Final Vocb Flashcards
A lane that runs from north to the South Pole
Prime meridian
0’ that runs longitude
Is at 0’ latitude
Thematic map
A map that shows a particular theme or topic
Physical map
Relative location
Where a place is located in relation to another place
Absolute location
The precise point where a place Is located on earth
Developing country
A poor country with a less advanced economy .
in general developing countries are trying to increase their industries and improve life for their people done
Developed country
A Wealth country with an advanced economy
developed countries have many industries and provide a comfortable way of life for most of their people
The using up of goods and services
this term is also used to describe the purchase and use of goods and services by consumers
The total value of goods and services produced in a country in a year
Urban area
Living in the city
Rural area
Areas that are not close to the city
Capital city
A city that is the government center of a country or region
Primate city
The largest and most important city in a country. A primate city has at least twice the population of the next largest city. It is the center of economic power and national cultural
The specific place where something is located including its physical setting
The way a place is positioned in relation to its wider surrounded
Arable land
Land suitable for growing crops
Physiologic population density
The population of a country divided by its arable land
Arithmetic population density
The population of a county divided by it total land area
European Union
A supranational organization through which a number of European countries work together on shared issues
Supranational cooperation
A form of international corporation in which countries give up some control of their affairs as they work together to achieve shared goals
Centripedal forces
A force that unites people and country
Centrifugal forces
A force that divides people and country
Common market
A group of countries that act as a single market ,without trade barriers between member countries
A tax on goods that cross crown try borders
Comparative advantage
The ability of ones county to produce a good or provide a service at a lower cost or more effectively than another country
To hire someone outside a company.
Information technology has made it possible to outsource jobs to businesses in other country’s
Economic interdependence
A condition in which countries have a strong economic ties depend on each other for resources, technology, trade, and investment.
Free trade
The flow of goods and services across national borders, with little or no government
The development of global society in which people, money, information, and goods flow fairly freely across national borders
Multinational corporation
A large company that had operations in more than one country
A very large ecosystem such as desert, forest, wetland, or grassland.
Each biome is a home on it own community of plants and animals
Ice shelves
A large, floating sheet of ice that is attached to the coast.
Ice shelves can extend out to sea for hundreds of miles
Greenhouse effect
The process by which gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun and keep it close to earths surface.
This trapped heat may contribute to global warming .
Global warming
The gradual increase in the temperature of earths surface overtime
This warming may be the result of natural causes. It may also be caused by human activity
Compass rose
A diagram on a map that shows directions such as north, south, east,west