Final Test Review Questions Flashcards
Based on the following SPECI, identify thetemperature and dew point.
SPECI PADM 071513Z AUTO 00000KT 4SM-SN BR BKN008 BKN017 OVC029 M01/M02A2983 RMK CIG 005V011 UPE10SNB10
What is the ICAO station identifierfor the Will Rogers World Airport, Oklahoma City, OK?
Decode theremarks in the METAR/SPECI: CIG 005V008?
“Ceiling variable between five hundred and eighthundred”
What format appears in the date/time field of aMETAR?
The first two digits are the day of the month,the second two digits are the hour, and the last two digits are the minutes inUTC
If a METAR/SPECI reported “SHSN” for thepresent weather group, what is the intensity ofthe precipitation?
Decode theRVR in theMETAR/SPECI: R17/M0600FT?
“Runway one seven R-V-R less than six hundred”
Decode thesky condition group in the METAR/SPECI: SCT030 BKN080 OVC120?
”Three thousand scattered, ceiling eight thousandbroken, one two thousand overcast”
What term refers to the greatest distance thatcan be seen throughout at least half thehorizon circle (180 degrees), not necessarilycontinuous?
Prevailing visibility
“An unscheduled report taken when certaincriteria have been observed” describes a____________.
Decode the windgroup in the METAR/SPECI: 08023G37KT?
“Wind zero eight zero at two three gusts three seven”
In the METAR/SPECI, sky condition “SKC” is spoken_____________.
How is the temperature displayed in aMETAR/SPECI if it is unavailable?
The entire group will not be coded
What makes up an RNAV route?
Series of waypoints
The component of the ILS that gives lateral course guidance to the runway is the ________.
What DME equipment on the ground is required to respond to the aircraft interrogator?
Which component of the INS measures direction?
The effectiveness of the VOR depends upon proper use and adjustment of both _______ and _______ equipment.
Ground; airborne
Odd-numbered airways are generally oriented __________.
What is the principal error associated with INS?
Degradation of position with time
What does a GBAS navigation system provide?
Precision approach service in the vicinity of the host airport
NAVAID limitations prohibit the establishment of jet routes above _______.
The greatest impact of wake turbulence on ATC is increased separation for ____ and ____ operations.
Tower; Radar
How are MOAs identified?
Name followed by the acronym MOA
Does relative wind affect aircraft performance?
Relative wind flows in a direction ____ and _____ the direction of flight
Parallel with; opposite to
What is a phenomenon resulting from the passage of an aircraft through the atmosphere?
Wake Turbulence
An inappropriate cruising altitude for an aircraft flying VFR on a magnetic course of 360 degrees is _____.
4,500 MSL
A pilot and flight crew operating above 14,000 feet MSL must use supplemental oxygen____.
From what point of reference are parallels of latitude measured?
North and south of the equator
IfNOchangeover point is depicted along anairway, it means that ________.
The changeover is to be made at the halfway pointbetween the two NAVAIDs
A pilot has determined the true heading from Oklahoma City to Kansas City is 020°. The magnetic variation is 7° E. What MHshould be flown?
Which navigational instrument uses non-directional radio beacons to navigate?
How is the height of obstructions depicted onIAP charts?
Always MSL
Which chart furnishes terminal data for IFRflight in congested areas?
IFR Area charts
A line connecting points of zero variation is called a(n) __________.
Agonic line
Are airport coordinates found on the planview section of the IAP chart?
How many feet of obstacle clearance do MSAs provide?
1,000 feet
What additional condition must a pilot provideduring a contact approach after obtaining ATCauthorization to operate clear of clouds with atleast 1 SM of flight visibility?
Reasonable expectation of continuing to thedestination airport in those conditions
What are IAPs designed to provide?
IFR descent from an en route environment to a pointwhere a safe landing can be made
Name the 3 supplementary components of an ILS.
Approach Lights
Compass Locators
Where would you set the NAV frequency ona NAV/COM radio?
Navigation side
Which behaviors would lead a controller tosuspect a pilot is suffering from hypoxia?
Erratic headings, slurred speech
On which component does thealtimeter depend on for operation?
Static air vent
Which instrument in the FMS would containinformation related to terrain?
Multifunction Display
Which instruments become inoperative inmost small aircraft if the vacuum pump fails?
Heading indicator and attitude indicator
Which TCAS level of alerting is issued 45seconds prior to CPA?
The RMI is designed toreceive what types of signals?
Name 4 pieces of information found on Sectional Aeronautical charts (8 possible)
VFR Checkpoints Radio Navigation Aids (NAVAIDs) Airways Airports Controlled Airspace Special Use Airspace (SUA) Obstructions Frequencies
In which document would you locateoperating rules for flight in Class B airspace?
VFR Terminal Area Charts
Name 4 pieces of information contained in VFR supplemental charts (8 possible)
Airport Locations Fuel Availability Runway Info Airport remarks daylight Savings Weather Info sources Frequencies Misc
Frequencies placed just above acommunication box on a SectionalAeronautical chart are used to contact whichtype of facility?
Flight Service Station
What section of a SID or STARcontains the graphic depiction?
Can a STAR serve multiple airports?
Can multiple routes be accommodated on the same STAR chart?
Do SIDs facilitate noise abatement procedures?
Does a vector SID include departure routes or transition routes?
How does a procedure begin in a STAR?
At the designated arrival fix
On an En Route Low Altitude chart,restricted areas are shown within_______ boundaries.
Blue hatched
How is Class A airspace depicted on an EnRoute High Altitude chart?
Open white area
When sending radio communications with anaircraft on initial radio contact, what formatshould be followed?
Identification of aircraft, ATC facility, then message (if any)
What type of route is identified in the followingdescription?
High altitude RNAV route
List, in order, the four steps in the positionrelief process.
Preview position; verbal briefing; assumption ofposition responsibility; position review
The exchange of information betweenpositons via interphone or “in person” isknown as ____________.
Intrafacility coordination
How would a fix that isNOTnamed bedescribed?
NAVAID, radial and distance from NAVAID, followed byphrase Mile Fix
The terminology for stating an altimeter settingof 28.72 is ________.
Altimeter Two Eight Seven Two
What are consideredauthorized transmissions for radio andinterphone communications?
ATC or otherwise contributing to air safety and if official FAA messages are required
If you are a controller in communication withan aircraft in distress, what are your responsibilities regarding assisting facilities?
Coordinate and direct activities of assisting facilities
If a clearance is relayed through an airline dispatch office, what specific terms shall be used?
ATC Clears
Which clearance is generally the initialclearance for the pilot?
What information is provided to the pilot in aLanding Clearance?
Runway number followed by the landing clearance
Would a taxi clearance be issued by an en route controller?
A Takeoff Clearance is issued to authorize thepilot to depart the airport and preceded withwhat information?
Runway number
The purpose of an ATC clearance is to____________.
Prevent collision between known aircraft
Select the correct sequence of the followingclearance items:
- Route of flight
- Holding instructions
- Aircraft identification
- Clearance limit
- Mach number, if applicable
- Altitude data in order flown
- Frequency and beacon code information
- Departure procedure or DP/FMSP
- Any special instructions
3, 4, 8, 1, 6, 5, 2, 9, 7
Can another aircraft you are working relay a clearance to another pilot?
What is the purpose of a PIREP?
Report meteorological conditions in flight
Refer to the following PIREP to answer the question.
What is the height of the base on the second layer?
9,500 feet
Refer to the following PIREP to answer the question.
What should be recorded in the remarks section of this PIREP?
After departing OKC at 0455Z, SWA5325, B737-700, 20 miles northwest of OKC climbing through 15,300 feet, reported bases 2,700, still IMC. Light turbulence was reported during the climb from 1,500 to 3,000, negative ice, wind 310 at 28.
Refer to the following PIREP to answer the question.
What was the weather element that caused the reduction in visibility?
Are “remarks” required when completing a PIREP?
Refer to the following PIREP to answer the question.
How would the intensity of the turbulence and the altitude at which it was first encountered be recorded on a PIREP?
After departing OKC at 0455Z, SWA5325, B737-700, 20 miles northwest of OKC climbing through 15,300 feet, reported bases 2,700, still IMC. Light turbulence was reported during the climb from 1,500 to 3,000, negative ice, wind 310 at 28.
LGT 015
Refer to the followingPIREP to respond to the question:
At what altitude(s) did the aircraft encounter turbulence?
5,000 -7,000feet
An aircraft on a VFR flight plan is first considered ________ 30 minutes after its ETA.
Who is responsible for search and rescue for the Inland Region?
U.S.Air Force
Under what 3 conditions should you consider an IFR aircraft overdue?
- You have reason to believe the aircraft is overdue
- 30 minutes has passed since clearance void time
- 30 minutes has passed since an ETA over a compulsory reporting point
The transfer of search responsibility to RCC is done __________.
When the ALNOT search has been completed with negative results
What does the clearance abbreviation “PD” represent?
Cleared to climb/descend at pilot’s discretion
On an en route strip, which block contains the center-estimated time over the fix?
On an en route strip, in which block is the aircraft identification located?
What symbol indicates that an aircraft’s clearance is void ifNOTairborne by a specific time?
Which control symbol indicates that an ARTCC has forwarded flight plan information?
Red circle
Do flight strips post current weather data?
How is a strip marked to indicate that the aircraft has an emergency?
Red “E”
What symbol should be used to delete any unwanted or unused altitude information on a flight strip?
Each PIREP must include the type of aircraft, altitude, aircraft position, and _______.
When an aircraft is in high density altitude, which of the following is true regarding takeoff?
Longer takeoff roll is required
Who uses a PIREP to expedite the traffic flow in the vicinity of an airport?
On a METAR/SPECI, what speci es any weather phenomena occurring at or in the vicinity of the station?
Present weather group
In the Eastern North Pacific region, which ICAO pre x identifies Alaska?
The prefix “nimbo-” or suffix “-nimbus” are added to cloud types when ______________.
Precipitation is observed
In a wind group of a METAR/SPECI, what should the maximum wind speed be to be considered variable?
6 KT or less
A(n) __________ is a concise statement of anticipated significant weather changes that will affect aircraft operations at an airport.
In an MIS directly related to the pilot?
A ______________ air mass is characterized as being cool and moist.
Maritime Polar
An area as large as 10 miles or more of strong damaging winds, on or near the ground, is a ________.
What level of turbulence would be assigned if food services are not able to operate and occupants are not able to walk within the aircraft during flight?
What causes the lift necessary for precipitation formation?
Fronts and converging winds around surface lows
Why is clear ice more dangerous than rime ice?
Can be di cult to remove
Are cumuliform clouds associated with a warm air mass moving over a cold surface, producing stable air?
when reporting sky condition group on a METAR/SPECI report, sky coverage should be stated in same order as the __________ __________
weather observation
when reporting sky condition group on a METAR/SPECI report, state cloud heights in ____, ________, and/or ___________ of feet
tens, hundreds and/or thousands of feet
In a METAR/SPECI, what do temperatures and dew points prefixed with an “M” signify?
Below zero
Within which layer of the atmosphere does temperature increase with altitude, making it a stable layer, generally devoid of significant weather?
What would indicate a TAF change indicator group expected to occur on the third day of the month?
Which in-flight advisory would be used to forecast a line of severe thunderstorms over Nevada and Arizona?
Convective SIGMET
Often, the type of precipitation that occurs at the surface is determined by the __________.
Vertical distribution of temperature
AIRMET Tango is issued for ________.
Moderate turbulence
Aircraft performance gradually degrades and directional control of the aircraft becomes increasingly difficult as the wind ________.
Turns perpendicular to the runway
What prefix precedes the constant reportable value in feet if the RVR is greater than its highest reportable value?
A front having a steep slope, forcing the air that is being displaced abruptly upward, is known as a _______ front.
Based on the following METAR, identify the visibility.
METAR KLTS 071455Z AUTO 17005KT 10SM CLR 06/M09 A3030
What phraseology is added to announce the report as a SPECI?
”Special report”
What is an instrumentally derived value that represents the horizontal distance a pilot may see down the runway from the approach end?
How is sky coverage announced on a METAR/SPECI?
State in same order as reported in the weather observation
A forecast for IFR conditions would be found in which NWS weather report?
decode the remarks in the METAR/SPECI: PK WND 23034/43
“Peak wind two three zero at three four occurred at four three past the hour”
Within the conterminous U.S. (CONUS), which product would be issued for volcanic ash?
How is a Wind and Temperatures Aloft Forecast (FB) generated?
It is computer generated
What type of aircraft made the report in the following PIREP?
Which type of aircraft will perform better in adverse wind conditions due to its higher tailwind and crosswind thresholds?
Larger aircraft
How are temporary fluctuations in forecasted meteorological conditions indicated on a TAF?
Would a tornado require a convective sigmet?
Severe damage can occur if ________ is ingested into an engine.
Volcanic ash
What is the name given to the type of turbulence that is caused by strong updrafts and downdrafts?
Convective turbulence
What do the first two digits of an FB forecast element indicate?
The wind direction in tens of degrees relative to true north
What organization is responsible for interfacing between CWSU meteorologists, ARTCC controllers, and FAA facilities within the
ARTCC’s area of responsibilities?
Is a CWA issued for light icing?
Decode the elements in the METAR/SPECI: SPECI KHYS 092338Z AUTO…
“Hays, automated, special report, three eight observation…”
Water vapor will condense to form dew or fog when ________.
The temperature/dew point spread is zero
A SIGMET in the U.S. can have a maximum valid period of how many hours?
Do AIRMETs concern weather of less severity than SIGMETs
Which in-flight advisory would provide a forecast of embedded thunderstorms over Hawaii?
Convective SIGMETs ______________.
Are only issued for the conterminous U.S.
What is one weather phenomena that does not typically result in IFR conditions?
When a TAF is issued, where does it apply?
5 SM of an airport
What is the area identifier of a SIGMET that begins “BOSU WS 251615?
CWAs are issued for existing or anticipated adverse weather conditions within what period of time?
Two hours
A forecast of non-convective LLWS would be found in what NWS product?
An MIS is issued by which entity?
Wind and Temperatures Aloft Forecasts (FBs) are used by _____________.
Air Traffic Control
Is the stratosphere a very unstable layer of the atmosphere?
What type of precipitation occurs when there is a shallow layer aloft with above-freezing temperatures, with a deep layer of below freezing air based at the surface?
Ice pellets
Precipitation formation requires water vapor, lift and _________.
A growth process
Is Maritime Polar a front?
The ratio of water vapor in the air compared to the amount of water vapor the air can hold at a particular temperature and pressure is the definition of ________.
Relative humidity
Virtually all aircraft fly in which two layers of the atmosphere?
Troposphere and stratosphere
What type of clouds look like fluffy cotton balls or heaps, indicate upward vertical motion or thermal uplift of air, and can produce severe turbulence, icing, and other hazards?
What cloud type is usually composed of ice crystals, is typically thin and white in appearance, contains no significant icing, and is a high-level cloud forming above 20,000 feet?
What type of air mass produces stable air that is associated with smooth air, poor visibility, and stratiform clouds?
A warm air mass moving over a cold surface
A hazard associated with the jet stream is _________.
Clear air turbulence
Is Equatorial a temperature property?
Is INS a radio based navigation system?
What should the controller do when a pilot indicates that he/she will NOT accept a SID?
Clear the aircraft via the led route to the extent possible or via a PDR
A STAR is designed to facilitate transition between ________.
En route and instrument approach operations
What is a segment of an airway that is common to two or more routes and carries the numbers of all the airways that coincide for that segment?
Shared route
What basic form of navigation uses visual references and landmarks to navigate locations?
Are RNP routes fixed route systems established for air navigation purposes?
The bearing and DME frequencies of a TACAN are paired and assigned by ________.
What is the Prime Meridian?
Line located at zero degrees (0º) longitude
The ________is a self-contained navigation system that provides aircraft position and navigation information in response to information resulting from the movement of the aircraft on system components.
What happens in higher altitudes to cause an aircraft to indicate a lower airspeed reading?
Fewer air molecules enter the aircraft’s pitot tube
Is Electronic glideslope information provided in a nonprecision approach?
What component do pilots use to periodically reset the heading indicator due to precession?
Magnetic compass
What must an aircraft have in order for it to maneuver in an RNAV route?
RNAV capability
To be published on an IFR En Route high altitude chart, an airport must have a _____ or greater __________ runway
hard surfaced
What are the major components of the pitot-static system?
Impact and static pressure chambers and lines
What condition in the body exists when a person suffers from hypoxia?
Lack of oxygen in the body tissue
The maximum usable range of an “H” class VOR is __________.
130 NM
What phrase is encouraged, but NOT required to be included on a fight plan if a pilot does not wish to be issued a STAR?
What type of aircraft are CVFPs primarily designed to accommodate?
Which document would be most useful to a controller when recommending a suitable airport for a pilot to refuel?
Chart Supplement
What is required of ATC when using a Vector SID?
Provide radar vectors from just after takeoff until reaching the assigned route or a fix depicted on the SID chart
In the airport data “285 L” on a Sectional Aeronautical chart, the number “285 L” indicates the _____________.
Airport elevation
Which type of speed is shown on the aircraft’s airspeed indicator?
The FMS is a(n) ________________.
Computer database used for navigation
Are military training routes used in a STAR transition to connect a published segment to the basic STAR procedure?
What are the components of the INS?
Accelerometer and gyros
What does ATC assign to a single aircraft that is used for radar identification and flight tracking?
Discrete code
To accept a clearance for the DANDD 5 arrival to Denver, the pilot must be in possession of the ________ for that STAR.
Approved chart
Where does the intermediate segment of an approach procedure end?
Final approach fix
Which satellite-based navigation system component uses a large database to allow routes to be preprogrammed?
FMS computer
Which NAVAID transmits in VHF and provides horizontal (left/right) guidance along the extended centerline of the runway?
Which system provides differential corrections and integrity monitoring of GNSS?
The major difference between a Sectional Aeronautical chart and a Terminal Area chart is that the Terminal Area chart ______.
Provides greater detail and a larger scale
What is another term commonly used to refer to UTC?
What section in a SID consists of a narrative that correlates with the Planview?
Textual description
Which ILS component assists in the transition from instrument to visual flight?
Approach lights