Final Study Q Cards Flashcards
What was the result of the 1945 Slown Royal Commission report?
The introduction of allowable annual cuts or rates of harvest.
The province divided the land base into management units (Public and Private Working circles) and used the Hanzlik formula from the US to calculate a sustainable harvest level.
AAC = ∑ (Vm/R) + MAI
What is the MAI?
Mean Annual Increment:
The amount of wood that is produced per hectar on an annual basis
The Avg annual growth of the Stand
(How much Vol. of wood Divided by the age = the amount of m^3 the tree has put on to this date.
((M^3/ha)/Age = M^3/ha/year)
Where does the AAC Come From?
Out of the Forest Act
How do we predict the productivity? Of a site
Site Index A numerical value of site productivity, height of tree, it’s a function of tree height at a specific age. So you can predict how tall trees are going to become and how big they are going to be at a certain age due to these Site Index series
( 1 is more productive than a 3)
Who determines the AAC and how often?
The chief forester must determine an allowable annual cut at least once every 10 years after the date of the last determination, for
(a) the Crown land in each timber supply area, excluding the Crown land in the following areas:
(i) community forest agreement areas;
(ii) first nations woodland licence areas;
(iii) woodlot licence areas, and
(b) each tree farm licence area.
What is an AAC? ( what does it refer to )
And what is the purpose of determining the AAC?
An Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) refers to a harvest level that is partially calculated and then further adjusted to reflect socio-economic values and issues within the management unit for which it has been determined.
Purpose of determining an AAC is to ensure that harvest levels do not exceed growing levels and that harvest levels are sustainable.
Allowable Annual Rates of Harvest are determined and set for…
- Tree Farm Licences
- Timber Supply Areas
- Woodlot Licence Areas
- Community Forest Agreement Areas
- First Nations Woodland Licence Areas
AAC determination is a 5 phase process…
- Preparation of the Data package
- Public Consultation & Review
- Analysis Report
- Public Consultation & Review
- AAC Determination and Rational Statement
AAC determination is a 5 phase process…
Timber Supply Analysis –> (Harvest Issues, sensitivities, issues) –> AAC Determination –> Appointment (Ministers of Forests)
TSA Process and timeframes
Information Report and Data package (5D) –> (Public Review)(2D) –> Analysis Report (8D) –> (Public Review)(2-3) –> Rationale Statement (5D)
= total of 22 Days
TFL Process and timeframes
(Public review of current TFL Mgmt plan)(5D) –> Statement of Objectives, options and procedures (7D) –> information package (6D) –> Timber Supply Analysis and 20 year plan (6D) –> Public review of proposed new TFL Mgmt plan (2-3) –> Management plan approval & AAC rationale statement (3D)
What are the 2 most common methods in determining AAC?
-Volume Based calculation which is based on Mean Annual Increment. -Area Based where the forest estate is divided into units equal to the rotation age.
What AAC determination method do we use in BC?
Volume Based approach (mostly) although there are a couple small area based.
Which Tenures amounts for about 92% of the provincial AAC in BC
- Forest Licences Replaceable
- TFL’s
- BCTS Timber Sale Licence/L to C
The Fall down effect
Transition from old-growth harvest to second-growth harvest.
How to fix this? Plant early to maximum density with genetically enhanced seedlings, and fertilize to enhance growth. Thinning can also contribute to the harvest level.
What is the Stumpage for deciduous trees?