Final Test Flashcards
What five areas are not protected by the first amendment?
Libel Invasion of privacy Copyright infringement Fighting words aka incitement to violence Obscenity
What are the three major areas of ethical guidelines that all journalists should follow?
Good taste
What does accuracy mean?
Making sure you double check facts and have names and information right
What does fairness mean?
You are unbiased and give both sides a chance to share their story
What does good taste mean?
The writing is not obscene and that people want to read it and it is newsworthy
What are the four types of complaints in privacy law?
False light
Public disclosure of private/embarrassing info
What does intrusion mean
How the news is gathered and whether it was with consent or not
What are the three types of intrusion?
Secret surveillance
What does misrepresentation mean?
You present yourself as someone you aren’t to gain access or info
What does trespass mean?
Going somewhere you shouldn’t be especially without consent
What does secret surveillance mean?
You are watching someone without their knowledge or consent
What does false light mean and how can you use it?
You portray a person as someone they aren’t in a bad way
Publishing a photo with an incorrect or misleading caption
What is an example of false light?
The tennis players picture getting used for a scandal.
What does misappropriation mean?
Unauthorized use of a persons info (name, picture, likeness)
What is misappropriation also called?
What is misappropriation use for?
Get money or for sales