Final to remember Flashcards
What is a hard disk?
Hard disks consist of several magnetic disks stacked on top of each other, each with their own read write head. Each disk is connected to a spindle that rotates them all simultaneously. All the tracks lined up under each other is called a cylinder. An address consists of the cylinder number, surface number and the sector. Hard drives rotate much faster then floppy disks at around 7200 RPM. Laptops spin slower at around 5200 RPM to conserve power.
What is sampling?
What is quantisation?
Sampling is the process of periodically measuring the voltage level of a sound. When sampling, it should be done 40,000 times per second to produce a reasonable representation of the sound.
quantisation is representing the voltage level as a number using finite bits.
What is a CD? and what are the acryoynms?
A compact disk that uses a laser to read information stored optically on a plastic-coated disk; data is evenly distributed around spiral track.
CD-ROM read-only memory
CD-DA digital audio
CD-WORM write once, read many
RW or RAM both read from and written to
What is a DVD?
Digital Versatile Disk, used for storing audio and video. can usualyy store 4.75GB
DVD-DL: dvd duel layer.
Higher capacity DVD allowing higher resolution video, and can store about 25GB. Uses a blue laser isntead of a red one
What are flash drives?
Flash drives are non-volatile computer memory. They are often fitted with a USB (universal serial bus). Flash memory is also used to build SSD, which is a lot faster then hard drives. It also consumes less power then hard drives due to it not having moving parts. However, its storage units still wear out, meaning they can suffer from failures just like hard drives.
What is an integrated circuit?
A piece of sillicon in which gates are embedded. Tis is mounted onto a piece of plastic or cermainc, and has pins along the edge which can be solderd to circuit boards. Each pin connects to the input or output of a a gate, or the power or ground.
In VLSI the gates are not independent as they are in SSI. They have a high gate to pin ratio.
How does a avlue get stored in an S-R latch?
We set the value to 1 momentarily setting s to 0 while keeping r at 1. if r is 0 y becomes 0 so the state remains 0.
What do the assembly code instructions do:
BRLT: set the PC to the operand if register A is less than 0
BREQ: set PC counter to the operand if the A Register is equal to 0.
What is bit level parallelism?
Bit-level parallelism: This is based on being able to processor more bits at once. This can be done by increasing the word length, meaning more bits can be processed simultaneously. This can result in less tasks needed to be performed. Current computers compute 64 bits at once
What is instruction level parallelism?
Instruction level parallelism: This is based of being able to perform instructions that operate on unrelated data at the same time. One method of doing this is by using a super scaler processor which can recognise this situation and send the different instructions to different functional units so the instructions can be carried out independently at the same time. Note there is only one processor, but it has multiple execution resources.
What is data level parallelism?
Data level parallelism: This involves performing the same instructions on data, on different sets of data at the same time. This type is typically called SIMD and relies on a control unit directing multiple ALU’s to carry out the same operation on different sets of operands. This approach is also called synchronous processing.
What is task level parallelism?
Task level parallelism: based on the idea that different processors can perform different tasks on the same data sets r on different data sets at the same time. If the different processors are operating on the same data set, then it analogous to pipe-lining in von Neuman archetexure.
What is pipeling?
A method in von neaumon architecture to speed up the fetch execute cycle. It involves breaking a task down into smaller steps that can be overlapped.
What is an embedded system?
An embedded system is a computer that is designed to perform a specific function as part of a larger system. They are typically stored in ROM on a single microchip. Most digital appliances that have an interface have an embedded system.
What does FSB stand for?
FSB stands for front side bus, the primary connection between main memory and input/output devises.