Final Test Review (Study Guide) Flashcards
remark made to the audience or to one character the other characters on stage do not hear
play that ends unhappily, usually deals with serious universal themes
tragic hero
protagonist, noble but has tragic flaw that leads to tragic end
Type of figurative language:
the cobbler’s words “I am a mender of bad soles”
Type of figurative language:
Brutus says “O conspiracy, sham’st thou to show dang’rous brow by nught, when evils are most free? O, then by day, where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough to mask thy monstrous visage?”
What does Caesar’s ghost foreshadow?
Brutus’s death
Act 1 is what part of the plot in Shakespeare’s tragedy?
What is the main event of the exposition?
fear of Caesar becoming too powerful and Soothsayer “beware ides of March”
What is the main event of rising action?
foramtion of conspiracy (Brutus joins), Caesar is killed
what is the climax (occurs in act 3, is in the middle, height of action, turning point)
Antony’s funeral speech
What is the main event of falling action?
What is the main event of the resolution?
Octavius is the new ruler, war ends
What are the traits of a tragic charcter?
noble, but has a tragic flaw that leads to downfall
What is brutus’s tragic flaw
too naive (too trusting, easily manipulated) and misplaced idealism
What is Caesar’s tragic flaw?
overconfidence, physical weakness
Why is the Julius Caesar considered a tragedy?
Brutus is driven by his tragic flaw leading to downfall
Why is Cassius not the tragic hero?
he is not noble, more like a villan
What tragic quality does this quote reveal about Brutus: “My heart doth joy that yet in all my life, I found no man but he was true to me.”?
he is too trusting, and believes he can kill caesar for the good of Rome without trouble
What is one quote describing Caesar that reveals his tragic flaws?
“… he was ambitious, I slew him”
What is Brutus deciding when he gives a soliloquy in his orchard?
whether to join the conspiracy
What is Brutus’s motivation for joining the conspiracy?
Caesar’s ambition will oppress the people, he will become a dictator/tyrannt
What is Brutus deciding when he says: “ And therefore think him a serpent’s egg, which hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous, and kill him in the shell.”
wheter to join the conspiracy
Why does Portia give herself a wound in the thigh?
to prove to Brutus she is straong enough to handle anything
Why did Brutus say “Render me worthy of this noble wife?”
He repects and loves Portia because she is so concerned about him, doens’t think he deserves her
Why does Calpurnia ask Caesar not to go to the Senate?
she had a bad dream, people were bathing in Caesar’s blood
What finally convinces Caesar to go to the Senate
Decius convinces him (Will look like a fool, dream was actually a good sign)
What does the note say that Artemidorus want to give Caesar?
lists all the conspirators, warns Caesar
What does Portia say at the end of Act 2 to show she suspects the conspirators are up to something ans she can do nothing to stop them?
I have a man’s mind but a woman’s might
What is ironic about the timing of Caesar’s murder?
Caesar says he will not be moved the moment before he is going to be killed
What is Caesar’s attitude as the conspirators surrond him to make a petition?
he is constant, unshakeable
How are Antony;s ture feelings about the conspirators first revealed?
He convinces the crowd that the conspirators were bad by his funeral speech
Anotony wants to speack at Caesar’s funeral, what are the reactions of Brutus and Cassius?
Cassius says no, Brutus gives him critera to speak (must speak after him, don’t blame conspirators)
What rdoes Brutus give as the reson he killed Caesar in his speech
He was too ambitous, for the good of Rome
What are the props Anotony uses to persuade the crowd of plebians?
Caesar’s will, his bloody cloak
How does Antony show the conspirators were not honorable in his funeral speech
gives reasons why Caesar was no ambitious (refused crown 3 times, gave citizens money and parks), and sarcastically says they are honorable men
Whose speech finally wins over the crowd and why
Antony’s because he questions what Brutus said in his speech, he had real emotion
The mob wants to kill Cinna the Poet, what does this show about the mob?
thye are violent, don’t care who they kill to get revenge for Caesar’s death
Who is Caesar’s official heir?
Who are the members of the triumvirate?
Octavius, Antony, LEpidus
What is Brutus relizing at the beginning of act 4?
he made a mistake killing Caesar
Why are Brutus and Cassius fighting?
Brutus accusses Cassius of taking bribes, goes back and forth, arguing over money
Why did Portia commit suicide?
stressed about Brutus, worried
What news does MEssala bring?
Portia died from swallowing hot coals
Who wins the disagreement about battle strategy between Brutus and Cassius?
What does Caesar’s ghost say
I will see you at Philippi
What is Cassius’s fatal mistake?
Believes false information and commits suicide
What is ironic about the date Cassius dies?
it is his birthday
Why does Brutus not want to be captured and taken to Rome?
better to die with honor , doesn’t wnat to be humiliated
How does Brutus know “His hour is come” to die
Caesar;s ghost appears to him a 2nd time
How does Brutus die?
suicude, falls on his own sword
Who said: “O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth/that I am meek and gentle with these butchers.”
Who said: “Beware of the Ides of March.”
Who said: “Caesar, now be still; I killed thee with half so good a will.”
Who said: “Cowards die many times before their deaths/The valiant never taste death but once.”
Who said: “This was the greatest Roman of them all/All the conspirators save only he/did that they in envy of great Caesar.”
Who said: “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesasr, not to praise him.”
Who siad: “ SO call the field to rest, and let’s away/To part the glories of this happy day.”
What did Caesar say before he died?
Et tu, Brute?
Who said: “Yet Brutus says he was ambitious/And Brutus is an honorable man.”
Who said: “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living, and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men?”
Who is the tragic hero in Julius Caesar? List 3 characteristics of a tragic hero and explain with evidence from the play, how your character fulfills each of these characteristics
(noble but has tragic flaw that leads to downfall)
Does everything for good of Rome, too naive, commits suicide