Final Vocab List Flashcards
Adjacency list
A list of neighbouring vertices
A collection of unordered lists used to represent a finite graph.
Each unordered list within an adjacency list describes the set of neighbors of a particular vertex in the graph.
Adjacency matrix
A matrix where the i,j entry is true if there exists an edge between node i and node j
Affiliation network
A bipartite graph that shows which individuals are affiliated with which groups or activities.
Application layer
Top layer of the Internet
- Takes layers below for granted
- zoom, chrome, etc.
- email, file-transfer, DNS
Best response
(In a game) the most optimal response by a player to a strategy played by another. Can be determined by inspecting the payoff matrix.
The betweenness of an edge is the total amount of flow it carries, counting flow between all pairs of nodes using this edge. One unit of flow is added for each shortest path the edge is part of.
If multiple (k) shortest paths between two nodes, increment by 1/k
Bipartite graph
A graph whose vertices can be partitioned into groups X and Y where no 2 vertices in the same group share an edge
Boolean model
Model of information retrieval based on boolean logic that identifies documents and user queries as sets to find intersections.
- Preprocesses data (once)
- Query -> fast
- uses a term document incidence matrix
An edge is a bridge if its removal would increase the number of connected components
A group of vertices such that all vertices have edges to all others
Clustering Coefficient
The clustering coefficient of a node A is defined as the probability that two randomly selected friends of A are friends with each other.
Computed as:
(actual number of edges between neighbors of A) / (total number of possible edges between neighbors of A)
Component (of a graph)
A subgraph of a graph that is maximally connected
Connected graph
A graph G is connected iff for all x, y in G, there exists a path between x and y
Cosine similarity
Measure of similarity between two vectors by computing the cosine of the angle between them.
Used to measure document similarity by represneting docs as vectors.
cos(\theta) = dot product of D1 and D2 divided by magnitudes mulitplied
Crawler (search engine)
Internet bot that browses the web to index pages.
- Uses BFS on a list of start URLs,
- Fetches documents (drop if duplicate, don’t overburden any server)
- Queues outgoing links
- When done, sends document to indexer/analyzer
A path that begins at a vertex u and ends at u
Degree (of a vertex)
The number of vertices adjacent to u is the degree of u
Directed graph
A graph with directed edges
Document frequency
df_t = number of documents in corpus that contain term t
min = 1 … max = N (size of corpus)
Domain name system (DNS)
The way that internet domain names are located and translated into internet protocol (IP) addresses.
Part of the Application layer.
The DNS is reverse hierarchical so it starts from right to left and does this determination:
- so it would start at .edu and see what domain server is responsible for that domain
- then from there see what server handles the .upenn domain
- and so on.
Dominant strategy
(Weakly) Strategy that produces equal or higher payoff than any other response given a certain strategy of opponent
(Strongly) Strictly higher payoff
Dominated strategy
A strategy is (strongly) dominated if there exists a strategy available to the same player that yields a strictly higher payoff in response to every other strategy played by other players
(weakly) can be equal
Edge (of a graph)
An ordered pair of vertices (u,v) representing a relationship between u and v
Focal closure
The tendency of two people to form a link when they have a focus in common (forming links to others who share characteristics)
Frontiers (in BFS)
The set of vertices that are of the same distance from the starting vertex
Game theory
Study of strategic interaction amongst a group of rational agents.
A set of vertices and a set of edges
The tendency for people to seek out or be attracted to those who are similar to themselves.
When the actual number of cross edges is less than the expected number of cross edges