Final Stuff Flashcards
Random Sampling
A sample in which everyone in your sampling frame has an equal chance of being selected
Simple Random Sample
A basic sampling method where a group of subjects (sample) is selected for study from a larger population, and each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
Stratified sample
A type of sampling that uses a technique in which different subcategories of a sample are identified and then randomly selected
Proportional Stratified Random Sample
A type of sampling that uses a technique in which different subcategories of a sample are identified and then selected PROPORTIONAL to the population
Cluster Sampling
A type of sampling in which clusters, or groups, are identified that are representative of the entire population, and then sampled randomly within each cluster, letting each cluster represent the population
Nonrandom Sampling
Sample that is not generalizable to the population, sample that is not a random sample
Convenience Sample
A group of people that is easy to access
Volunteer Sample
Consists of people who are willing to volunteer for a study
Snowball Sampling
Study participants make referrals to other to other potential participants`
The ability of a measure to produce the same results if replicated
Accuracy of a measure, in terms of measuring intended constructs or observations
Test-retest Reliability
A reliability method in which the same measure is given to the same people at two different times
Alternate form reliability
A reliability method to determine if the order in which the items in a measure are presented affect the ways in which people respond
Split-half reliability
A means of evaluating internal consistency of a scale that compares one randomly selected half of a scale from the other randomly selected half of the scale
Item total reliability
A means of evaluating internal consistency of a scale that compares the total score for a scale with individual items for the same scale