Finals Flashcards
Tutankhamen (King Tut)
He is mostly known for his tomb being discovered in 1922. He was the 12th leader of Egypt & died at a very young age (nineteen/19) after serving 10 years as a King. Different kinds of items were preserved inside his coffins (precious rings and bracelets).
She was the longest reigning female pharaoh in Egypt (more than 20 years) She became queen due to her husbands death. She helped Egypt prosper and put in a lot of effort to restore Egyptian art works.
Ramses II
He was also known as Ramses the Great was the third pharaoh of the nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Often regarded as the greatest most celebrated and most powerful pharaoh the Egyptian Empire.
Draco/Draconian Law
Draco - A Greek nobleman, who developed a set of legal codes based on equality of the citizens.
Draconian law - A set of strict laws made my Draco.
Emperor Trajan
One of the “good emperor”.
The Roman emperor that expanded Rome until it’s peak (reached its greatest extent under the rules of Trajan).
First Triumvirate
Consisted out of three people: Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey.
Crassus is a least charismatic one and quickly looses power. Then, Pompey does when Julius Caesar ignored his and the senates orders to disband his army and come back to Rome. Julius Caesar becomes dictator for life.
Colossus of Rhodes
A bronze statue that stood more than 100 feet high in the island of Rhodes.
Lighthouse of Alexandria
They used this lighthouse to advance astronomy by watching
the stars.
Church of Latter-day Saints
It was founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith & now has about 15 million members today. It’s headquarters are at Salt Lake City, Utah, and is one of the fastest growing religions in the world today. Believers are called mormons. For example, they believe that Jesus was born in the US.
Fertile Crescent
The fertile crescent is a piece of land that is shaped in a curved shape and has a lot of richness.
Hammurabi’s Code
One of the most prominent leaders of Babylonia, Hammurabi created a set of codes of laws. There were a total of 282 laws engraved on stone and made public.
Xerxes I
The Persian King.
- Fourth king of the Achaemenid Empire
- Ruled from 486BC until he was assassinated by his bodyguard
It started with Leusippus and Democritus. This is the belief that everything happens occurring to natural laws and that there is no purpose in the universe.
A greek philosopher that questioned the existence of the traditional Greek Gods. Famously quoted, “Man is the measure of all things.”
They were pictures that represented ideas what the Egyptians used.
Indus Valley Civilization
It doesn’t have records and they are equal because of the size of their houses. #1. Earliest Indian civilizations to build their land in Indus and used the natural source #2. Ganges & Indus river provided water , Mountain Everest #3. Started around 7,000 BC , used river for irrigation #4. Planned city (Harappa) #5. No clear reason why fell —> Decline in trade with Egypt #6. Hinduism spread #7. No social class, 400 letter writing systems, animals major role #8. Seasonal wind Monsoons, unpredictable flood, drought & extreme flood
They study the culture of ancient people.
A person who studies human history by digging up human remains and artifacts.
They were scientists who studies fossils & analyze species interactions and reason for extinct.
ex) Mary Leaky & food prints (Earliest people in Africa in 1978)
ex) Lucy (1974, Donald Johnson discovered first female hominid , Archeologists thought she existed in early 3.5 million years ago)
It was a Greek temple built to honor Athena, who’s the goddess of wisdom and protector of the city of Athens. Within the building, there was a great statue of Athena.
The king of the Greek gods. God of sky and thunder, who lives in Mount Olympus with Hera.
He was one of Plato’s brightest students. He opened his own school in Athens called Lyceum and said, “He who studies how things originate…will achieve the clearest view of them”
They are possible relatives of the Bronze Age Greeks. They were less developed than Mycenaeans, so they left no written records behind.
Siddhartha Gautama
The founder of Buddhism. He was born in the wealthy family and when he snuck out (age 29), after seeing all the sadness in the world, he tries to achieve enlightenment. He later does and is known as Buddha which means “the enlightened one”.
He creates a covenant with god that if he left his house, god would provide him with a nation. He was the first person to teach monotheism to the people. To prove his faith in god, Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac and when he attempted to do so, god said that his son would be spared.
The capital of Assyria established by King Sennacherib. It was the largest city of it’s day and had the world’s largest library which contained 20,000 clay tablets.
He was an Assyrian King.
- Very brutal , Brag about the cities he destroyed
- Conquered 89 cities, 820 villages
- Art & amp; Architecture reached peak
- Assassinated by oldest son
Cyrus the Great
He was a Persian King.
- Military genius who conquered a lot of lands
- Controlled 2,000 miles
- Expert in controlling empires (tolerate the cultures and customs)
- Less likely to revolt
They were people who’re from the Persian Empire that collected tributes, administered justice, raised taxes for the army & led the army in their provinces.
It is a game that started in India and was later adopted by the Persian Empire.
The powerful one - Queen
The LEAST powerful one - King & pawns
Zoroaster (religion)
A founder of the Zoroastrianism.
He believes that earth is a battleground of good vs evil.
He teaches the belief in one god, Ahura Mazda, who will judge everyone at the end of time. Followers are called Parsis.
“Scientology” started in 1954 by science fiction writer L.Ron Hubbard. It is now recognized as an official religion in the US, but considered as a dangerous cult in most of Western Europe. It has a lot of cult like aspects because it requires an expensive fee and if someone leaves the church, the current members couldn’t talk to them anymore.
A religion started in the 1930s in Jamaica by Marcus Garvey. They believed in the bible with a mix of old African tales. They believed the Ethiopia was the promised land. They were also vegetarians and believed that nature was a important part to their spirituality and smokes marijuana.
King Nebuchadnezzar
The Chaldeans made Babylon their capital. A Chaldean King named Nebuchadnezzar restored the city with hanging gardens. These gardens were so beautiful, Greek scholars later listed them as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
The Persian empire moved it’s capital from Susa to Persepolis. (*Meaning “city of Persians”)
- It was burned down by Alexander the Great. He sent his army to Persepolis in the year 330 BC by the “Royal Road”
Attila the Hun
A military leader of the Huns. Attila united the Huns in A.D 444; plunders 70 cities in the East.
The Roman Emperor Constantine becomes emperor of Western Empire in A.D 312 Seizes Eastern Empire in A.D 324 and moves the roman capital to Byzantium. This was later renamed Constantinople.
Ides of March
The death of Julius Caesar because of a bunch of senates who feared of a tyrannical government. He was stabbed 23 times.
The coin of ancient Rome. This made trade easier.
Consul (in Rome)
They’re the main 2 leaders of the Roman empire.
One - to lead the military
Two - to direct the government.
A roman mythical god. Son of Zeus and a latin princess. Emperor Commodus liked to depict himself as Hercules.
Roman general who defeats hannibal in 202 BC.
Delian League
Athens were the leader who helped Athens prosper by getting moneys from it.
Association of Greek city-states —> fight against Persians
Brutus and Cassias
Main leader of the Ides of March , Brutus became the leader of senates.
Marcus Aurelius
Final Emperor of the Pax Romana, Kept the Rome prosperous and wealthy.
Ancient Sumerians
First developer of the city - state
- Believed in more than one god (Polytheism)
- Mostly labored
- Invented the wheel, developed number from 1-60, Wrote - - Cuneiform
- Sargon adopted Sumerian cultures and developed the first empire (2350 BC)
Homo erectus
Upright man, more advanced than homo Habilis, migrated from Africa, first one to use fire, may have developed the first spoken LANGUAGE.
Homo Sapien
People today just like us, called the “wise man,” used tools and fires, and had larger brain than Homo Erectus.
The Caste System (Hinduism)
System where people are born into a certain class
- Changes who they can marry, jobs
- Still exists in India
- Brahmins (Priest) —> Kshatriyas (Warriors & rulers) —> Vaisyas (skilled traders, merchants, minor officials) —> Sudras (unskilled workers) —> Dalits (Untouchables)
Belief in more than one god
Ex) all other than 3 monotheistic religion
Belief in one god (Abraham)
Ex) Judaism, Christianity, Islam
Slash and Burn Agriculture
Clear land through cutting and burning trees, 1-2 years new soil —> Causes deforestation & Soil erosion (Central Africa, Northern South America)
Epic of Gilgamesh
Narrative poem written before 2000 BC
- Use to study Sumerian culture
- Unclear if Gilgamesh Existed
- The first half of the story : discusses Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, and Enkidu, a wild man created by the gods to stop Gilgamesh from oppressing the people of Uruk.
- In the second half of the epic : distress about Enkidu’s death causes Gilgamesh to undertake a long journey to discover “the secret of eternal life”.
Philip II
A Macedonian king that was also Alexander the Greats father. He was a ruler, brilliant general and had dreams of controlling Greece.
Questioning, Self examination of values and actions
- Convicted of corrupting young people , sentenced to death at 399 B.C. (Drinking hemlock 70)
- Socratic method (Questioning the object and conversation)
- Inductive (specific to general) & Deductive reasoning (sherlock)
“All I know is that I know nothing”
Tribunes (in Rome)
Representative of the Plebeians
One of the first groups to battle for the power of Rome along side the Latin’s and Greeks. They were native to northern Italy and influenced Roman civilization. The Etruscan kings began to rule Rome Kings build Rome’s first temples and public centers. (Later overthrown)
Gallic Wars
- At the battle of Alesia the is at a turning point. The Romans 60,000 vs. 180,000 still manage to defeat the Gauls. - Hundreds of thousands of Gauls killed.
student of Socrates; writes “the republic” - an ideal society & “the Apology”
A formation of soldiers with spears and shields used by the Spartans. They protected each other and made their shields overlap to protect themselves.
King Leonidas
Warrior king of Sparta. Led during the second war,
- Dies at Battle of Thermopylae
He is the original historian, also known as “the father of history”.
He accurately estimated the value of pi. He invented the Archimedes screw, a device that raised water from the ground.
Epicurus found the school of Epicureanism
- Gods had no interest in human ruled the universe
- Only a thing with 5 senses are real
- Main goal of human is to achieve harmony of body and mind
- Epicurean —> Person devoted in pursuing human pleasure
Darius I
He was the 3rd king of the Persian Empire. Also called Darius the Great and he ruled the empire at it’s peak.
Prominent Athenian tactician. A key character to protect Ancient Greece from Persian threats. It was his idea to defend Athens by attacking the Persians at sea, forcing them to fight tin narrow waters.
Direct Democracy
It is a form of government where the people have all the power and gets to make decisions.
The Republic
Written by Plato about an ideal society : perfect government, NOT a democracy, rather divide in to three main classes of people.
Greek Tragedy
it tells the story of heroes downfall; themes of love, hate, war
Battle of Chaeronea
Philip the II lead Macedonians to decisively defeat the Greeks. In this battle Alexander proves his worth. This helped the creation of the League of the Corinth’s which helped the Macedonians.
People engaged in a fight to the deaths as public entertainment for ancient
Romans. Some became gladiators on free will or were forced.
Heliocentric / Geocentric
Heliocentric - the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the sun at the center of the solar system.
Geocentric - a description of the cosmos where Earth is at the orbital center of all celestial bodies.
Ice Man
He was discovered by two German hikers who accidentally discovered the 5000 year old body. He had many tools and a long bow which helped historians learn a lot about his time.
A - Advanced cities S - Specialized workers C - Complex Institutions R - Record Keeping A - Advanced technology
He lead Athens during it’s golden age.
He had a lot of support from the public and his basic three goals were:
1. Strengthening the Athenian democracy
2. Keeping the empire strong
3. To Leave a legacy of the glorious city
A cruel and oppressive leader.
Inflation is when the amount of money increases and the value goes down. This creates economic turmoil.
A man from ancient Rome that wrote the Aeneid which is a book based off of The
epics of Homer.
Pax Romana
Rome peace. A time of peace and prosperity of Rome. Started with Octavian and ends with Marcus Aurelius.
Second Trimvirate
This triumvirate consists out of Octavian, Mark Antony, and Marcus Aurelius. At first M. Antony and Octavian joins forced to drive Marcus Aurelius out of power. Then, Octavian uses M.Antony’s will to turn the people against him. This lead to the suicide of M.Antony and his lover, Cleopatra.
Tiberius & Gaius
The two brothers tried to help the poor in the Roman empire because the gap between the rich and the poor were getting larger. However, they ended up getting murdered.
The great Carthage general. He is sworn to hate Rome by his father and later looses to Rome’s Scipio. It was his idea to travel through the Alps and attack Rome with many elephants.
They are structures to bring water into cities and towns in the Roman empire.
Romulus Augustulus
The last emperor of the Roman Empire. He became king at age 14 and was basically a puppet leader.
He first started to persecute lots of Christians, so he was considered one of the bad emperors.
They are large buildings at the center of the Sumerian city that served similarly to a city hall. This is the place where the priests would go to worship the gods.
Ra (Sun God)
The sun god of Ancient Egypt. He was known as the king of the gods.
Paleolithic Age/Neolithic Age
Paleolithic Age - the old stone age
Neolithic Age - the new stone age