Final Study Guide Flashcards
The ally is a friend or helper. During World War II, France, the United States, Russia (Soviet Union) , and Britain (United Kingdom, worked to defeat Germany and its Axis partners.
Anti-Semitism is the discrimination or persecution of Jews. The Jewish people were denied political, economic, and social opportunities by people who practiced anti-semitism.
The term used to describe the Nazi master race. This race was thought to superior to all other races in physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic ways.
Axis Alliance (Powers)
a temporary alliance for combined action of political parties forming a government. this was an alliance that was headed by Germany, Italy, and Japan that opposed the Allied Powers in World War II.
Concentration Camps
These prisons were used to hold political prisoners of the Nazis. They involved unsanitary conditions and torture. The purpose was to imprison people of certain political, cultural, and social movements that the Nazis beleived to be a threat to the survival of their regime.
a facility containing a furnace for reducing dead bodies to ashes by burning.
death Camps
A death camp was a Nazi center of murder and extermination.
Death Marches
The marches were imposed on prisoners by the Nazis in order to keep them from liberation by Allied forces. Death Marches were forced marches of concentration camp prisoners over long distances under guard in extremely harsh conditions.
forcibly transport persons from one country to another location against their will by governmental authorities.
Final Solution
The term used by the Nazis meaning the total annihilation of the Jews of Europe. The final solution referred to the mass murdering of the Jews, and the Nazi leaders envisioned killing 11 million jews as part of this “Final Solution”.
The systematic elimination
of a people or nation. Genocide is the specific term that reffers to the extremely violent crimes commited against groups with the purpose to exterminate the existence of the group.
This group was the Secret Service Police for the Nazi. The Gestapo was responsible for investigating political crimes and opposition activities, and used brutal interrogation methods.
The section of the city where the Jews were forced to live. It was crowded. It had restrictions, hardships, extreme poverty, and other hardships.
Term used to refer to the systematic murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazis between 1933 & 1945. The Holocaust happened when the Nazis took over and started killing and taking Jews as prisoners, where Jews were heavilly mistreated.
This term translates as “night of broken glass”; a day in 1938 when Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues were attacked, and Jews were first deported.
The term means that prisoners were freed from captivity. When Allied and Soviet troops moved across Europe, they freed prisoners of the concentrations camps
This is an acronym for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
Nuremburg Laws
Laws that took away the civil rights and citizenship of Jews. It systematized the discrimination and persecution of the Jews.
An organized and often officially encouraged massacre of or attack on Jews. Pogrom is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.” Kristallnacht is one of most widely known pogroms. The Einstazgruppen with the help of local people conducted pogroms on the Jewish population.
The term refers to information used by a government intended to convince people and sway people to a certain opinion.
A group of people who went against the Nazi regime.
The procedure used to determine who would live and who would die in death and labor camps.
A Jewish place of worship and learning of Judaism. Synagogues were the center of community and religion for the Jewish people. The Nazis often destroyed the synagogues to destroy the Jewish people.
Zyklon B
A pesticide used in some of the gas chambers at the death camps to murder the victims of the Nazis. These people were seen as “unfit” to work so they were exterminated.
Name a person, place, thing or idea.
Proper nouns
Name a special person, place or thing, often names or months and stuff (Capitalized)
Take the place of a noun….. he she it her his they their we our
Are modifying words that describe a noun, such as size, color and number.
Show an action or a place of being
Describe verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
They specify when, where and how much. (a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc.)
a word that shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word or element in the rest of the sentence (show the position of something) “beneath,” “beside,” “between,” “from,” “in front of,” “inside,” “near,” “off,” “out of,” “through,” “toward,” “under,” and “within.”
FANBOYS—- Join words, phrases and clauses together. (and as or so because however)
Three special words that can be used before a noun. (a an the)
State an exclamation or remark!
(Usually followed with an exclamation mark)
examples: Ouch! Hooray! Oh! Yes! Wow!
Anne Frank
Main charactar, 13, Secret annex resident, daughter and sister
Margot frank
Anne franks sister, shy, 18, secret annex redsidents
Mr and Ms frank
Anne franks parents, Secret annex residents,
Peter vaan dan
secret annex resident, 15, son
Mr and ms van dan
Parents of peter, secret annex residents
Miep Gies and Mr kraler
Workers in Mr frank’s bussiness
Setting of Diary of Anne Frank
Takes place July 1942, Amsterdam, The netherlands
take a break. Drink some water. eat a snack. You are doing great!
a set of bells, commonly found in church bell towers
the act of surrendering or giving up
yellow stars
the six pointed stars of david that the nazis ordered all jews to wear for identification
plus fours
pants that end just below the knee
Green police
The nazi police who wore green uniforms
easily seen, obvious`
changing or inconsistant
Ration books
books of stamps or coupons issued by the government in wartime. With these coupons, people could purchase scarce items, such as food, clothing, and gasoline.
Black market
a system for selling goods illegally, in violation of rationing and other restrictions
suddenly or unexpectedly
A play is a drama, a form of literature meant to be performed by actors in front of an audience. (Like other forms of literature, a drama presents a series of events, called the plot, and establishes the time and place of those events, called the setting. The plot centers on a conflict, a struggle between opposing forces, and unfolds through the characters’ words and actions.)
cast of characters
a list of all the characters in the drama; the cast appears at the beginning of the drama.
the words that the characters say; the character’s name precedes his or her lines of dialogue.
stage directions
instructions for how the drama is to be performed in front of an audience; the instructions are often set in parentheses. They might even use Italicized (light and slanted) print.
a part of a play defined by elements such as rising action, climax, and resolution.
one of the subdivisions of a play: such as. a : a division of an act presenting continuous action in one place. b : a single situation or unit of dialogue in a play