from income tax:
(1) SSS
(2) GSIS
(3) PhilHealth
(4) Local Water Districts
What is the difference between general professional partnership and ordinary business partnerships?
(1) General professional partnerships are partnerships formed by persons for the sole purpose of exercising their common profession, no part of the income of which is derived from engaging in any trade or
business. While ordinary business partnerships are treated like a
corporation under the National Internal Revenue Code. It is created for the sole purpose of trading or to engage in business.
(2) The former is exempt from income tax but its partners are liable to pay income tax, while the latter is subject to 30% income tax.
(3) In the former, regardless if the partners would receive the entire amount or not, the
individual partners should declare the distributive amount. In the latter, only those actually distributed share of the individual
partners shall be subject to tax.
What is the rule on taxation for Joint Ventures and Consortium?
Generally, they are taxable like a corporation. Exceptions are those joint venture and consortiums which are formed for the purpose of undertaking construction projects or engaging in petroleum, coal, geothermal, and other energy operations will be exempt from income tax.
What is the rule with regards to the taxation of co-ownerships?
General Rule: If the purpose of co-ownership is merely for the preservation, management or administration of the co-owned properties, not subject to income tax. Each co-owner is proportionately liable to income tax regarding their respective share.
Exception: If the co-ownership derives income, it will be subject to income tax and is treated as a separate entity.
What is the rule with regards to the taxation of estate and trusts?
Use the graduated schedule tax rates to compute income tax because estate and trusts are regarded as an individual taxpayer.
What is the rule with regards to the taxation of cooperatives and barangay micro business enterprises?
Generally, they are exempted from income tax, but they must apply for tax exemption with the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
What is the rule regarding minimum corporate income tax? What happens if there is an excess?
A minimum corporate income tax of two percent (2%) of the gross income as of the end of the taxable year beginning on the fourth taxable year immediately following the year in which the domestic or resident foreign corporation commenced its operation. Whichever is higher between the regular corporate income tax and the minimum corporate income tax, will be the one to be paid by the corporation.
The excess of minimum corporate income tax over the regular corporate income tax can be carried forward for the 3 immediately succeeding taxable year.
Why does minimum corporate income tax do not apply to non-resident foreign corporations?
A non-resident foreign corporation is subject to the corporate income tax rate of 25% based on the gross income.
The minimum corporate income tax is also based on 1% of the gross income.
There will be no comparison as to which of the regular corporate income tax and the minimum corporate income tax is higher, as 1% can never be higher than 25%.
What is the rule regarding branch profit remittance?
Remittance tax is conceived in an attempt to equalize the income tax burden on foreign corporations maintaining, on the one hand, local branch offices; and organizing, on the other hand, subsidiary domestic corporations where at least a majority of all the latter’s shares of stocks are owned by such foreign corporations.
In order to avert what would otherwise appear to be an unequal tax treatment on such subsidiaries vis-a-vis local branch offices, a 15% profit remittance tax was imposed on local branches on their remittances of profits abroad.