Final textbook definitions Flashcards
Gender typing
Process by which children come to understand their own gender and gender relevant information
Gender Role standards
traits and chars. associated w either gender
expressive vs instrumental role
females, compassion ect
males, dominance and success
Gender identity
Our awareness of our gender and its implications
Testicular fem. syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia
1 = boys not responsive to androgens, 2 = girls androgen increase, male gen.
Timing of puberty effect
later puberty begets higher spacial reasoning performance
Basic gender identity
First label as male or female
Gender stability
understanding of the constancy of gender
Gender schema
Organized set of beliefs and attitudes pertaining to the genders
in-group/out-group schema
General knowledge of mannerisms
Own-sex schema
u kno
Moral vs socio-conventional rules
bad vs abnormal
self-oriented distress
Feeling of discomfort elicited when we empathize w a distressed other - thought to inhibit altruism
Mutually responsive relationship
parent child relationships. mutual responsiveness to each others needs and goalss
committed vs situational compliance
u know
love withdrawal, power assertion and induction
- remove affection for pun
- demonstrate dominance
- explaining why its wrong to do something
Heteronomous morality
first stage of moral dev (Piaget), kids see authority rules as unchanging and sacred
immanent justice
belief in heteronomous morality stage that poor behaviours will always be punished
expiatory vs reciprocal
- punishment for its own sake, no compliance to why the pun is being administered
- tailor punitive consequences to the crime
autonomous morality
Rules as arbitrary agreements that can be altered by consenting alterations
Inequity aversion
The preference for treating others equally and fairly, resistance to incidental inequalities
Memory span vs span of apprehension
- measure of the amount of info that can be help in the Sts
2. measure of the ammount of info that can be recalled without any active recall
Domain specificity
specialized learning mechanisms
Strategic Memory
Process involved in actively attempting to retain or retrieve memories.
Mneumonics ect
Production vs utilization deficiencies
u know
transfer utilization deficiencies
Inability to set shift due to the lack of cog. resources
Adaptive strategy choice model
strategies compete for use in children, change as they age
Implicit vs explicit cognition
unconscious vs conscious, active vs spontaneous, ect
Fuzzy-trace theory
gist and verbatim memory stores
-disintegration is the loss of the two and their association
General representation of event sequencing
Broca vs Wernicke
Broca prod, wernicke understand
Expansions and recasts
exp= responding to incorrect gram. w a corrected sentence recast= exp, but non repetetive
Multi Modal motherese
motherese, plus intentional pointing or signalling
Referencial vs expressive style
ref = using language to label objects exp = using lang to express internal states
Fast mapping
Linking a word to its meaning n one or two exposures
4 reference constraints
- mutual exclusivity
- lexical contrast
- object scope
- taxanomic
Referential communication skills
clear ability to communicate grammatically, notice gram irregularities
Synchronized motives
adjust behaviour in response to others needs (attachment)
some species, young follow any moving objects and dev attachment to it, is automatic, only in a critical period, and irreversible
Caregiving hypothesis
law of excluded middle
Temperament hypothesis
temp yields attachment types
personal agency
understanding of volitionally impact
reception of ones unique traits and attributes
present self
2-3 yrs understand present self, not any past or future relations to the concept
Proprioceptive feedback
feedback from body to locate it in space
Sense of who were are, where were going in life and how we fit into society
Evaluation of ones worth as a person based on the assessment of the qualities that make up the self concept
Achievement vs mastery orientation, 3 phases
u kno
- joy in mastery
- outsourcing for approval
- internalization of standards
Intrinsic attachment orientation
Desire to achieve in order to satisfy our personal desire for competency
Achievement attributions vs expectancies
to what we attribute our achievements, and how we expect to perfom
Incremental vs entity mindset, other name and concept
- Growth mindset, ab = alterable through effort
2. fixed mindet - ability is fixed, effort can change
Mastery or vs learned helplessness
Person vs perfomance praise