Final Test Study Deck Flashcards
The Great War / WW1
* When did it take place?
* The two alliances?
* Why did it start?
* New military tech/strategies?
- Took place from 1914 to 1918.
- the Allies (France, Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, US.) vs the Central Powers ( Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire).
- Started because of the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in 1914
- machine guns, tanks, chemical weapons, trench warfare
“War to end all Wars”
* Who said it?
* When was it said?
* What does it mean?
* Where was it written?
- Said by 28th President Woodrow Wilson
- Said in 1918, during WW1
- Symbolizes the aspiration of ending the cycle of large-scale international conflicts and ushering in an era of lasting peace.
- Written in his April War declaration
* What is it?
* Why is it significant?
* What corrupt political leaders believed in it?
- An ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-state and holds that such obligations outweigh other individual or group interests.
- A strong unifying force which brought people of a shared identity together under a centralized government during the 19th century
- After WW1 Mussolini & Hitler heavily encouraged nationalism
* Where is it?
* Why is the town significant?
- Capital of Bosnia
- The town is significant because Archduke Ferdinand & his wife was murdered there in 1914, whilst heading to inspect their army
Triple Alliance
* Who was in it?
* Why was it formed?
* What was the duration of the alliance?
- Began as a dual alliance between Germany & Austria, Italy joined later
- Formed to protect the countries from imperial powers
- Formed on 20 May 1882 and renewed periodically until it expired in 1915
Triple Entente
* Who was in it?
* Why was it formed?
* What was the duration of the alliance?
- Great Britain, France, and Russia
- Formed to to counter the threat posed by the Triple Alliance
- 1907 - 1917
Balfour Declaration
* What was it?
* When was it published?
* Who wrote it?
- British government publicly declared its support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.”
- Written in 1917
- Written by Arthur James Balfour, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* What was Lenin’s goal?
* What revolution was he apart of?
* What did he do?
- Lenins goal was to give power to the proletariat & overthrow the bourgeoise of RUSSIA
- Lenin was a leading force of the Bolshevik Revolution
- introduced widespread reforms, confiscated land for redistribution among the permitting non-Russian nations to declare themselves independent, improving labour rights, and increasing access to education.
* What happened & WHEN?
* Why is it significant?
* What does it have to do with propganda?
- British Liner sunk by a German Submarine on May 7, 1915
- It was one of the many reasons the U.S eventually decided to join the war due to a few american passangers being onboard
- caused international outrage and helped turn public opinion against Germany with the use of propoganda
Treaty of Versailles
* When?
* Why is it significant?
* Who suffered the most
- Signed on June 28, 1919
- Formally ended World War One
- Germany suffered the most (paid reparations, no airforce/navy + significantly smaller army)
Georges Clemenceau
* Who is he?
* Where was he?
- French statesman who served as Prime Minister of France from 1906-1909 & 1917-1920
- Represented France at the Paris Settlement (Treaty of Versailles)
Lloyd George
* Who is he?
* Where was he?
- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1916 to 1922
- Represented Great Britain at the Paris Settlement (treaty of versailles)
Maginot Line
* When was it built?
* Where is it (you’ll have your map)
* Why was it built?
- Built in 1928
- To prevent a German surprise attack, To deter a cross-border assault, To protect Alsace-Lorraine
Mein Kampf
* Who wrote it?
* Why is it significant?
* What does “Mein Kampf” mean?
- Written by Hitler inbetween 1924-1925
- Promoted the key components of Nazism: rabid antisemitism, a racist world view, and an aggressive foreign policy
- Means “my struggle”
* During what years was the term most used?
* Who popularized the term?
* What does it mean?
- A term that reached an all time high during the years 1933-1945
- Popularized by Hitler
- In the hierarchy of Nazi racism, the “Aryans” were the superior race, destined to rule the world (Had blonde hair and blue eyes)
Richard Wagner
* Who was he?
* What years was he most popular?
* Who really liked his creations?
- a German composer, theater director, debator, and conductor
- Most popular during the late 1800s
- Hitler enjoyed his music and works
* What is it?
* Who tried to use it?
- National policy of avoiding political or economic entanglements/conflicts/dealings with other countries
- Used by the U.S (not to get involved in wars + economic issues in Europe)
“Return to Normalcy”
* When?
* What does this mean?
- By the middle of the 1920s some parts of economic normality had returned after the WW1
- Degrees of Change - The year 1920 represented a return to normalcy
War Guilt Clause of the Treaty of Versailles
* When?
* What was it?
- 1919
- Forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I
- Meant a loss of territories, reduction in military forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers
* When?
* What was it?
- On March 18, 1938,
- Adolf Hitler announces a union between Germany and Austria, annexing the smaller nation into a greater Germany
Black Thursday
* When was it?
* What was it?
* Why was it significant?
- Oct, 24, 1929
- a wave of panic selling in NY caused stock prices to plummet
- Thousands of people from varying social classes lost their life savings
- Caused the Great Depression which lasted from 1929–1941
- Countries like Japan + Germany that relied on exports suffered a lot
* When?
* Why were they significant for women specifically?
* What was different about their clothes?
- During the 1920s/Roaring 20s
- considered the first generation of independent American women, flappers pushed barriers to economic, political and sexual freedom for women
- Their dresses were much shorter than in the past, as long as their knees
* When?
* What was it?
* What did it lead to?
- Started in 1838
- Urged moderation & encouraged drinkers to help each other to resist temptation
- Led to the Prohibition Era
* When?
* What was it?
* Why was it significant?
- 1919
- U.S outlawed making or selling of alcohol
- Caused rise in crime, illegal selling of alcohol + prominence of gangs
Unemployment Rate in 1933
* Why is it significant?
- Unemployment rate spikes to 26% in 1933
- During Great Depression, symbolized U.S struggle
John Maynard Keymes
* When was he popular?
* What did he do?
- Ideology was very prominent during the 1950s
- Spearheaded a revolution in economic
- Keynes argued that inadequate overall demand could lead to prolonged periods of high unemployment
* What 2 movements/genocides were caused & when?
* Who were the two most influential fascist leaders?
* What was fascism?
- Italian Fascist Movement (1922-1943), German Fascist Movememnt/Holocaust(1933–1945)
- Adolf Hitler in Geramny & Mussolini in Italy
- a political movement that embraces far-right nationalism and the forceful suppression of any opposition, all overseen by an authoritarian government
FDR Quote “Fear…”
* When was it said?
* What piece of work was it said in?
* What does it mean?
- Said in1933
- Inaugural address of Franklin D. Roosevelt
- The phrase means that the only thing holding the American people back from dealing with the Great Depression was fear (fear makes ppl incapable + it’s debilitating)
* What movement did he lead?
* Why did Mussolini leave the catholics alone & attack the Jews?
* What did Mussolini do with people who did not listen to him?
* What was Mussolini’s motto & it’s meaning?
- Italian Fascist Movement (1922-1943)
- Mussolini left the catholics alone because they made up 85% of the population
- Mussolini used secret police to get rid of those who opposed him
- Mussolini’s motto was “The trains will run on time” = Keeping order in Italy → threaten people into order and compliance
* What movement did he lead?
* What is he known for?
- German Fascist Movememnt/Holocaust(1933–1945)
- Responsible for the death of six million jews, romani’s, and black people
* When was it popularized?
* What does it mean?
- Mostly prominent during the 1930s
- A “fear” of foreign people
* What was it?
* What did it symbolize for Hitler?
* When was it used?
- Centerpiece for Hitler’s nazi flag
- Good luck & emblem for the Aryan Race
- Primarily used during 1933-1945
* What is it?
* What was founded upon it?
* What political party believed in it?
- belief/desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively
- Used as a principle of Fascism
- Nazis were determined that Germany be a militarist state
* What is a Nazi?
* When was the term popularized?
- Member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Nazi Party.
- Used to describe followers of Hitlers Idealogies
- Used primarily between 1922-1945 for the German & Italian Fascist movements
National Socialism
* What is it?
* When was it popular?
- Refers to the tolitarian rule of the Nazi party
- Popular during 1920 - 1950
* What is it?
* What is an example of it?
- Hostility or prejudice against Jewish people.
- The Holocaust/Nazi regime is an example
Great Depression
* When and why?
* Result of it?
- Took place during 1929–1941 - caused by Black Thursday
- destroyed the international financial and commercial network of the capitalist economies
- Resulted in lost jobs, savings, food, homes, dignity and hope
* What inspired it?
* When was it popular?
* What was it?
- Inspired by “The Origin of Species” written by Darwin published on November 24, 1859
- Popular during the 19th and early 20th centuries
- Applied the biological concepts of natural selection/survival of the fittest to the realities of HUMAN SOCIETY = caused racial hierarchy
Racial Superiority
* What was it?
* What was it inspired by?
* When was it popular?
- Belief that evolution was progressive, and that the white races (especially the Europeans) were evolutionarily more advanced than the black races
- Inspired by Darwin
- Popular during the 19th and early 20th centuries.
* What was it inspired by?
* When was it popular?
* What political party practiced these beliefs?
* What was it?
- Inspired by Darwin
- Popular during the 19th & early 20th centuries?
- Practiced by the Nazi party in Germany
- Quality of biological production = You were STERILIZED if you had illnesses
- Nazi’s systematically killed those who were deemed useless to society
* What is it?
* What is an example of it?
* When was it primarily used?
- Facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion
- An example of this would be posters/fliers used to recruit people to the army during WW1/2
- Primarily used during WW1/WW2
Joseph Stalin
* When was he in power?
* Why is he significant?
* What did he do for Russia?
- Held power between 1921 - 1953
- Created First Five Year plan in 1923
- Aim of the plan was to transform the Soviet Union from predominantly agricultural country to a leading industrial power’
* What is an example of a Capitalist country?
* What is capitalism?
* Why is Capitalism good?
- Capitalist countries are the U.S, Canada, Germany
- Private people own and control property in accordance w/ interests and supply and demand
- freely set prices in markets in a way that can serve the best interests of society
- Industrial capitalism saw the rapid development of the factory system of production
Axis Powers
* When?
* Who was apart of it?
* Who did they oppose?
- One of the Major Alliances during World War II (1939-1945)
- Germany, Italy, and Japan
- opposed the Allied powers in World War II.
Allied Powers
* When?
* Who was apart of it?
* Who did they oppose?
- The construction of these global alliances took place over the course of the 1930s and early 1940s.
- France, Great Britain + Commonwealth, Soviet Union, China, United States + Latin America
- Opposed the Axis Power during WWII
Rape of Nanjing
* When and where?
* What happened?
- China -1937
- residents of Nanjing became victims of Japanese troops inflamed by war passion and a sense of racial superiority.
- Rape of 7000 women, murdered hundreds of thousands of unarmed soldiers and civilians, and burned one-third of the homes in Nanjing.
- Japanese used bodies for bayonet practice
Nuremberg Laws of 1935
* When and what?
- Created in 1935
- these deprived German-Jews of their citizenship and prohibited marriage and sexual intercourse between Jewish people and other Germans.
Banking Failures (1929-1939)
* What happened?
- Many of the small banks had lent large portions of their assets for stock market speculation and were virtually put out of business overnight
- 9,000 banks failed–taking with them $7 billion in depositors’ assets.
* When & where?
* What does Kristallnacht mean?
* What happened?
- Germany (1938)
- Night of broken glass
- Nazis arranged for the destruction of thousands of Jewish stores, the burning of most synagogues, and the murder of more than one hundred Jews throughout Germany and Austria.
Appeasement at Munich
* When & where?
* What happened?
* Did Munich lead to WWII?
- Munich, Germany in 1938
- Leaders of Great Britain, France, and Italy agreed to allow Germany to annex certain areas of Czechoslovakia (IN EXCHANGE FOR HITLERS PROMISE OF PEACE)
- British had no desire to fight
- Hitler should have been stopped at Munich as it was obvious he would have wanted more power eventually and would go on his greedy conquest.
Sudetenland Section of Czechoslovakia
* Why is it significant?
- contained Czechoslovak Army’s defensive positions in event of a war with Germany
Neville Chamberlain
* Who was he?
* What did he say?
- served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 1937 to May 1940
- Ceded parts of Czechoslovakia to Hitler and is now the most popular example of the foreign policy known as appeasement
- Afterwards said “peace for our time.”
German Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
* When was it?
* What was it?
- 1939
- Paved the way for the joint invasion and occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that September
- The countries agreed that they would not attack each other and secretly divided the countries that lay between them
* What does it mean?
* What was it?
* When was it?
- Means “lighting war”
- method of offensive warfare designed to strike a swift, focused blow at an enemy using mobile, maneuverable forces, including armored tanks and air support
- Used in 1935
* What was it?
* Why were they significant?
- The name of the German air force
- They played a major role when attacking Britain.
Battle of Britain
* When was it?
* What happened?
* How does it connect to operation Barbarossa?
* What technologies were invented?
* Who saved Britain?
- 1940 - 1941
- Had “dog fights” - back and forth attacking (Air battle fought over London)
- Soviets now believed that they had a chance to win and the Germans had even more aerotechnologies to attack with
- The Radar was invented
- Royal Air force (RAF) saved England
Operation Barbarossa
* When?
* Who attacked?
* What happened?
* What mistake did Hitler make?
- 1941 - 1943
- Attacked by German 6th Army (440,000 men)
- Invasion of Leningrad, Moscow, & Stalingrad
- Germans defeated at Stalingrad, Russia (February 1943)
- Germans were put in prison camps and worked to the death, whole army division was GONE
- GERMANS should NOT fight RUSSIA during icy Russian winter
* What does it mean?
* When was the term invented?
- ‘Living Space” = need for Germany to acquire more territory.
- a term coined by Friedrich Ratzel in 1901.
* When was it built?
* What is it?
* What happened here?
- The Reichstag was built between 1884 and 1894.
- Germany’s parliament building.
- Abolishment of constitutional protections which paved the way for Nazi dictatorship.
* Who was he?
* When did he fight?
* What did Churchill say about his defeat?
- German field marshal during World War II
- Fought in WWI & WWII
- “But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
Gertrude Stein
* Who was she?
* What did she say?
* What does the title she gave mean?
- an American novelist, poet, playwright, and art collector
- “You are all a lost generation”
- Lost generation expressed in poetry and fiction the malaise and disillusion that characterized U.S and European thought post-ww1
* What was it?
- Nazi extermination camp in Poland, the largest center of mass murder during the Holocaust.
- Close to a million were killed there.
- Part of the “Final Solution”
Pearl Harbor
* When did it happen?
* What happened?
* WHERE did it happen?
- Happened on December 7th, 1941
- Japanese hoped to destroy American naval capacity in the Pacific with an attack at Pearl Harbor and to clear the way for the conquest of southeast Asia
- U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii
Iwo Jima & Okinawa
* When?
* What happened?
- April 1945
- Fighting on Iwo Jima and Okinawa was savage
- Innovative U.S amphibious (offensive, morally gray) tactics were matched by the vigor and sacrifice of Japanese soldiers and pilots
* When was it?
* What was it and when was it used?
- In 1941
- Japan let their armies suicide bomb (fly a plane full of dynamite with the intention of killing the American navy
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
* When?
* What happened & why?
- 6 and 9 August 1945
- U.S used new weapon the atomic bomb against the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- vaporized or slowly killed by radiation, poisoning 200,000 +
- Japan surrendered 7 days later
- In RESPONSE to Pearl Harbor
- Launched by President Truman
* When & what?
on map
- June 22, 1940
- divided France into two zones: one to be under German military occupation and one to be left to the French in full sovereignty
* When?
* What happened?
* What was the result?
- June 6th, 1944
- British and U.S. troops landed on the French coast of Normandy
- A brutal street- by-street battle in Berlin between Germans and Russians, along with a British and U.S. sweep through western Germany
- forced Germany’s unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945
- France was liberated
* When?
* What happened?
- Took place during the Years of 1933-1945
- Persecution and murder of the Jewish & Romani
- “Never again” - Holocaust musuem
- Jewish people were used a scapegoat
- 6 million Jewish murdered in concentration camps and general hate crimes
“Final Solution”
* What was it?
- The final solution entailed the murder every living Jewish person
- Death by Mustard gas, flamethrowers, grenades, electrocution, phenol injections, machine guns
Wannsee Conference
* When?
* What happened?
- Took place on January 20th, 1942
- 15 Nazi bureaucrats gathered to discuss and coordinate the implementation of the final solution
- Were transported by train to camps in Poland & the sick and elderly frequently died on the overcrowded trains
- Jews were never told their destination
* What was it and where was it?
- Treblinka was an extermination camp
- built and operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II
* When was it and what was it?
- Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service
- a division of the U.S. Navy created during World War II to free up male personnel for sea duty
“Comfort Women”
* What were they?
* What conditions did they live in?
- women who provided sexual services to Japanese Imperial Army troops during Japan’s militaristic period that ended with World War II
- generally lived under conditions of sexual slavery.
“Rosie the Riveter”
* When and what was it?
- Created on May 29, 1943
- A poster encouraging women to join the workforce and help with the war while the men were at work
Cold War
* When was it and what happened?
- 1947 – 1991
- political tension and rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union from the end of World War II until the early 1990s.
- characterized by a nuclear arms race, proxy wars, and ideological conflict between the capitalist and communist
- ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, marking a significant shift in global power dynamics
United Nations
* When was it established and whats the purpose?
- Founded on October 24, 1945 in San Francisco
- Purpose is maintain international peace, security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation
Domino Theory
* What is it an whats an example of it?
- The theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries (like a falling domino causing an entire row of upright dominoes to fall)
- Ex: Hitler blamed Jewish people for Germany losing WW1 → everything in between → The Holocaus
Fidel Castro
* Who is he and what did he do + when?
- On January 8, 1959 Castro overthrew the autocratic Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar
(whose regime had gone to great lengths to maintain the country’s traditionally subservient relationship with the U.S)
Truman Doctrine
* What is it and when was it made?
- American foreign policy that pledges American “support for democracies against authoritarian threats.”
- March 12, 1947
* What is it and whats an example?
- The relaxation of strained relations or tensions (as between nations)
- Examples : SALT I & SALT II (represented a period of improved relations and reduced tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.)
* What is it & when?
- The unified armed forces of Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1945
- consisted of:
- the Heer (army)
- the Kriegsmarine (navy)
- the Luftwaffe (air force)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
* Who was he & what did he write?
- Wrote the famous novel “The Great Gatsby” which depicts the luxurious lives of NYC socialites during the roaring 20s
- Was published in 1925
* Whats a scapegoat and an example of one?
- One that bears the blame for others or bears irrational hostility
- Example: The Jewish were scapegoats for the Germans & Italians during WW2
Cause & Effect
* Whats cause & effect + an example of it?
- Cause-and-effect describes a relationship between actions or events in which at least one action or event is a direct result of the others
- Literally cause → effect
- Ex: Hitler is invades Poland → Hitler started WW2