final test Flashcards
Treaty indian status
persons who belong to a first nation that signed a treaty with the crwon. Through This treaty process certain rights and benefits are given to treaty first nations
Natural resource transfer agreements of 1930
allow indigenous people to hunt in sask, manit, alberta
the settlemenet of terrirtory, exploitation or development of its resources, and the attempt to govern the indigenous people
The indian act
implemented polocies to civilize, protect and assimilate the indian people
British north America act
established Canada, placed indigenous people and the lands reserved for them under legislative authority of the federal government
being alive well, an interdependent relationship peole have withteh natural world and keeping oes spirit strong
Federal government has acknowledged the 3 pillars around healthcare for indigenous peoples
o Community development as a key strategy for improving first nations health
o The continuing special responsibility of the federal governemtn for thehealht and well being of the first nations
o The essential contributions of all elements of the canadain healthcare system, including the federal, provincial, municipal, first antion jurisdiction
There are 4 essential characteristics of first nations health care
o Pursuit of equity in acess
o Holism in approaches to problems and their treatment and prevention
o Aboriginal authority over health systems
o Diversity in the design of systems and services
Barriers in health care with first nations
o Recruiting and retaining staff
o Jurisdiction roles and responsibilities
o Emphasis on curative services and physical health
Population health
more then social, economoic, environmental and cultural factors
Regulated health professionals
practice is regulated by their presepective provincial or territorial colleges
Unregulated health workers
not licenced or regulated by a regulatory body
Interprofessional education
when two or more professionals from different disciplines come together and learn from each other
the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care (IPFCC
a leading organization in the field, defined patient- and family-centered care
the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care (IPFCC),
- Dignity and Respect
- Information Sharing
- Participation
- Collaboration.
1) Effective health care teams have several important characteristics, including:
a) The ability to rehearse procedures together, like a choir or a sports team.
b) Stable membership; that is, they have the same people on the team from day-to-day.
c) Effective communication techniques.
d) The ability to achieve good results without strong communication.
2) Which of the following is likely to be the most immediate result of building an effective health care team?
a) Less costly health care
b) Safer care
c) Fewer delays in care
d) Elimination of waste in the system
5) What is a culture of safety?
a) A place where errors never happen
b) A place where errors are always caught
c) A place where all staff can talk freely about safety problems without fear
d) A place where all staff feel comfortable reporting errors only if they’re guaranteed anonymity
2) Patient and family-centered care (PFCC) means that:
a) Health care organizations establish and maintain peer-review processes for caregivers that clearly spell out the consequences for unprofessional behavior.
b) Patients, family members, and providers collaborate on the development of policy and programs as well as in the delivery of care.
c) Caregivers must accommodate all patient requests at all times, even if those requests run counter to the organization’s policies.
d) Caregivers meet with one another on a daily basis to improve their ability to function as an effective team.
) Which of the following is the best indicator that an organization’s leadership is aggressively pursuing patient- and family-centered care (PFCC)?
a) Patients and families chair all committees in the hospital.
b) The staff are pleasant and polite to patients.
c) Patients and families know whom to contact in an emergency.
d) The organization consults with a patient advisory council, comprising patients and family members who are actively engaged in all decision making around care.
5) Which of the following is NOT a core tenet of patient- and family-centered care, according to this lesson?
a) The needs of the patient come first.
b) Every patient is the only patient.
c) Nothing about me without me.
d) First, do no harm.
What are the common costs associated with living rurally?
A) Healthcare insurance, land taxes, and food
B) Gas expenses, nurses’ salaries, and land taxes
C) Travel to and from regional centers and emotional, social, and family costs of leaving home communities
D) Phone bills and healthcare insurance
Is the following statement true or false?
Healthcare professionals in rural areas don’t have different understandings of risk (including legal risks) compared to those practicing in urban centers