FINALS Flashcards
it is the fundamental and supreme law of the land
it is the basic charter
the philippine constitution provides the following:?
bill of rights
1987 constitution
aspects of sovereignty
philosophy of the constitution
there is no such thing as absolute rights
form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power
a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or rule
it is the constitution form from biyak na bato, formed by aguinaldo
malolos constitution
centralized all the power to the president, emilio aguinaldo , who practiced dictatorship
malolos constitution
a copy of cuban constitution
malolos constitution
technically a constitution but it is just a law passed by the us government which ended in july 4 1946
tydings-mcduffie act or the philippine independence act
there was a separation of the powers which are executive, legislative and judiciary
1935 philippine constitution
this constitution legitimized martial law
1935 philippine constitution
similarities with u.s. constitution
co-equal branches
bill of rights
1935 philippine constitution
from pres manuel roxas’s reign to pres marcos,
shift from parliamentary to presidential form of government
1935 philippine constitution
it created a hybrid system of government (presidential and parliamentary)
1973 philippine constitution
the president was appointed as the prime minister and (marcos) had all the powers except judiciary
1973 philippine constitution
to recover all ill-gotten wealth of pres ferdinand marcos, ordered by pres cory aquino
executive order no. 1 series of 1986
1986 philippine constitution
law that gives all powers to revolutionary/supreme leader pres cory aquino
executive order no. 1 series of 1986
1986 philippine constitution
presidential form of government starting from aquino to duterte which segregated the three co-equal branches of the government
1987 philippine constitution
composed of the president, vice-president and the cabinet
composed of the congress which are the upper house (senate) and lower house(representatives) who create laws
composed of the supreme court who has the prime task which is to make sure that the two branches will not abuse their power
contains preamble and 18 articles
1987 philippine constitution
similar to a book’s preface
serves as a guiding light in care of unclearrness of the constitution’s vague interpretation
meaning of the latin word preambulare
to walk before
it limits the rights of the people
state powers
it is the power of the state to control or limit the exercise of rights
police powers
acts of the President providing for rules of a general or permanent character in implementation or execution of constitutional or statutory powers
executive order
laws that target the government agencies/aspects of governmental operations
administrative order
laws served to arrogate unto the chief executive the lawmaking powers of congress
only done by ferdinand marcos
presidential decree
known as the most endurious/destructive power of the state
police power
they are known to be local laws
take private property for public purpose after payment of just compensation
power of eminent domain
it is endurious among property
power of eminent domain
type of property which is immovable
real property
type of property which is movable
personal property
power of the state to mandatorily levy or raise resources for the operations of the state
power of taxation
it is known to be the lifeblood of the state
found in the article 3 of the 1987 ph constitution and composes of 26 sections which are the enumeration of a person’s rights
bill of rights
rights to participate in the affairs of the government
political rights
rights in relation to other person (marry, adopt, contract)
civil rights
rights in relation to your properties (commercial transactions, etc)
economic rights
rights in relation to association (alliance, corporation, etc)
social rights
extent of the power to make legal decisions and judgments or where the law applies
no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws
article 3, sec 1 of bill of rights
life begins at the fertilization = conception
- right to be informed of what is happening (nature and cause accusation)
- right to be heard (defensing yourself)
- judgement
due process
content of the law must be fair
substantial due process
refers to the method by how the law is implemented (must be fair)
procedural due process
things that are capable of ownership
there are things that are not capable of ownership
rule of equality does not equal to equity
refers to the numerical fairness
refers to what you actually deserve (proportionate)
value of rights differ/vary from one person to another person. however, they are equally treated by the law
equal protection of the laws
known to be bicameral or separated by two chambers which are the upper and lower house
congressman has 3 years to serve = 1 term with 3 consecutive terms
house of representatives are locally elected while partylists are nationally elected
senate is composed of 24 senators
each senator has 6 years to serve = 1 term with 2 consecutive terms
proposed legislation under consideration by a legislature
president has 6 years to serve = 1 term with no re-election
vice-president has 6 years to serve with a re-election
refers to the actual years you stayed in the office
tenure of the office
composed of 1 chief justice and 14 associate justices who were appointed by the president
supreme court
all running for government position must be a naturally born filipino citizen
minimum age requirement for house of representatives
minimum age requirement for senate
minimum age requirement for president and vp
minimum age requirement for supreme court
all running for government position must be a registered voter
all running for government position must be able to read and write
house of representatives must be a resident of the place they are representing
those who will be running for senate shall be a resident anywhere in the philippines
those who will be running for the presidency or vice presidency shall be a resident anywhere in the philippines for atleast 10 years
how many years of practice of law shall supreme court justices attain
15 years
supreme court justices shall possess?
“This land is Ours God gave this land to us”
pre-spanish period
system that grants that Encomienderos must defend his encomienda from external attack, maintain peace and order within, and support the missionaries. In turn, the encomiendero acquired the right to collect tribute from the indios (native).
concept of encomienda (Royal Land Grants)
spanish period
The tribute soon became land rents to a few powerful landlords. And the natives who once cultivated the lands in freedom were transformed into mere share tenants.
spanish period
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo declared in the Malolos Constitution his intention to confiscate large estates, especially the so-called Friar lands.
However, as the Republic was short-lived, Aguinaldo’s plan was never implemented.
first philippine republic
the torrens system
american period
President Manuel L. Quezon espoused the “Social Justice” program to arrest the increasing social unrest in Central Luzon.
commonwealth period
; landlords who supported the Japanese lost their lands to peasants while those who supported the Huks earned fixed rentals in favor of the tenants
japanese occupation
hukbalahap or Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon era
the Congress of the Philippines revised the tenancy law.
philippine republic
- Republic Act No. 34 – Established the 70-30 sharing arrangements and regulating share-tenancy contracts.
- Republic Act No. 55 – Provided for a more effective safeguard against arbitrary ejectment of tenants.
president manuel roxas
Executive Order No. 355 issued on October 23, 1950 – Replaced the National Land Settlement Administration with Land Settlement Development Corporation (LASEDECO) which takes over the responsibilities of the Agricultural Machinery Equipment Corporation and the Rice and Corn Production Administration.
president elpidio quirino
established the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA)
Agricultural Tenancy Act of 1954
Land Reform Act of 1955
Creation of Agricultural Credit Cooperative Financing Administration
president ramon magsaysay
Republic Act No. 3844 of August 8, 1963 (Agricultural Land Reform Code) – Abolished share tenancy, institutionalized leasehold, set retention limit at 75 hectares, invested rights of preemption and redemption for tenant farmers, provided for an administrative machinery for implementation, institutionalized a judicial system of agrarian cases, incorporated extension, marketing and supervised credit system of services of farmer beneficiaries.
president diosdado macapagal
Agrarian Reform Program
president ferdinand marcos
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL)
president corazon aquino
Fairer, faster and more meaningful implementation of the Agrarian Reform Program.
president fidel ramos
Farmer’s Trust Fund
Magkabalikat Para sa Kaunlarang Agraryo or MAGKASAKA
president joseph estrada
To make the countryside economically viable for the Filipino family by building partnership and promoting social equity and new economic opportunities towards lasting peace and sustainable rural development.”
president gloria arroyo
Land Tenure Improvement
Infrastructure Projects
Agrarian Justice
president gloria arroyo
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP),
Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS)
president noynoy aquino
public lands, including military reserves to place under agrarian reform
placed 400 hectares of agricultural lands in Boracay under CARP
Oplan Zero Backlog
president rodrigo duterte
regarded as minorities
indigenous peoples
by 1946, the colonized and the minorities started to integrate and merge
after the merge, gaps in culture, language and how development is viewed were observed among ips and colonized
for the minorities, this is the true meaning of development
capital of abra
capital of apayao
capital of benguet
la trinidad
capital of kalinga
capital of ifugao
capital of mt province
ethnic and linguistic divisions
ethnolinguistic groups
culture promoted by colonized communities especially the Tagalogs
national culture
system of words and phrases
variation of language
refers to the lands, territories and resources of indigenous peoples, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region
indicates relationships beyond material lands and territories, including spiritual and cultural aspects that may not be acknowledged in land titles and legal doctrine about trading ownership
ancestral domains
land/property with an official record of who owns it through a Certificate of Title registered with the land/property Registry
titled property
local knowledge developed
over centuries of experimentation by our ancestors and are passed orally from generation to
indigenous knowledge systems and practices or IKSPs