final_exam Flashcards
What is the main idea of Diane J Savino’s: The case for same sex marriage?
Who wrote The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (1979)?
JF Lyotard
What is Skepticism/grand narrative?
Not wanting to be part of/conform to the grand narrative. Being skeptical of the social norm
What is petite histoire?
Our own personal stories define our lives. We don’t have to follow the over arcing narrative. Post modernism is getting sick of the grand narratives and making your own story
What is the main idea of Pico Iyer’s TED Talk: Where is home?
What are the six parts of the international family strengths model?
- Appreciation and affection
- Communication
- Commitment
- Spending time together
- Spiritual well-being
- Effective coping with stress and crises
What is the main idea of The Motherload?
Define gender
Personality traits and behaviors that characterize an individual as masculine or feminine
Define gender role
A person’s outward expression of maleness or femaleness
Define gender identity
A person’s personal, internal sense of maleness or femaleness, which is expressed in personality and behavior
What are the four environmental influences on gender?
- Societal expectations
- Parental influences
- Influence of popular press, television, and movies
- School incluences
What is the main idea of the short film Arianna
What is the main idea of the documentary flying solo?
What are the four functions of dating?
- Recreation
- Socialization
- Status grading or status achievement
- Mate selection
What is the ideal mate theory?
Attraction is based on a person’s unconscious image or thought of the ideal mate made by their perception of certain characteristics. Love at first sight is possible with this theory
What is the parent image theory?
Freud proposed that a child forms a deep attachment to their parent of opposite sex, and chooses someone similar to them as a mate
Which two people came up with the four functions of dating?
Skipper and Nass (1966)
Who wrote the book: The origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State (1884)
Friedrich Engels
What is a critical perspective?
Critical theorists look that bad things happening within society and see that as the way that society works. Wants to fix those problems
Friedrich Engels has what kind of perspective?
A critical perspective
Engels was the benefactor of which other theorist?
Karl Marx
What is The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the state about?
He sees family as an institution of capitalism, it exists to support private property and capitalism - we used to live communal before capitalism
What is the feminist implications of Friedrich Engels?
Although he was not a feminist himself, he believed that marriage exists to control the reproductive nature of women
What is the documentary Asexual: A love story about?
What are the 8 filters of mate selection?
- Pool of eligibility
- Propinquity filter
- Attraction filter
- Homogamy filter
- Compatibility filter
- Trail filter
- Decision filter
- marriage
What is the sex ratio?
The number of males for every 100 females in a particular population
Does a high sex ratio have more men or women?
More men than women
Does high or low sex ratios lead to higher marriage rate? Why?
High sex ratio leads to higher marriage rates. This is because there’s more competition amongst men
David Buss is associated with what kind of psychology?
Evolutionary psychology
According to evolutionary psychology, which men and women are considered attractive?
Women who are more sexually desirable and healthy and men who are able to provide
what is endogamy?
Refers to social pressure to choose someone within your group
What is exogamy
Social pressure to select someone from outside of your group
What is the main point of the documentary Thoroughly Modern Marriage?
Paints a portrait of marriage disersity in these early days of the 21st century
What is kin?
Someone who you are related to by blood or marriage (include adoption)
What is consanguineal kin?
Kin you are related to by blood (your brother or mother)
What is affinal kin?
People who you aren’t related to by blood, who you are related to by marriage (your brother in law or sister in law