Final Test Flashcards
This exists if the amount of a good that is available is less than the amount users would want if it were free
What are the factors of production?
- labor
- capital
- human capital
- entrepreneurship
- natural resources
Opportunity cost
the value of the next best alternative; what you give up to do something or pursue something
Tradition based economic system?
social customs dictate the means of production and distribution and the choice of productive activities
Market capitalism?
- means of production are privately owned
- no restrictions on voluntary exchange
- buyers and sellers are free to pursue their self interest through market truncations (laissez faire)
means of production are collectively owned and decision are made collectively (by the state)
Mixed economy?
elements of all the different types of economies
Absolute advantage?
One country can produce more of a good than another country
Comparative advantage?
one country has a lower opportunity cost of pro ducting a good than another country
Allocative effciency
the mix of goods and services produced is just what the society desires
production possibility frontier
- outside it is unattainable
- inside of it is not efficient
Foundations of market exchange?
specialization, voluntary exchange, AND self interest
The law of demand?
there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded
Ceteris paribus?
assumption where other relevant factors or variables are held constant
Normal good?
a good for which demand varies positively with real income
Inferior goods?
goods that have income elasticities that are negative. when consumer income grow, quanitiy demanded falls for inferior goods
Elastic demand?
is greater than one
inelastic demand?
is less than one
Unit elastic demand?
is equal to one
Market response
- large initial price increase, existing sellers increase the quantity supplied by a small amount
- the high price, induces entry of new sellers
- entry of new sellers, expands supply, which drives down the price, and meets the needs of those residents
Earned income tax credit?
- refundable tax credit
- reduces (or eliminates) the taxes owed by low income workers
- if the credit exceeds taxes owed, still receive the credit as income subsidy (negative income tax)
weighing costs and benefits
fair distribution of goods and services
Pareto criterion?
a change is pareto superior if at least one person is made better off and no one is made worse off