Finals Flashcards
Cognitive Psychologists would love to ____ directly how each of us represents knowledge.
A possibility for observing how we represent knowledge in our minds is the ____ approach
Refers to facts that can be STATED; knowing that
Declarative Knowledge
Knowledge of procedures that can be IMPLEMENTED; knowing how
Procedural Knowledge
The picture is similar to the real-world object it represents. It provides concrete information such as shape and relative size.
The relationship between the word and what it represents is simply arbitrary
Symbolic Representation
Some cognitive psychologists have suggested that we have some _____ that resemble pictorial, analogous images, and other _______ that are highly symbolic, like words
Mental Representations
Are a good way to show CONCRETE and SPATIAL information in a way that is similar to what they show
Make it easy to express ABSTRACT and CATEGORICAL information in a way that is symbolic of what the words mean.
Mental representation of things that are not currently seen or sensed by the sense organs
Controlling pain and overcoming psychological problems, such as phobias and other anxiety disorders
Guided Imagery Techniques
Imagery to think about various structures and processes and to solve problems in their chosen fields
Imagery in Various Fields
By means of imagining the details of the tasks in the correct order so as to remember all the details involved, brain-damaged patients can wash dishes or take medication.
Occupational Therapy
People use both pictorial (ANALOG) and verbal codes (SYMBOLIC) for representing information in their mind
Dual-code theory
Types of codes
Symbolic Code
Analog Codes
Is a code that has been chosen RANDOMLY to stand for something that DOES NOT PERCEPTUALLY RESEMBLE what is being represented.
Symbolic Code
Are codes that RESEMBLE THE OBJECTS they are representing.
Analog Codes
Our mental representations more closely resemble the abstract form of a ____
Is the meaning underlying a particular relationship among concepts: [Relationship between elements] ([Subject element)][Object element]
According to the ____ hypothesis, we represent and use visual imagery in a way that is functionally equivalent (strongly analogous) to that for physical percepts.
functional equivalence
Our ____ of images and our ___ across images CORRESPOND to those of physical objects and percepts
Mental Transformation
Mental Movements
The ____ among elements of a visual image are ANALOGOUS to those relations in actual physical space
Spatial Relations
Can be used to generate information that was not explicitly stored during encoding
Mental Images
The construction of mental image is ANALOGOUS to the construction of?
Visually Perceptible Figures.
Is functionally EQUIVALENT to visual perception in terms of the processes of the visual system used for each
VIsual Imagery
Mental rotation involves ____ an object’s visual mental image
Rotationally Transforming
Mentally zooming IN or OUT to perceive details about a mental image
Image Scaling
The FURTHER away from each other the objects were, the LONGER it took participants to scan from one object to the other
A person asked to imagine a scene and then describe it ignores half of the imagined scene
Representational Neglect
A person ignores half of his or her visual field
Spatial Neglect
The use of an organized means of combining words in order to communicate with those around us.
The psychology of our language as it interacts with the human mind. It considers both production and comprehension of language
Four areas of study have contributed greatly to an understanding of psycholinguistic
Computational Linguistics and Psycholinguistics
The study of language structure and change
The study of the relationships among the brain, cognition, and language
The study of the relationship between social behavior and language (Caroll, 1986)
The study of language via computational methods
Computational Linguistics and Psycholinguistics
Properties of Language
Arbitrarily Symbolic
Regularly Structured
Structured at Multiple Levels
Generative, Productive
Language permits us to communicate with one or more people who share our language
Language creates an arbitrary relationship between a symbol and what it represents: an idea, a thing, a process, a relationship, or a description.
Arbitrarily Symbolic
Language has a structure; only particularly patterned arrangements of symbols have meaning, and different arrangements yield different meanings.
Regularly Structured
The structure of language can be analyzed at more than one level (e.g., in sounds, meaning units, words, and phrases.)
Structured at Multiple Levels
Within the limits of a linguistic structure, language users can produce novel utterances. The possibilities for creating new utterances are virtually limitless.
Generative, Productive
Languages constantly evolve
Basic Components of Words
smallest unit of speech sound that can be used to distinguish one utterance in a given language from another
The next level of the hierarchy after the phoneme
Are the words that convey the bulk of the meaning of a language
Content Morphemes
Add detail and nuance to the meaning of the context morphemes or help the content morphemes fit the grammatical context.
Function Morphemes
The entire set of morphemes in a given language or in a given person’s linguistic repertoire
The study of meaning in a language
One or more phonemes begin while other phonemes still are being produced
The process of trying to separate the continuous sound stream, into distinct words
Speech Segmentation
Although the speech sounds, we actually hear comprise a continuum of variations in sound waves, we experience speech sound categorically
Categorical Perception
We use the movements of the speaker’s vocal tract to perceive what he says
Motor Theory of Speech Perception
Refers to the assertion that speakers of different languages have differing cognitive systems and that these different cognitive systems influence the ways in which people think about the world.
Linguistic Relativity
Is sometimes referred to as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, named after the two men who were most forceful in propagating it, Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf
Linguistic-relativity hypothesis
people who can speak two languages
People who can speak only one language
A second language is acquired in addition to a relatively well developed first language
Additive Bilingualism
Elements of a second language replace elements of the first language
Subtractive Bilingualism
Suggest that two languages are represented in just one system or brain region
Single System Hypothesis
Suggest that two languages are represented somehow in separate systems of the mind
Dual-System Hypothesis
____ is not a certain outcome of linguistic contact between different language groups
A regional variety of a language distinguished by features such as vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation.
The verbal slips reflect some kind of unconscious processing that has psychological significance
Freudian Slips
People tend to make various kinds of slips in their conversations (Fromkin, 1973; Fromkin & Rodman, 1988):
Insertions of sounds
Figurative use of language
Metaphorical Language
The study of how people use language
Adress the question of what you can accomplish with speech and fall into five basic categories.
Speech Acts
Searle’s Taxonomy of Speech Acts
Declaration or Performative
Mr. Smith says, “It’s important for Jack to learn responsibility. Asking him to help shovel the driveway is one way he can learn about responsibility
“Please help me shovel the snow”
“I’m busy now, but I’ll help you shovel the snow later,”
“I’m really upset that you didn’t come through in helping me shovel the snow,”
“You’re fired.”
Declaration or Perfomative
We accomplish our goals in speaking in an oblique fashion.
Indirect Speech Acts
Is an impairment of language functioning caused by damage to the brain (Caramazza & Shapiro, 2001; Garrett, 2003; Hillis & Caramazza, 2003)
It is characterized by notable impairment in the understanding of spoken words and sentences.
Wernicke’s Aphasia
It is characterized by the production of agrammatical speech at the same time that verbal comprehension ability is largely preserved.
Broca’s Aphasia
It is the combination of highly impaired comprehension and production of speech. It is caused by lesions to both Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas
Global Aphasia
Involves difficulties in naming objects or in retrieving words. The patient may look at an object and simply be unable to retrieve the word that corresponds to the object
Anomic Aphasia
Involves the formation of a mental models that is analogous, in some respects, to visual imagery.
Haptic Imagery (touch-based)
Used to explain things, ideas and actions using sounds that appeal to our sense of hearing
Auditory Imagery (based on hearing)
Appears to be more proficient in representing and manipulating verbal and other symbol-based knowledge
Left Hemisphere
Appears to represent and manipulate visuospatial knowledge in a manner similar to perception
Right Hemishphere
Refers to the use of images that represent visual characteristics such as colors and shapes
Visual Imagery
Refers to images that represent spatial features such as depth dimensions, distances, and orientations.
Spatial Imagery
Cognitive Map Heuristics
Right Angle Bias
Symmetry Heuristic
Rotation Heuristic
Alignment Heuristic
Relative-Position Heuristic
people tend to think of intersections
Right angle bias
people tend to think of shapes
Symmetry heuristic
people tend to distort the images as being either more vertical or more horizontal
Rotation heuristic
distorting their mental images to be better aligned
Alignment heuristic
distorted in mental images in
ways that more accurately reflect people’s conceptual
Relative-position heuristic