final_exam Flashcards
What is the main idea of Diane J Savino’s: The case for same sex marriage?
Who wrote The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (1979)?
JF Lyotard
What is Skepticism/grand narrative?
Not wanting to be part of/conform to the grand narrative. Being skeptical of the social norm
What is petite histoire?
Our own personal stories define our lives. We don’t have to follow the over arcing narrative. Post modernism is getting sick of the grand narratives and making your own story
What is the main idea of Pico Iyer’s TED Talk: Where is home?
What are the six parts of the international family strengths model?
- Appreciation and affection
- Communication
- Commitment
- Spending time together
- Spiritual well-being
- Effective coping with stress and crises
What is the main idea of The Motherload?
Define gender
Personality traits and behaviors that characterize an individual as masculine or feminine
Define gender role
A person’s outward expression of maleness or femaleness
Define gender identity
A person’s personal, internal sense of maleness or femaleness, which is expressed in personality and behavior
What are the four environmental influences on gender?
- Societal expectations
- Parental influences
- Influence of popular press, television, and movies
- School incluences
What is the main idea of the short film Arianna
What is the main idea of the documentary flying solo?
What are the four functions of dating?
- Recreation
- Socialization
- Status grading or status achievement
- Mate selection
What is the ideal mate theory?
Attraction is based on a person’s unconscious image or thought of the ideal mate made by their perception of certain characteristics. Love at first sight is possible with this theory
What is the parent image theory?
Freud proposed that a child forms a deep attachment to their parent of opposite sex, and chooses someone similar to them as a mate
Which two people came up with the four functions of dating?
Skipper and Nass (1966)
Who wrote the book: The origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State (1884)
Friedrich Engels
What is a critical perspective?
Critical theorists look that bad things happening within society and see that as the way that society works. Wants to fix those problems
Friedrich Engels has what kind of perspective?
A critical perspective
Engels was the benefactor of which other theorist?
Karl Marx
What is The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the state about?
He sees family as an institution of capitalism, it exists to support private property and capitalism - we used to live communal before capitalism
What is the feminist implications of Friedrich Engels?
Although he was not a feminist himself, he believed that marriage exists to control the reproductive nature of women
What is the documentary Asexual: A love story about?
What are the 8 filters of mate selection?
- Pool of eligibility
- Propinquity filter
- Attraction filter
- Homogamy filter
- Compatibility filter
- Trail filter
- Decision filter
- marriage
What is the sex ratio?
The number of males for every 100 females in a particular population
Does a high sex ratio have more men or women?
More men than women
Does high or low sex ratios lead to higher marriage rate? Why?
High sex ratio leads to higher marriage rates. This is because there’s more competition amongst men
David Buss is associated with what kind of psychology?
Evolutionary psychology
According to evolutionary psychology, which men and women are considered attractive?
Women who are more sexually desirable and healthy and men who are able to provide
what is endogamy?
Refers to social pressure to choose someone within your group
What is exogamy
Social pressure to select someone from outside of your group
What is the main point of the documentary Thoroughly Modern Marriage?
Paints a portrait of marriage disersity in these early days of the 21st century
What is kin?
Someone who you are related to by blood or marriage (include adoption)
What is consanguineal kin?
Kin you are related to by blood (your brother or mother)
What is affinal kin?
People who you aren’t related to by blood, who you are related to by marriage (your brother in law or sister in law
What is the nuclear family?
Mother, father, and children
What is the extended family?
Other generations
Who wrote world revolution and Family Patterns?
William Goode
What is the book World Revolution and Family Patterns about?
The transition from advanced agriculture societies to industrial societies. The move from big extended families in the agricultural society to the nuclear family
Why did we watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding?
Because it is about the tension between the modern nuclear family and the extended family
Which book did Carle Zimmerman write?
Family and Civilization (1947)
What is Family and Civilization (1947) about?
Talks about three different kinds of families in history, trustee families, domestic families, and atomistic families. It talks about the tension between the power of the state and the power of the family
What is the trustee family?
Large family like a tribe, there is an extended network of kin with one person in authority. The state is non-existent and the functions are taken care of by the family
What is the domestic family?
More of a balance between the state and the family. Cliché 1950s North American family
What is the atomistic family?
Today’s family. Everything is taken care of by the state, lots of support like women’s shelters
Which kind of family did Zimmerman think was the best?
He thought the domestic family was the best
Who wrote the book The Division of Labour in Society (1893)?
Émile Durkheim
Who is considered the father of sociology?
Émile Durkheim
Who was the big three figures of classic sociology?
- Émile Durkheim
- Karl Marx
- Max Weber
What kind of theorist was Durkheim?
A consensus theorist
What do consensus theorists beleive?
They look at how societies come together and would wonder why we have less conflict. How does society find solidarity
What does the division of labour in society (1893) talk about?
Talks about specialization and the division of labor as being the source of solidarity. The division of labor extends itself to emotions, relationship labor, and intimacy labor
What is A Durkheimian Extension?
The division of labor and specialists lower the amount of conflict between people. We rely on each other and the pressure isn’t solely on your significant other or family. We have to connect with everyone and rely on everyone since we have to go to a bunch of different people for labor
What is Eric Dishman’s TED talk “Take Health Care off the Mainframe” about?
It’s about the centralization of healthcare and how it is like an assembly line
What does the section “Go with the Flow” from the textbook talk about?
It illustrates a big change in the family dynamics (retiring changing how a couple gets along
What does the film “Farewell Oak Street” (1953) talk about?
It talks about the struggles of lower income families and the introduction of housing projects
What is relative poverty?
You are poor in comparison to someone else
What is absolute poverty?
Fixed target, a specific income threshold
Making it to the top of the hierarchy by working hard and being smart is what?
A meritocracy
Social _________ is a cornerstone of a capitalistic society
What is societal influences?
When you’re talking about something bigger than you (getting laid of because of a recession)
What is individual influences?
Things about yourself personally (education, employability, etc.)
What is the working poor?
You work hard yet you are still poor
What are marital effects of families in poverty?
The stress and strain that comes with poverty making it very hard on the family
Divorced mothers are _________ in poverty
Why are new Canadians commonly in poverty?
They don’t have social connections, speak the language, etc. and have to start at the bottom of the hierarchy
Who was the author of “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”?
Max Weber
Who is talked about in “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”?
Jean Calvin
What is predestination?
You can see whether or not you have gods favour based on how successful you are
What is Max Weber interested in?
Ideas and how ideas influence society
What is the main idea of “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”?
Our viewpoint of the poor based on religious ideas. Being poor means that you don’t have God’s favour and makes you morally suspect
What is the main idea of William Ury’s Ted Talk “The Power of Listening”?
William Ury explains how listening is the essential, and often overlooked, half of communicatio
What is the main point of Robert Waldinger’s What makes a good life: Lessons from the longest study on happiness?
What is the main point of Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations” (1776)?
“Bible of Capitalism” - Everyone pursuing their own self-interest the “invisible hand” of the marker will raise the well-being of all
What is Karl Marx’s opinion of religion?
He says that religion is the opiate of the masses (a reprieve from the harsh life as a working-class person)
What is the documentary Generation Jobless about?
Talks about the struggle for young people to find work in todays society and some problems associated with our hiring and education process today
What are 9 ways that you can improve communication skills?
- Taking time
- Motivation and concern
- Empathy
- Content
- Self-disclosure
- Clarity
- Listening
- Feedback
- Arguing constructively
What is Dr. Gabor Mate’s Hold on to our kids about?
Talks bout peers replacing parents. Paints a picture of parents taking back power of being an authority figure for their children. Argues that many people surrender that because of the way that we live
What is Max van Manen’s book The Tone of Teaching about?
Says that parents should reclaim their natural parental authority. Seeing children by who she/he is and not cramming them into the box that you have for them. Children have a need to depend on someone and a teacher should assume that role
What is socialization?
The process of learning one’s culture. Acquiring one’s personality and growing into it
In adolescence our _______ ________ are more important than they’ll ever be
peer groups
What are three things parents can do to be good influences on their children?
- Spend time with and talk with them
- Set high sstandards, have high expectations
- Send clear messages, communicate clearly what you expect to see
What is the TV show 18 to Life about?
It’s about a very young couple getting married
In the past, what would women seek when they leave the nest?
Marriage, this is no longer the case
Why is there lots of launching and returning to the nest in today’s society?
Financial difficulty
________ ____ ______ is one of the biggest transitions of our lives
leaving the nest
The trend for leaving the nest is going which direction?
Upwards, people are getting older when leaving the nest
What is the documentary Generation Boomerang about?
The trend of people leaving and coming back home
What is the circle of fulfilment?
Honesty of wants –> greater intimacy –> a satisfaction with the whole relationship –> better sex