Final (vocab) Flashcards
executive order
signing statements
proportional representation system
primaries (open, closed, and semi)
jungle primary
retrospective voting
re-electing incumbents when things are going well and throwing bums out when they’re not (rational or semi-rational route to good governance)
gender gap
critical/realigning election
seniority system
red tape
Federal Reserve
judicial review
political questions
original & appellate jurisdiction
majority, concurring & dissenting opinions
symbolic speech
National Popular Voter Interstate Compact
dark money
“deep state”
entitlement programs
media silos
Roe v Wade ‘73
good-faith exception
poll tax
Civil Rights Act ‘64
14th Amendment
Independent State Legislature theory
negative partisanship
executive agreement
negative partisanship
‘faithless’ electors
wedge issue
PACs & super-PACs
ranking member
spoils system
inspectors general
appellate review
solicitor general
originalism/original intent
defamation (slander & libel)
Shelby Co v Holder ‘13
astroturf orgs
iron triangles
SLAPS (Miller test)
a test the US Supreme Court uses for determining whether speech or expression can be labeled as obscene, in which case it is not protected by the 1st amendment
incorporation (judicial)
literacy test
Voting Rights Act ‘65
affirmative action
culture wars
“cancel culture”
executive privilege
strong v weak party systems
swing states
campaign caucuses
oppo research
Abetted by huge infusions of money in contemporary election campaigns, this is a typical feature, marked by extensive research into the record, writings and background of political opponents in pursuit of negative stuff that can be used against them.
pork barrel
a metaphor for the appropriation of govt spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to direct expenditures to a representative district
Emoluments Clause(s)
Hatch Act
1939 legislation aimed to prevent partisan political activity of civilian executive branch employees of the Federal Govt, DC govt, and some state and local employees who work in connection with federally funded programs
stare decisis
“it stands decided”; respect the precedent
amicus curiae
“friend of the court”; an individual or organization that is not a party to an action but who volunteers or is court-invited to advise on a matter before the court
judicial self-restraint
judges should be restrained and modest
“Republican in name only”; used to accuse others in their party of not really being Republicans
due process
soft money
the kind of spending on behalf of candidates that doesn’t come through PAC’s (money aimed at influencing the electoral process)
Revolving door
people in congress being influenced by their future employability while still being involved in politics
op-ed page
“opposite the editorial”; a type of writing in news to usually represent a writer’s strong and focused opinion on an issue
ballot curing
double jeopardy
Miranda rule
Plessy v Ferguson 1896
de facto cs. de jure discrimination
9th amendment
protects rights that are not explicitly stated in the Constitution
news silos
dog whistles
status anxiety
party platform
the “Big Lie”
Electoral Count Act run-off
Super Tuesday
a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of the common people and often position this group in opposition to a perceived elite group
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Freedom Caucus
Pendleton Act 1883
whistle blower
advisory opinion
standing (judicial)
judicial actavism
“living constitution”
prior restraint
Citizens United ‘10
a 2002 US federal law that amended the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, which regulates the financing of political campaigns
Washington Monument syndrome
faced with budget cuts, govt agencies sometimes threaten to eliminate their most popular or vital services or functions
discretionary spending
syndicated columnist
exclusionary rule
grandfather clause
a section of a law, regulation, or other legal document that limits how changes will be applied to legal relations and activities existing prior to change
Brown v Board 1954
the supreme court case that overturned plessy v ferguson
Obergefell ‘15
the Supreme Court case that legalized same-sex marriage (14th amendment)
the “4 corners of deceit”
the idea that govt, academia, science, and media are all now corrupt and exist by virtue of deceit
voter suppression measures