Final Study Guide New Stuff Flashcards
What is HRM?
Human resources management - process of finding, developing, and keeping the right people to form a qualified workforce
What is the FLSA, Civil Rights Act, Equal Pay Act and ADA in context of HR
major federal employment laws that you must know and abide by
What does tripartite government mean?
3 branches of government
judicial, legislative, executive
What is a BFOQ? Hamilton ex.
Bona fide occupational qualification - exception that permits sex, age, religion, etc. to be used when making employment decision, but only if they are reasonably necessary
What is adverse impact?
unintentional discrimination that occurs when members of a particular _ are unintentionally harmed or disadvantaged
In addition to federal laws, most states and localities have their own employment laws and policies
Is high turnover bad and costly?
Obviously, why did you even flip the card
What is the definition of training?
developing the skills, experience, and knowledge employees need to perform their jobs or improve performance
What are common errors when evaluating employees?
central tendency error - all mid
halo error - all rated as performing at the same level in all parts of their job
leniency error - all workers are rated as performing well
What is diversity?
a variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among an orgs employees and customers
Compare and contrast diversity with affirmative action
AA - purposeful steps taken by an org to create employment opportunities for minorities
diversity has a broader focus
AA is required by law
What are the benefits of diversity
reduces turnover, absenteeism
attracting and retaining talented workers
driving business growth
higher quality problem solving
Is age discrimination common? What are incorrect beliefs about younger and older workers?
younger are lazy and old cant hang
Are women equally represented at top levels of management?
No, only about 25% of F500 c-suite
What are mental or physical impairments that limit individuals ability?