Final, Vocab Flashcards
Competitive Equilibrium
An equilibrium condition where the interaction of profit-maximizing producers and utility-maximizing consumers in competitive markets with freely determined prices will give rise to an equilibrium price. At this equilibrium price, the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded.
While the basic supply and demand model is based on individual consumer and firm behavior, the competitive equilibrium model is based on the behavior of aggregate consumers and firms in competitive markets. It can be used to predict the equilibrium price and total quantity in the market, as well as the quantity consumed by each individual and output per firm.
Pareto Domination
Through “feasible alternatives”: Option A Pareto-dominates alternative B if nobody prefers B to A and at least one person prefers A to B.
Pareto Eff.
Feasible alternative A is Pareto efficient if no feasible alternative Pareto dominates A.
Computing Demand
Demand is calculated MRS = v’(x) = p
Production Efficiency
Endowment w = Mb + Mr + C(Xb + Xr)
Utility Possibility Function (UPF)
UPF = Ub^2 + Ur^2 = S(Xb,Xr) + w
Social indifference curves of a Utilitarian Social Welfare Function.
The social indifference curves of a utilitarian social welfare function are straight lines
with a slope of -1. Due to the symmetry of the UPF, the utilitarian maximum occurs at the point where UB = UR.
Social indifference curves for the Maximin Social Welfare Function.
The maximin SWF displays L-shaped indifference curves with kinks on the 45° line, along which UB = UR. Hence, the equal-utility point on the UPF yields the maximin maximum.
Nash Social Welfare Function
A Nash SWF has the standard Cobb-Douglas indifference curves (semi-circle shape). Again, due to the symmetry of the problem, the max occurs at the equal utility point on the UPF
First fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics
Under the following conditions:
Absence of externalities
Absence of public goods
Symmetrical (not necessarily perfect) information.
The allocation obtained at a general competitive equilibrium is efficient.
Samuelson Condition
The sum of the individual marginal valuations (MRS) is equal to the marginal cost.
Conditions for Eff.
Max Surplus
In the case of a private good, surplus maximization requires the two equalities
o vB’(XB) = C’(XB + XR)
o vR’(XR) = C’(XB* + XR*)
In the case of a public good, it requires the single equality
(Samuelson Condition) vB’( x) + vR’( x) = C’(x*).
No waste of numeraire
mB + mR + C(x) = ω.
Lindahl Decision Making
Vr’ (x) = ( Sr * c ) / Ir
Vp’ (x) = [(1 - Sr)*c ] / Ip
Where Sr is the portion paid by rich, c is the parameter from C(x) = c*x and I is the number of individuals in each group.
Net Valuation
Bi = Vi - ti
Insofar as when calculating someone’s stance on a tax. Subtract their valuation of the project from the cost of the tax.
Median Voter
A median voter is defined as a person whose net valuation is the median one. To find the median net valuation it is helpful to draw a graph of the 50 people in this town and their valuations, ordered by decreasing net valuation.