Final Study Guide Flashcards
Under the jay treaty America came out on top due to the strong bargaining position of America’s navy
During the whiskey rebellion president Washington himself lead the troop to put it down
Daniel Boone Is known as one of america’s best politicians
The alien and sedition acts greatly expanded free speech rights in the U.S.
The judiciary act of 1801 decreased the number of federal judges
Without congressional approval, president __________ ___________organized three department in the executive branch
George Washington
The brilliant and ambitious __________ ________ was appointed to be for head of state for treasury
Alexander Hamilton
A government with checks and balances as well as a separation of powers
Limited government
President is indirectly elected by the people through this entity
Electoral college
Pseudonym of new work governor George Washington
Essays compiled and published in May, 1778
Federalist papers
Used publius as his pen name
Alexander Hamilton
Anti federalist so immediately supported the ratification of the constitution
Popular sovereignty is the idea that the ultimate source of government’s power lays on the people
Changes to the Declaration of Independence are called amendments
Federalism is the unity of powers of national, and state levels of government
A ___________ is a close alliance with sovereign states
A __________ congress would have only one house
The ___________ of __________ was written by Thomas Jefferson, and proposed the creation of ten new states
Ordinance of 1784
___________ ____________ were the original U.S. Currency
Continental dollars
The __________ ____________ was a gathering of America’s greatest winds, tasked with creating a new governing document
Constitutional convention
To settle the issue how slaves should be counted delegates established the _________ _________
3/5 compromise
Alexander Hamilton’s pen name was __________
To prevent any group or individual from gaining too much power, the founders designed the national with the ___________ _____ ____________
Separation of powers
The ___________ ____________ was not well attended only five states bothered to send representatives
The Annapolis convention
A insurrection of farmers against the courts in western Massachusetts
Shay’s rebellion
A group of military officers that wanted to establish a new government
The newburg conspiracy
Resulted in the creation of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin
The north west ordinance of 1787
Greatest triumph in foreign affairs in america’s first government
Treaty of Paris
This is america’s first governing document
Articles of confederation
What were the three steps a region had to go through to become a state?
Step 1: under direct control of the Feds
Step 2: has 5,000 inhabitants, it becomes a territory with a legislature and representative to congress
Step 3: has 60,000 inhabitants, write a constitution, be admitted as a state
Between two qualities did the constitutional convention seek a balance
Liberty and order
How did James Madison win approval for the constitution in Virginia?
He promised amendments for a bill of rights, in the first session of congress
Give three of the six principles of government found in the constitution
- Republican ideology
- Popular sovereignty
- Limited government
- Separation of powers
- Checks and balance
- Federalism
What were the two controversial provisions of the propose ordinance of 1784?
The creation of ten new states, and the banning of slavery in the north west territory
The American core value of individualism never caused problems with confederation government
With the creation of the senate and House of Representatives, the constitutional convention reached a compromise
Patrick Henry originally opposed the constitution
The framers of the constitution generally recognize that man is inheritently sinful
George Washington was tempted to accept a offer to be america’s king
John Adams became the second president of America
The judiciary of 1801 increased the number of federal judges
In Washington’s farewell address he was looking not to the past but to the future
Loose constructionists favor flexibility in interpreting the constitution
Thomas Jefferson was chosen to be the very first head of the state department
Organized 13 district courts, one per state
The Judiciary act of 1789
Introduced amendments to the constitution to protect individual rights
James Madison
National government take over of all state debts
Claims to be the true keepers of the constitutional flame
Viewed themselves as the last line of defense between tyranny and liberty
Democratic republicans
Why was Massachusetts able to continue supporting a established church years after the passage of the first amendment?
Because the supreme courts did not extend restrictions from the bill of rights to the state until the 20th century
What was the most important result of jay’s treaty?
It averted war with Great Britain
Why was John Adam’s decision to pursue peace with France a politically brave act?
His party, the Federalists, preferred a war like attitude with France by pursuing peace he alienated part of his party, and hurt his chances of reelection
What did Hamilton offer the south to win support for assumption of state debt by the federal government
He offered to build the national capital in the south
Organized the executive branch into three departments
George Washington
America’s first secretary of the treasury
Alexander Hamilton
The first ten amendments
Bill of rights
Those who hold and a close reading to the constitutional text
Strict constructionists
During the first session of congress, James Madison said “we are in a wilderness without a single foot step to guide, our successors will have a easier task
Thomas Jefferson was the very first head of the state department
The judiciary act of 1798 set the number of Supreme Court justices to six
Assumption was the government’s release of all state debts into state hands
John Adams tried to squeeze in as many new Supreme Court justices as possible before Jefferson took over
Midnight appointments
Madison’s response to the alien and sedition acts
Virginia resolution
America’s somewhat humiliating peace negotiations with France
XYZ affair
Look to the future and not the past
Washington’s farewell address
Attempted to persuade Americans to take sides with the French against the British
Citizen gene
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were two very important republican leaders
Henry Knox was the first head of the war department
Hamilton had nothing to do with the report on public credit
The Federalists favor a pro-British policy
John Adams was a republican
Chunk of land in the south west that was bought from Mexico for 10 million dollars
Gadsden purchase
Mexican port city which was captured by General Scott and the Americans in less then 3 weeks
Vela cruz
Known as the path finder of the west
John c. Fremont
The climax of the most violent phase of manifesto destiny
Mexican war
Determined the final borders between Maine and Canada
Webster-ashburden treaty
Daniel Webster was the only member of John Tyler’s cabinet to resign
John Tyler was the first Vice President to become president due to the president dying while in office
The Oregon trail was one of the main trails that lead settlers west
Santa Anna was the dictator of Mexico during Texas’sfight for independence
The idea of manifest destiny is that America was not providentially ordained to possess the North American continent
Is the idea that America was providentially ordained to possess the North American continent
Manifesto destiny
Was one of the most famous missionary in the Oregon territory
The Mexican assault against the Alamo was lead by Santa Anna
The Oregon trail was the most important way for settlers to go west
Daniel Webster remained on president Tyler’s even though the everybody else resigned.
The agreement that split the disputed territories between Canada and Maine
The Webster-ashburnt treaty
President that was nicknamed “young hickory”
Jame k. Polk
The climax of the most violent phase of manifesto destiny
The Mexican war
Explored California and helped conquer it from Mexico for the U.S.
John C. Fremont
Ended hostilities between Mexico and the U.S.
Treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo
More land in Mexico in 1853
The gadston purchase
America came close to defeat here but ultimately prevailed
Battle of buena vista
Head of the Whig party and tried to get president Tyler to submit to him
Henry clay
One of the heroes of the Texas’s war for independence
Sam Houston
We’re Texans made a heroic last stand
The Alamo
Name 2 characteristics of Oregon that attracted settlers to that region
- Abundant land
2 fertile soil - Mild climate
Why did Tyler annex Texas through a joint resolution of congress rather than a treaty in the senate
For a treaty tyler needs 2/3 majority which he couldn’t get for a joint resolution he just needed the majority in each house
Put the following in chronological order: Oregon boundary, main boundary, and Gatson purchase
Main boundary settlement, Oregon boundary settlement, and Gatson purchase
What are the four main campaigns of the Mexican war?
Northern Mexico, New Mexico, California, central Mexico
President Tyler was very popular within the Whig party
President Jackson was more than willing to annex Texas
President Polk wanted to raise the tariff and do with independent treasury system
Britain wanted the Oregon boundary to be drawn along the Colorado River
The Santa Fe involved trade with Spanish
Where the spark that lead to the civil war was ignited
Fort Sumter
The first president of the confederation
Jefferson Davis
The constitutional unions candidate for president in the of 1860
John bell
The group that supported John Browns raid
The secret 6
Where John brown’s men killed 5 pro-slavery settlers
Pottawatomie massacre
John brown was a fanatical anti-abolitionist
The sack of Lawrence involved the burning, looting, and destruction of much of the city of Lawrence Kansas by pro-slavery things
John C. Fremont was nominated by the democrats as their candidate for president in the election of 1856
Senator Steven A. Douglas reopened sectional wounds by proposing the Kansas-Nebraska act in 1854.
Henry clay lead the opposition against the compromise of 1850
The Wilmot proviso proposed the U.S. Should prohibit slavery in any territory acquired by Mexico
Popular sovereignty, he resident of a territory should decide the status of slavery in their territory
Free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men was the slogan of the free soil party
To win southern support for his railroad, Steve A Douglas proposed the Kansas-Nebraska act
For a time it looked like the Whigs might be replaced by this party
Republican nominee for president in 1856
John C. Fremont
When pro-slavery thugs burned, looted, and destroy a town in Kansas
Sack of Lawrence
A Supreme Court case in 1856 that only hesitated the conflict over slavery
Dred Scott vs. Stanford
Group of men that supported John brown for a slave revolt
Secret six
South Carolina’s Declaration of Independence
The ordinance if secession
Leaving the union
Free port doctrine territory still prohibit slavery by refusing to adopt laws establishing and protecting
The real successor to the Whig party
Republican Party
Whig candidate for president in 1848
Zachary Taylor
What view of slavery in the territories was expressed in the Wilmot proviso, the Calhoun resolution, and popular sovereignty?
The Wilmot proviso prohibited slavery in the territory acquired from Mexico. The Calhoun resolution protected slavery in all territories. Popular sovereignty allowed settlers to decide the issue to themselves.
What three events during the period between May 21 through May 25 1836 expressed national attention on Kansas?
Asking of Lawrence, the sumner episode, and the Potawatomie massacre
Which was the first southern state to secede and when did it secede?
South Carolina, December 20th 1860
Why did Stephen Douglas break with president James Buchanan?
Buchanan tried to force a pro-slavery constitution on Kansas although the majority of settlers there were anti-slavery. Douglas opposed this action as a violation of popular sovereignty.
What was the single most important piece of abolitionist propaganda, what was its author?
Uncle tom’s cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe
The dred Scott decision lead to the Missouri compromise being declared unconstitutional
In the election of 1860 Abe Lincoln ran as a republican and John C. Breckinridge ran as a south democratic
Douglas believed that the issue of slavery should be decided by the settlers and their territories. While Lincoln opposed all expansion of slavery
Many northerners who weren’t abolitionist opposed fugitive slave laws. Because they thought the lack of safeguards would result in free blacks remaining free
Many forty miners travel all the way around South Africa to get to California