Finals Flashcards
Hiram Revels
First African American senator
Black Codes
Laws that severely restricted african Americans’ lives.
Radical Republicans
Led by Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts and Representative Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania, they wanted to destroy the political power of former slaveholders.
14th Amendment
Made african-americans citizens and barred Confederate leaders from holding public offices.
15th Amendment
Gave african-americans the right to vote.
Tenure of Office Act
Denied the president the power to remove from office anyone appointed by the Senate. President Andrew Johnson attempted to remove Edwin Stanton but the Senate did not ratify the act. Johnson attempted to appoint a new Secretary of War anyway, leading to his impeachment (the first presidential impeachment ever).
Blanche K Bruce
An American politician. Bruce represented Mississippi as a U.S. Senator from 1875 to 1881 and was the first black to serve a full term in the Senate.
Role of Blacks in Southern Politics During Reconstruction
During Reconstruction, some 2,000 African Americans held public office, from the local level all the way up to the U.S. Senate, though they never achieved representation in government proportionate to their numbers”
Who Headed the Friedman’s Bureau
Oliver Otis Howard
White supremacists throughout the south resorted to violence known as:
Between 1868-1876, how many blacks were killed by the KKK
The Civil Rights Act of 1875 stipulated that
discrimination in public places throughout the country was banned.
Compromise of 1877
This settled the election of 1876, troops were removed from Louisiana and South Carolina and concessions for building a southern transcontinental railroad made
10% Plan
decreed that a state could be reintegrated into the Union when 10% of its voters in the presidential election of 1860 had taken an oath of allegiance to the US and pledged to abide by emancipation
freed African Americans who fled to Kansas during the Reconstruction Era of the 1880’s
This system traded a freedmen’s labor for the use of a house, land, and sometimes further accommodations.They would usually give half or more of their grown crop to their landlords.
Tenant farming
tenant farming was a system of farming in which a person rents land to farm from a planter
Jim Crow Laws
State and local laws in the United States enacted between 1876 and 1965.
They mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederacy.
1890, a “separate but equal” status for African Americans.
Economic, educational and social disadvantages.
Booker T Washington’s personal philosophy was based on the idea that:
racial integration and the power of the franchise could come only after black people acquired work skills that made them indispensable to the southern economy.
National Negro Business League
Founded by Booker T. support businesses owned and operated by African Americans.
According to WEB DuBois, the problem of the 20th century is:
The problem of the color line
Pan Africanism
A movement that wanted Africa to become a homeland for all people of African descent.
Souls of Black Folk
Book by WEB DuBois.spoke of the color line, veil, and duality.
Close Ranks
WEB DuBois. Encouraged blacks to engage in “close ranks” with whites by joining the armed forces, as they did during the Civil War.
Ida B Wells
African American journalist. published statistics about lynching, urged African Americans to protest by refusing to ride streetcards or shop in white owned stores
Plessy v Ferguson
A case in which the Supreme Court ruled that segregated, “equal but separate” public accommodations for blacks and whites did not violate the 14th amendment.
This ruling made segregation legal.
William Monroe Trotter
radical civil rights supporter; wanted to use violence to get equal rights; editorial writer
Scott Joplin
Scott Joplin was a pianist and one of the most important developers of ragtime music
Madam CJ Walker
First Black Female millionaire
Carter G Woodson
First black to get PhD from Harvard. He was the force behind “Negro History Week” which later became Black History Month.
A Phillip Randolph
America’s leading black labor leader who called for a march on Washington D.C. to protest factories’ refusals to hire African Americans
New Negro
willing to fight for equal rights; more assertive and more militant
Harlem Renaissance
time of literature and art that rediscovered AA culture
Marcus Garvey
black activist; tried to get people to move back to afric
Great Migration
the migration of African Americans in the south to go north or mid west in 1910-1960
Tulsa Riot of 1921
race riot that occurred in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1921, when more than 300 blacks were killed and over 10,000 left homeless after a white mob burned an all-black section of the city to the ground.
In 1915, the ________ came alive again, this time as a national organization dedicated to targeting blacks, Jews, and Catholics.
A rift developed between Marcus Garvey and W. E. B. Du Bois because:
Garvey advocated seperatism, and Du Bois wanted equality & integration
As black Americans migrated to the cities, upper-class white Americans
Fled to the suburbs
Great Depression affect on Blacks
Times had always been hard for them, and then it just got harder. Many just viewed the Great Depression as a white people problem
Tuskegee Airmen
The 1st african american pilots to fly for the US military during WW II after being denied leadership roles b/c of the color of their skin
Thurgood Marshall
American civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States
Massive Resistance
Southerners reacted to desegregation with this. They worked through local governments and organizations to obstruct desegregation. Produced delays.
Southern Manifesto
Southern congressmen write this to protest congress’ ruling on mixing public schools. argued that supreme court violated states’ rights.
Little Rock Nine
nine African American students to Central High a school with 2,000 white students
One reason that Kennedy could become a vocal supporter of the civil rights movement was
The civil rights movement was gaining broad based support
Ella Baker
Ella Baker was the executive director of the SCLC
When plantation worker Fannie Lou Hamer tried to register to vote, she not only lost her job and home but also was:
Severely beaten in jail
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Provided larger roles for younger African Americans regarding Civil Rights and became more militant to receive immediate change
James Meredith
First black student admitted to the University of Mississippi, shot during a civil rights march in 1966
Stokely Carmichael
Coined term “black power.” head of SNCC
Watts Riot
In 1965, in the Watts section of Los Angeles, a riot broke out. This triggers a week of violence and anger revealing the resentment blacks felt toward treatment toward them.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Banned Discrimination in any area open to the public.
H Rap Brown
He was a black activist as a member of SNCC. Compared to others, he was very militant strongly advocating black power.
By 1967, King had come to believe that it was necessary to move beyond civil rights legislation and focus on what?
Economic growth for the poor
An FBI program begun in 1956 and continued until 1971 that sought to expose, disrupt, and discredit groups considered to be radical political organizations: Targeted antiwar groups during the Vietnam War.
Poor People’s Campaign
Organized by Martin Luther King Jr. It addressed the issues of economic justice and housing for the poor in the United States.
Black Panther Party for Self-Defense
The Black Panther Party for Self Defense (aka the Black Panther Party) was an organization of armed black militants